As the calendar wheel turns to yet another year, it is natural to feel the excitement of new beginnings ready to burst forth into being. Our hearts flutter, our fingers twitch, and we heartily tell ourselves, “It’s time for a change…and THIS time, it will be different!” As we gaze into the sunlight of Newness, we make our plans and build our lists, creating resolutions so bold that, by month’s end, we are overwhelmed and ready to scurry back into our dark Oldness where, despite the pain of confinement, we have also found an odd comfort.

Why do we do this to ourselves each year? Why do we plan so big that instead of creating dreams that excite us into motion, we build skyscrapers so large and towering that we frighten ourselves before we even begin? When we doubt ourselves, we freeze and run back into our shadows of safety. In these shadows we stay small and insignificant, never seeing the greatness of who we could truly become because we are blinded by who we believe we are.

As humans, we have been taught by our very nervous systems that we need to stay alert to our realities in order to stay alive. We take inventory of our weaknesses, and listen to our fears about what we can do and about what we can’t. It is normal and natural to be painfully aware of our limits…but, what if being so overly sensitive to our limits is the very thing that defines our own cage? What if the bars only appear because we put them there through our choice to focus on them?

Our focus is the key. We typically focus on our probabilities, but not on our promise and potential. Goals and resolutions fail because we put our attention on where we’re at, not on what we can create. We fear that we will never reach what we want, so we give up trying to reach at all. We settle for what already is. But…we have the power to create whatever we want! All it takes is belief, focus, and the courage to walk toward our goal and refuse to see anything else.

But how does one shake off the old fears and doubts hard-wired into our protective nervous systems? I’m sure you all know by now that I have a tool for that! The Harmonic Egg is my go-to, since it allows me to reach a theta-state where I can be safe, breathe, and use my attention to see where I want to go. I watch my every step along the path between where I am now and where I want to be. I can show my mind and nervous system that I can safely evolve into my next version, Gail 7.0, easily and with courage. If you can see the goal, if you believe deeply that you can achieve it, and if you have the fire inside you to put your feet to the path…you can evolve into anything and attain everything.

This January, playfully challenge yourself to go BIG! You will never know who you are until you stretch your “limits” and open your cage into a realm that only you can create. If you can, set your intentions and take them with you into the Egg…see yourself as who you know you can be and watch yourself, in your imagination, get there with ease and dignity. Watch yourself attain your big goal one step at a time…smaller steps are less intimidating, and they steadily get you to your destination. Be curious, and playful, and excited! 2021 is a whole new year, Baby! I’ll see you at the top of it.