This has been on my mind for a few years now and the more I learn the more I feel I need to share what I have discovered. I have seen and experienced many, many, many (did I say many?) “healers” over the past 20 or so years. Some amazing ones and some not so amazing ones….so what makes a “healer” a HEALER?

The textbook definition of a healer is: a person who has the power to cure ill people without using ordinary medicines. What about those that have a journey to be ill? Should a healer heal them?  Is that altering a life path? The intent of this is to get people thinking and taking responsibility for their own health and well-being. I understand this is a touchy topic and that’s why it’s taken me years to write about it.

Albert Einstein says, “EVERYTHING IS ENERGY”. So, energy work is very powerful AND can harm you. I have been harmed by energy work on many occasions. Once I had a “healer” work on me and I left crying and had no idea why. It was later brought to my attention that he was going through a divorce and he energetically gave that sorrow to me. That’s crazy to think it can happen, but time and time again I hear similar stories. More recently, I had a massage and the therapist discussed her friends’ abusive relationship and her fears about money. I left there having fear that I didn’t understand and then realized it was NOT mine. This DOES happen! I may not have figured out why I felt the way I did if she was only “thinking” these thoughts in her head and not saying them out loud. Yes, even the negative THOUGHTS in a “healers” head can transfer to you when you are being worked on.  It all sounds crazy, but if everything is energy than it’s not so crazy.

On the flip side, so many “healers” are empaths and take on the energy of the client.  Many of them develop the same or similar illness of those they work on / “heal”.

More often than not, I have left “healers” feeling worse than better.   When I look back over all those years and remember all the negative conversations and complaining they did while working on me, I understand why I felt worse. They would say, “you often feel worse before you feel better” when I asked about it. I do agree that’s the case with some healing, but not when you are leaving with their baggage!! That’s not healing. That’s just irresponsible people calling themselves “healers”.

At Life Center, we use a machine / technology that’s consistent and repeatable (the Harmonic Egg).  It does not get cut off in traffic, does not have an argument with a child or spouse, does not get divorced, does not have financial issues and it does not have health issues.

Now we come to the topic of using a machine. Technologies need to be used correctly by trained professionals. They can cause harm as well when used irresponsibly by an egotistical human. I have known people to use the same technology by two different practitioners and it works with one but not the other. One person has dedicated time, energy and effort to learn it properly and how it was designed. The other took shortcuts and aren’t using / interpreting the results properly. There are people out there using technologies that were never trained and picked up the machine on Craig’s list or used from someone. I have heard many stories. It’s sad that a few bad apples can ruin a reputation of great technologies and modalities.

Technologies and healers can be VERY effective and can often help you with an imbalance, dis-ease or dysfunction without the use of harmful drugs and side-effects. Energy healing has been instrumental in my quality of life and on my life journey.   For 23 years I engaged in Western medicine for migraine headaches, even longer for asthma, thyroid issues, female problems and more…nothing worked. Energy healing is what cured me from all the mentioned ailments and much more. I am grateful for it in my life and feel blessed beyond belief. However, this is not to poo-poo Western medicine. I recently used it for a sinus issue (swollen turbinates – never even heard of them before!). The Medical Doctor was most impressive, knowledgeable and fixed my issue in just a few days. Now, the journey for me is to re-train my body to hold this healing, as a new normal, as I am NOT willing to / accept that we must remain on harmful drugs for long periods of time or for life. I don’t believe God (or whatever word you use for your creator / source) gave us bodies that could NOT heal on their own. Healing is a journey. Originally, doctors were there to help us on our healing journey and now it seems Big Pharma is there to keep us sick and to capitalize on us staying sick. We need to do some trial and error and get to the bottom of why the body is failing us. There are no “magic pills”. They may seem, on the surface, to be helping. However, they are blocking the proper functioning of the body and depleting nutrients from you so then you have more symptoms and go on more drugs for those symptoms…it’s a vicious circle. They are great for the emergency and while you are searching for the reasons you have attracted what you attracted.

In conclusion, I hope this article opens peoples’ eyes about energy work and “healers”.  Be sure you carefully interview your healer.  They should be well-balanced, have a great attitude toward life, have a great life, live in gratitude, have the ability to stay neutral while working on you and not engage in negative conversations (hopefully they are not thinking negative thoughts – you won’t be able to know this unless you can hear people’s thoughts…he he!).

One tip I will leave with you is to learn energy clearing techniques so you can clear the energy and protect yourself from others’ energies. This is helpful to do daily or more often. I do it every morning and every night.  My clients release a lot of emotional stuff at the center.  This happens with many healing modalities so the “healer” must be well-versed in clearing themselves and clearing the healing space.

I believe the future of medicine is energy healing and I just want to get everyone off on the right foot so they are aware of the benefits and dangers of this new frontier. I would love to hear your experiences and thoughts on this.

More information is covered in my book – Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing

Happy trails!

Gail Lynn

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