The Power of Sound Baths

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If there is one thing that is common to all those who live the modern lifestyle is that life is full of stress and no matter what you do you keep finding yourself in anxious situations over and over again. Among various ways to reduce stress, one of the well-researched ones is meditation. While there are many different ways to meditate, an upcoming method is to go for sound baths. If you are wondering whether sound baths are good for you, read on to find more about this new technology. In many ways sound bath could be just right for you given that music has been used for healing even in ancient times. So let us delve into what sound bath is, how you can do it, and what the benefits are.

What is a Sound Bath?

A sound bath is nothing but a way to relax your mind while ambient music plays in the background. To benefit from this technology you must visit a licensed sound therapist. In a sound bath class, a sound therapist plays music at different frequencies while you are either lying down comfortably on your back or are sitting on a chair. In other words, sound baths help you reach a meditative state by playing relaxing, soothing, and engaging sounds. Many different ways are used by sound therapists to ensure you reach that meditative state. Here are a few ways in which sound therapy works.

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The most popular method that sound therapists use to initiate a sound bath is by playing repetitive notes on small instruments such as gemstone bowls, crystal bowls, and gongs. Different frequencies played harmoniously result in getting your troubling thoughts away from your mind so that you can enter a meditative state. The state of mind is divided into the alpha, beta, and delta stages. The beta stage is your alert state of mind and it is this state that you need to come out of. When different frequencies are played on different instruments, it leads to a change of stage from beta to alpha, where you are conscious of your surroundings but your mind is more relaxed. The way this works is that the different frequencies cause different vibrations in your body and change the pattern in which your mind thinks. With prolonged exposure, you could reach the delta stage where your mind goes to sleep, relaxes, and rejuvenates.

Harmonic Egg

A Harmonic Egg is a large, egg-shaped chamber about the size of a room. It is designed with sacred geometry and living wood on the inside, which boasts of effective acoustics. Once inside the chamber, you could recline in a zero-gravity chair while you embrace the soothing sensation of light, sound, and vibration. This combination can produce a relaxing and calming effect on the mind so that you let go of your stressful thoughts. Please note that this is a nascent technology and studies to back it up are rare, but other research suggests positive effects of light and sound therapy on various illnesses.

You can learn more about the Harmonic Egg here.

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Combination with Massage

A third way to relax and rejuvenate is to combine a deep tissue massage with sound. In such a scenario, rhythmic frequencies are played while you lie on the massage table soaked in the goodness of essential oils and the healing touch of your therapist. Deep tissue massage continues to alleviate your pain and relax your muscles, while the sound therapy ensures your mind is relaxed and you reached a state of total calmness. Frequencies from different instruments are applied to your energy points to ensure you experience the maximum benefits of the deep tissue massage as well as the sound healing process.

Why Do You Need It?

Now that you know what sound baths are, let us talk about some of the benefits of this new technology.

Reduce Stress

It has been already established that a sound bath is beneficial for reducing anxiety and stress. So, how does it do that? It is more to do with different notes being played at different frequencies from different instruments in a harmonious way that changes your brain waves. When your brain reaches a relaxing state, it induces a reduction in heart rate, palpitations, and other anxiety-related symptoms.

Normalize Blood Pressure

The power of sound therapy is also known to reduce blood pressure. If you are suffering from hypertension you might want to give this a try. When your mind is exposed to different sounds and vibrations, there is a positive effect on your heart health and your respiratory system. This effectively normalizes your blood pressure levels.

Improve Mindful Meditation

While the therapy itself can be considered as a meditation method, it is also beneficial if you want to use sound in addition to other ways to meditate. For example, if you happen to use a yoga pose for meditating, using soothing sounds in the background helps your mind get out of bothering thoughts to focus on the sounds instead. This process helps you reach a state of mindfulness.

Heal Yourself With Sound

Sound baths are a painless way to heal your mind, but if you are new to this, ensure you find a licensed sound therapist in your area. Once you attend a few classes by a qualified instructor, you will begin to notice changes in your body and your mind. Use the power of sound today to bring about a healthy you.

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