Are blood tests accurate?  Can you pick up other energies in the results?

I feel compelled to write this because of my own experiences.  And they are plentiful.  I am not even going to get into the thousands of clients and their stories.  I am just going to tell you mine.

I used to go to the 9 News Health Fair in Denver, CO once a year for a blood workup.  I felt it was my responsibility to do this in order to obtain results about my health.  As the saying goes, “blood doesn’t lie”!  Or does it?  About 5 years ago I had a blood test and then I went for a massage.  My massage therapist asked me what Polynesian energy I was carrying in my left arm?  I said, what are you talking about?  He picked up some “crazy Polynesian energy” in the area of my blood draw.  I told him I just had blood drawn and the gorgeous fire fighter that took my blood was not Polynesian.  He made the observation that there must have been an energy transfer to me and he cleared it.  I didn’t’ think much more of it, but I did stop going to the 9 News Health Fairs to have blood drawn.

I preach that everything is energy. I invite you to think about a few things with this topic.

“Energy is contagious, positive and negative alike. I will forever be mindful of what and who I am allowing into my space.”  ~Alex Elle

  • Can you pick up other energies?
  • Can other energies be passed on to you?
  • Do other people effect your energy?
  • Is it possible that your blood results are skewed by the energy of handlers of your blood?
    1. The phlebotomist
    2. The one that transports the blood to the lab or airport to be flown to a lab
    3. The radiation on a plane as the blood is flown to a lab (if applicable)
    4. The florescent lights the blood sits under
    5. The technician(s) that test the blood

“Energy is contagious: either you affect people or you infect people.”

How many of you have had test results that did not seem accurate?  Are the reference ranges accurate for your body type?

I took a “how to read blood work” course online and the information was very different for clinical reference ranges versus healthy reference ranges.  I also have watched, over the years, clinical reference ranges change and be lowered so more people are flagged as HIGH and offered medications.  Clinical ranges for diabetes and for cholesterol have both changed over the years.  Good or bad thing?

One year I had my blood drawn and it looked as if I had Leukemia.  What the what?!  Me, Leukemia?!  Had I taken the Western medicine approach who knows where I would be right now.  I racked my brain as to why the blood results were askew.  I researched the Internet for reasons why my blood results could be off in the clinical ranges.  I found many factors to throw off the numbers.  Stress, diet and hydration are just a few things that make blood workup numbers inaccurate.  That’s enough for me to say results can be very wrong on any given day.  My findings…having a laptop on my lap!  Yes!  I wrote an article about it years ago (maybe 2012 or 2013 – see below)…Laptops are not for your LAP!  The radiation of electronics can give us inaccurate blood results.  I stopped using my laptop on my lap and within 4 months my blood results were “normal” again.  No Leukemia, but that would have been a Western diagnosis.  I hope you are stopping to really think about this…what if blood work isn’t accurate?

Here is my second story about blood work results.  I started following the Medical Medium, Anthony William 3-4 years ago and he does speak a lot of truth about health and healing.  However, it’s not all accurate and many people following his protocol are sicker than when they started, AND many have had miraculous healings!   I share a lot of articles and videos from him and I have learned a lot from him.  I just take a different approach in many areas of his teachings.

I had a Lyme diagnosis at one point in life and Anthony preaches no eggs, no dairy because they feed viruses and Lyme is a virus. He offers a lot of supplements for his followers to ingest for different ailments.  I tried to take all he suggested and felt like crap so I stopped.  I do not take more than 2-3 things at a time.  Most days I might take 1 supplement or just electrolytes.  I believe the body can get confused when you dump so many things into your system.  I love my body and do not want to over work it with supplements that it may not need.  Anthony also says lower your animal proteins because fatty livers are epidemic now and ALL animal proteins have fat in them, even lean ones.  Eggs and beef contain B12 and I was off eggs for a few years and didn’t eat much beef.

I was taking B12 in liquid form (there is a theory behind the right and wrong form of B12, but not enough time to write it up now – on a plane and my battery is 10%). My blood results indicated my B12 was HIGH so I stopped taking the B12, which you would think makes rational sense.  Fast forward a year or so and my parents both passed away a few months apart from each other, I was grieving, running a business, inventing the Harmonic Egg, and trying to have a life.  Stress was through the roof…stress depletes minerals and B12.  My nail beds started turning dark blue.  I showed them to about 14 doctors over a 2 year period and NO ONE had an answer.  Some had guesses and I search the Internet for answers.  Nothing!  One day I did find some information on B12 and blue nail beds.  A medical doctor in Michigan says that 90% of his patients have low B12 and that a high level in the blood should be ignored because those clinical ranges are not accurate.  I started eating eggs and beef again.  I started taking the liquid B12 again and the nail beds are now lightening up from the very dark blue / purple they were for about 2 years.

You see how there is no one size fits all healing plan, diet or supplement routine?   We are all our own best doctor.  We need to pay more attention to our bodies and the messages it sends us.  It’s a journey to find your own healing path and that journey is both frustrating and joyous.  Each and every day is a new chapter.  We change every day…we get older, we have more stress, we have less stress, there is trauma, vacations, holiday diets, time changes, we change seasons, the moon cycle, daily weather and more….all effect our bodies.  Every day is a new assessment of how we feel.

Currently, I am doing research with a dear friend and colleague.  She and I are searching white papers, medical databases and the Internet to find out what science and medicine really know about our blood.   What we are finding there isn’t a solid answer on what type of water are we made of.  It’s not H2O!  It’s some kind of structured water, but science and medicine are not quite sure what kind.  If we cut ourselves there is not a pool of H2O on the floor.  It’s a liquid, its got what they call plasma, it’s kind of gel like.  My question, how are blood results accurate if they don’t really know what the blood is made of?   There is Potassium in our cells and Sodium outside our cells.  What kind of Potassium?  What kind of Sodium?  What does the cell need?  What will it absorb as a supplement if we put it into our body?  So many unanswered questions.  Our bodies are culmination of complex systems with thousands of functions per organ.  Are we that arrogant to believe a human mind can figure out all that is going on in the amazing vessel called the human body?

Digress for a moment.  The research we are doing is to see if there might be a way to design frequencies and use different colors of light to replenish minerals to the body.  Or, is there a way that the Harmonic Egg could transmit “energy” of minerals to the clients as they are bathing in the pure sound and light during sessions.  In my book, Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing, I do share some thoughts on color therapy and how each color has a wavelength and healing property for the body.  Why do you think fruits and vegetable are different colors?  They all have different healing properties and contain different minerals.  I have not done the research but I wonder if all RED fruits / vegetables contain similar minerals / vitamins?  I wonder if purple fruits / vegetables contain similar minerals / vitamins?  There are no accidents in nature.  I believe nature is perfect and there is a reason for each food being a specific color and what it replenishes for our human body.  Yes, we have genetically engineered foods and I have not researched if they have the same or less vitamin / mineral content.

In closing, we need to tune into US.  We need to stop and honor our body for how it supports us day in and day out, year after year.  It supports us when we experience emotional trauma, physical trauma, we eat too much, we drink too much alcohol, we take drugs, we don’t give it breaks, we don’t sleep enough to give it time to heal, we exercise too much, we don’t hydrate, we dump it in chlorine, we over heat it, we freeze it…I can go on and on.  Our bodies deserve more respect and for us to pay more attention to the messages from it.  No?

I hope this opened your eyes a little more, and I hope at least one person who reads this will make some life style changes to honor the temple your soul is living in on planet Earth.

I would love to hear your thoughts or educate me if there is something you know that I haven’t discovered.

Buy the book now – Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing