This is a one of a kind piece of music that was recorded with LOVE!   Literally…once you read how we made it, you will see why I am so excited and how powerful it is.  I have listened to it in the Harmonic Egg and it’s the most powerful session I have experienced to-date.

Frequency of Love –

Original music for promoting tenderness, loving-kindness, gratitude, relaxation, healing and wellbeing.

Music composed by Yuval Ron

Marcia Dickstein – Harp soloist

Heart Sutra String Ensemble

Whales and Dolphins calls recorded in Pacific Ocean

Whale and Dolphins sound editing: Sky Shin and Abigail Shelton

“I Love you” recordings transcribed by: Pei-Hua “Cynthia” Lin

Score and parts preparation: Yueh-Yun (Sandy) Chen

Assistant engineer: Abigail Shelton


Color Intentions: Pink and Yellow.  Could also use Turquoise or Green


“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


“That which is bright rises twice: The image of FIRE. Thus the great man, by perpetuating this brightness, illumines the four quarters of the world.”

Yi-jing, Hexagram 30  


“Love is that state of mind in which the consciousness of the lover is merged in that of the object of his love; it produces in the lover all the attributes of humanity, such as resignation, renunciation, humility, kindness, contentment, patience, virtue, calmness, gentleness, charity, faithfulness, bravery, by which the devotee becomes harmonized with the Absolute.”

Hazrat Inayat Khan


“If we only knew love, healing would be easy.”

Gail Lynn

Frequency of Love was created for the Harmonic Egg.

(c) Yuval Ron (ASCAP)

(p) Metta Mindfulness Music (ASCAP)

Original score was composed based on the sound vibrations of the words “I love you.”

People from around the world, recorded this expression of love, while they were meditating on and in dedication to a beloved being or place.   More than 30 people speaking in 18 different languages were included in the pre-production research, and in the recordings and transcription into musical notes. The languages used in the recordings were Cantonese, Mandarin, English, French, Indonesian, Korean, Portuguese, Thai, Turkish, Norwegian, Polish, Italian, Farsi, Finnish, Hebrew, Burmese, Mongolian, and Armenian. The final score includes the musical notes from the English, French, Korean, Thai, Farsi, and Armenian recordings. There are no voices or voice recording on this album, but the sound vibrations of the words “ I Love You” in all the beautiful languages.

Frequency of Love includes a sustained pedal tone of A (water element), 440Hz

From the work of Ani Williams: The Tone of A helps replenishes Iron and Manganese as its atomic weight correlates to the A tone. The A tone works with Eyes, Ears, Pituitary Gland, Endocrine system, joints and help the body utilize minerals. The A tone helps with people who lack motivation, have trust issues and have a creative block.

Mantra is Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhi

Fun fact from Yuval:

“Our harp and string ensemble for Frequency of Love are placed in the sacred space of famed Chartes Cathedral in France, and so you are hearing it as if you would have heard this music performed live at Chartes Cathedral
while you are seating in the first row!”

For more info: