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Meditation Music / Harmonic Egg Wellness Music!


High vibe music with printable notes on how to use each track, including color intentions, charka affected, tones used and organs affected.



​USB Flash Drive has all 6 albums and includes:Composer / Musicians / Instruments used /Designed album covers / Color / Intentions /Key / ​Tone and medical notes for each track

​Music by: Yuval Ron, award-winning composer and world music artist. Created in Consultation with Dr. Richard Gold, MSTOM,L.Ac, and Gail Lynn, Inventor of the Harmonic Egg.

By |2021-04-30T08:10:46+00:00December 30, 2019|SOUND + LIGHT|Comments Off on Meditation Music / Harmonic Egg Wellness Music!

Intentionally Living, and how Life Center / Harmonic Egg can help!

Intentionally Living and
the Harmonic Egg

As we say goodbye to 2020 and welcome in 2021, it’s time again to think about what we want for our lives and who we want to be. New Year’s Eve typically finds many of us journaling about our resolutions…we promise ourselves that we will lose that stubborn ten pounds, hit the weights at the gym, eat healthier, write a book, start a business or find better job so that we can make more money. It seems to me that resolutions often fail because, in writing them, we are anchoring into our subconscious the idea that we are broken or not enough.  Resolutions don’t work because, underneath it all, what we ask for only reinforces that we don’t have it because we are lacking in some way.

At the Harmonic Egg, we offer a different path. Rethink setting resolutions and rid yourself of limiting beliefs that you are not enough. Our invitation to you, on this horizon of a new decade, is to see yourself as perfect. Stop letting the media, advertisers, and judgmental individuals tell you who you are supposed to be.  Stop allowing others to override your boundaries with their own perceived imperfections and realize that your life has value, and your very consciousness is precious. You are alive, and you have the ability to express your uniqueness to the world in a beautiful way.

The way to unfold your life is through intention and presence. Intend to be present to your life, a loving witness who is excited to see how you decide to create your reality. Intention is the key…that quiet, powerful voice that speaks all that manifests into your reality. Intend to be the most perfect “you”, and playfully explore what is already there…you just need to intend to find it.

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We invite you to use the Harmonic Egg at Life Center in Westminster, CO as a lovely tool to help you focus and get clear on your intentions. Come soon, come often or come monthly as a member to set your intentions; integrate, re-evaluate and reset as you drive down the road of life.  Open the door to your soul’s journey into the next unfolding.  As you allow yourself to enter into deep relaxation in the Harmonic Egg, you anchor the message to yourself that you are valuable, precious, cared for and loved.  Your cells welcome this message and it encourages them to heal, while your energy field vibrates to a new reality.  Endless possibilities not previously seen by limiting beliefs and doubts can be revealed; all that is yours by divine right is within reach.  As fresh ideas enter your mind, it is important to act on them to allow them a chance to manifest. Show the Universe you really want it.  Take action toward your perfect life!  You build the bridge as you walk across it…speak, then step. The stones piece together as you speak your intention and hold your faith.

“If You Never Try You’ll Never Know” ~Coldplay song lyrics 

Make this year the year of your unfolding. Explore who you are by giving yourself permission to know unconditional love. Bring your intention, and presence, to the Harmonic Egg and let us be there for you. We are excited to see you, and who you will become.  We have watched so many clients and monthly members grow and change over the years, we hope you will join us in supporting your intention for 2021!


By |2021-04-30T08:05:27+00:00December 29, 2019|HEALTH|Comments Off on Intentionally Living, and how Life Center / Harmonic Egg can help!

Gail’s journey from the Light Box to Harmonic Egg

Light Box to Harmonic Egg

Many have asked what the light box / Harmonic Egg has done for me and how I came to open my own center.

I first saw the light box in October, 2001. Now that I am here and we have been open almost 9 years I can look back and see how the journey unfolded and why timing is everything and this moment in time is exactly perfect!

I started using the light box in January 2007. I really didn’t think I had any health problems and all the things I was dealing with were normal or I was just born with it.  I do not have asthma anymore (had it since birth), my eyesight has improved and I no longer need to wear glasses (started wearing glasses at age 19), my digestive system works better, my hair is not falling out, my TMJ is gone, my cystic acne has all but cleared (thank God since I am 48!), no more insomnia (and I can breathe through my nose now), my broken left ankle (from 2006) and the torn ligaments (from 1996) in the right ankle no longer cause me pain when the weather changes or when I kneel and sit and I have more flexibility in both of them, my migraines of 23 years have been gone now for 5 years AND maybe it’s in my genes but I do not look my age at all…some have claimed there is an anti-aging component to the technology. I continue to use the technology as often as needed.  Each time I emerge with more clarity of mind, more focus, heightened senses, better intuition and feeling in the FLOW…

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My Story:

In 1997 I left Michigan, where I was raised and worked in Automotive for almost 10 years.  I moved to Texas to build an International consulting firm with a man who was literally a rocket scientist and a genius. He left NASA and started to work as an independent consultant in Telecommunications. He asked me to come to Texas and help him grow the business. We grew it to 26 employees and over $1 million in sales for 3 consecutive years. The mistake: We got married and then divorced and I left him the business and started out on my own. The 5 years we spent together were great and I learned a lot from him. He was into wellness and healing and I took an interest and have been studying advanced wellness for all these years. It was a hobby and way of life for me. I used to think to myself, “how could I make this a J.O.B.”, but thought it was out of reach for me.

In 2001 I was in Los Angeles at a conference where I met the inventor of The Light Box. I was intrigued by what I heard from him and followed his progress for many years. I even had the privilege to meet little “David” who you may see in a video testimonial on the Internet.  He had a huge influence in why I am running a center today. When you meet a boy who was sent home from the Mayo Clinic never to walk or talk in his life…and he’s walking and talking, because of The Light Box, you start to wonder how life could be different for more people and how YOU can make a difference in this world with one technology. Admittedly, I was scared and comfy in my executive positions doing what I knew in Corporate America. I think we can all relate about fear of stepping into the unknown.

In 2003 I was asked by another business owner (David Stanley, step-brother to the late Elvis Presley) to help him grow his production company. Together he and I brought his story to the big screen. The DVD Protecting the King is available in most video outlets, Netflix, Amazon, etc. That was 7 years of my life!

Early January, 2007 was my first trip to Cottonwood, AZ to receive sessions in The Light Box. I was soooo excited after all I had heard and seen and I was going to actually be able to experience it myself. I went there with David Stanley. He and I stayed for 3 days to get the 4 sessions. This is what I actually sent to all my curious friends in January, 2007. Don’t ask me why I saved this…it’s truly was in my draft email folder for over 3 years!  What you are about to read was my understanding from a first timer using The Light Box. I read it and laugh at my terminology and how I explained it. Today, I am much more educated on why / how it works and was mentored by the light box inventor, for 7 years!  Plus, studying ancient technologies of healing via sound and light, how music influences our lives and body, studying the anatomy, sacred geometry, learning about Eastern medicine, working with doctors and other healers and having them as clients at the center.  I am blessed!

“Hi there everyone!

You all wanted to know about my experience in the light box. I just finished my sessions here in Cottonwood, AZ. It was fantastic. What they have told me is that healing happens for 4-6 weeks. The very hard part is drinking 128 oz. of water for the next 21 days. Apparently, the cells are healing and releasing toxins into the body and water is the only way to flush everything out. Normally you are supposed to drink about 64 oz per day. That’s easy, 128 is hard.

We had a total of 4, 1-hour sessions…

My first hour session in the light box  – entering a wood box on a pedestal with a mat / bed (somewhat like a coffin with more space – yikes!). There is a light overhead, rainbow painted in an insert the shape of a hexagon. There are six mirrors that reflect the bulb in each of them. They do not flash. The mattress seemed to have speakers underneath it and the music vibrated throughout your entire body.  You are lying on your back with your hands (palms down) by your side. The theory behind it was the stimulate the nerves in the spine, finger tips, etc.

My experience was my legs and arms kept twitching and jumping (involuntarily) and my back twitched and it felt like a wave of something down my spine. I was told it was energy blocks clearing. OK, cool !!! I am sure I needed that.

David was told he was in the top 10% of patients that detoxed the most. They can tell this by the smell in your room after 1-hour in the box. The technician came in and had to get the director because she could not believe how strong the metal smell was in the room. He smelled as if he was rolling around in coins the rest of the day. Yuck!! Apparently, he was toxic and the vessel allowed the metal toxicity to come out.

After the sessions we felt light-headed and both had slight headaches (which went away after downing a bunch of water). The rule is NO energy work, massages, etc. AND no working out for about 2 weeks. Supposedly to let your system settle into itself. As stated above, the cells will continue to heal for 4-6 weeks. They do suggest coming back in 3-4 weeks for another block of sessions.

Second day, morning visit was different music and I was restless and not ready to relax so early in the day. I had a slight headache and dizziness afterwards. Afternoon visit was interesting as I had some energy blocked in my left leg that twitched and jumped about every 5 minutes. It was strange. I do feel like I have lost weight from the sessions or all the water – not sure which one. Apparently, the body works pretty hard to heal the cells so weight loss is not uncommon.

David – well he was just plain worn out from the sessions on day 2.

Last day…the music was different again and seemed to concentrate on my lower body for the first 15-20 minutes. It worked up to the whole body after that. Not sure how / why that is. I asked a lot of questions, but I didn’t ask ALL my questions. 😉 We left for the airport in Phoenix right after the session.

Today is the morning after and I woke up feeling like I was hit by a MAC truck. Wow, this takes a lot out of you. I got up drank 25 oz of water and I felt great. The words to describe the difference in the way I feel are solid, clear, balanced and positive.

I am a bit of a skeptic, but it seems that the box really does something, or it could be the couple days of rest and ALL the water. All joking aside, there was something about it that was magical and it did something.

Well, those are my notes from the trip and experience. I plan to have more sessions in the near future (probably late March). AZ is WONDERFUL (and it’s where it all began), but the Phoenix airport is not very user friendly…those that have been there know what I am talking about.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Much love to everyone,


It’s absolutely hysterical to read this again. I remember it like it was yesterday. I don’t know why I saved this email for so many years. I guess I thought I might need it someday!

My friends that I sent this to asked me to send another follow up in a few weeks. This is what I sent out late January.

“So, since I have been home – there have been no cravings for sugar / chocolate and food seems to taste different. Colors are more vivid and I am more aware of my surroundings. I have an inner peace that is just incredible and I have even noticed people in stores are treating me different, friendlier. Don’t know how to explain it – maybe it’s the 128 oz. of water… I just seem to be more balanced and things that would have stressed me out are no big deal.”

As Paul Harvey would say, this is the “rest of the story”: In March of 2010 I was working a corporate job (consulting) and commuting back and forth to Dayton, OH every week. I hated it and so many things happened to show me I was not where I needed to be in life or in my career. I won’t go through the list, but the BIGGY was my dog ran away in February, 2010 from the place he was staying in / being babysat in Texas. This was pretty much the last straw. I flew back and forth AND drove back and forth to Texas to look for him for several weeks. I never found him.  It was one of the most devastating events in my life. I have no children and he was the closest thing I had to a child. I loved him so very much and my heart still hurts to think about what may have happened to him.  On the bright side, the Universe took away a 150 pound Great Pyrenees dog and gifted me with a 1,200 amazing horse!

In addition, I was fired from the job because I went to look for my dog and left the office.  I was unable to find another job for over a year and that ended with losing my home and having to file bankruptcy.  After a successful career of more than 20 years I was lost and didn’t know what to do.   The box was calling me back to Arizona so I decided to take a 2,500 mile road trip that included a trip to Cottonwood, AZ. I knew when I left the driveway my life would be different when I came back…I just didn’t know how. I have always been a supporter and in 2007 when I first moved to Denver there was a group trying to open a center but they were unable to get the funding so it did not happen. I was disappointed when it didn’t happen and had a desire to open one, but never believed I could actually do it. Upon coming home from the 2,500 mile road trip I ran into a woman I had not seen for a long time and started telling her about my trip to AZ. She said, “why don’t we have one here?” That statement changed my life! It was at that moment I knew what I had to do…this was around April, 2010. I opened Life Center on October 20, 2010.

Fast forward to late 2014, the inventor of the light box delivered another version of his technology to Life Center and I can’t exactly tell you all the changes that have taken place in my mind, body and spirit from this new and very different technology.  I can tell you that this technology incorporated a horizontal semi-360-degree resonant chamber that uses sound, light, vibrations and frequencies together in a way to more deeply reinforce the natural healing ability of the human body. This natural healing ability is enhanced because the cells in the body are reset, rebalanced and reprogrammed back to their pure (healthy) energy frequencies.

Clients who have now used both the light box and the other technology, have told us that the second version worked faster and increased their healing ability much more. The good news is that Life Center is not just for sick people, it is also for people who want to use it as a preventative maintenance tool in their own health care regime.

Since 2016 we are using the next generation of sound and light technology here at Life Center.  It’s called the Harmonic Egg and it’s a true 360-degree immersive healing experience (in the shape of an egg).  You are in a reclined position (chair) and the sound resonates in it’s holographic-like micro-environment. Instead of hearing the sound from a speaker, you hear it in what I think is its natural broadcast. However, there are speakers in there to give it the ability to do this.

In 2018, we brought in a new Harmonic Egg design to immerse animals / pets with their humans and this has been an amazing creation.  The animals / pets are having profound healing and holding the results.  You can read more on the website under testimonials (https://lifecenter.us).  One of the doctors we work with said this, “animals only know love and if we, as humans, only knew love we could heal as fast as they do.”

My life has changed more profoundly since the Harmonic Egg.  I am having more vivid dreams, I am more intuitive, things are flowing even more than they flowed with the box, I am happier, healthier and have noticed more peace and harmony in all aspects of my life. 

In 2019 we created 6 Harmonic Egg Wellness Tracks just for the architecture of the Harmonic Egg.  The Tracks are titled, Boost Immunity, Heavy Metal Detox, Liver Remedy, Reduce Inflammation, Stress Less and Kid’s Sanctuary.   The harmonic immersive programs resonate the body’s energetic system and together with the immersive experience in the egg, create a significant opportunity for transformation and deep healing to occur at the root causal level.  The Harmonic Egg Wellness Tracks are also available to the public for purchase and home use. (https://www.harmonicegg.com).

These programs do not “cure” anything. They resonate and “tune” the body and the mind, open the energetic channels and release the body’s vital force, its natural healing energy, creating the opportunity for the body mind to heal itself.

Secondarily, the programs bring the energetic into alignment by resonating the body mind with specific key signatures and frequencies. When these are received by the client, their energy, their presence seriously enhances the body’s ability to heal.

Third, the immersive experience is a vibrational sound “bath.” This is facilitated through the conscious (intentional) composing and then mixing and mastering process. Our programs surround the client with beautiful harmony and sound, a multidimensional experience that facilitates the body’s natural healing process to the highest level. These notions of creating the conditions for the body mind to “heal itself” is the whole deal….this is the primary intention.

I am excited for all of you to experience the greatness of the Life Center and encourage you to browse the website (https://lifecenter.us) to learn more about it. Feel free to contact me with any questions. I am available to serve you in your journey to a healthy YOU.  We are getting more and more interest from people and doctors to purchase the Harmonic Egg.   If you are interested in finding out how to purchase a Harmonic Egg, please contact us at 303-630-9218 or visit https://www.harmonicegg.com.

By |2021-04-30T09:11:24+00:00December 10, 2019|SOUND + LIGHT|Comments Off on Gail’s journey from the Light Box to Harmonic Egg

What is the Harmonic Egg?

Why the Harmonic Egg?

It’s been the question of the day since I announced the creation in July, 2017.

I have been studying sound and light therapies and healing for eight years. I have owned and operated my own healing center during this time and observed the effects of several therapies on clients’ health and well-being. I have owned two technologies that were sound and light chambers. I created the Harmonic Egg as a new and innovative, next generation healing chamber based on my observations of clients before and after sessions in the previous two technologies, research on the modality, reading books from experts in the industry, white paper studies and collaboration with the medical community.  The Harmonic Egg is a large ellipse (egg shape) where the client reclines inside the “egg” or chamber in a chair. We are getting great feedback thus far and continue to do research.

It was not easy to build this unit. The materials used are natural. It was a challenge to find materials that could bend in the shape of an ellipse to form an egg. Plus, we had to create a chamber that resonated the sound in a holographic-like micro-environment. Instead of hearing the sound from a speaker, you hear it in what I think is its natural broadcast. It’s super fun! Sometimes I hear the sound above my head and I know there are not any speakers above my head. The angles, the ratios and all the other concepts we use in this Harmonic Egg is proprietary information, but it was well thought out and evolved from ancient teaching and texts. The size of the Harmonic Egg will fit in a 10’ x10’ room on a diagonal, but it’s better to have a 12’ x12’ room. It took about almost a year from start to finish to create the first prototype that is now operational at Life Center in Westminster, Colorado.

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One of the issues I observed with the previous technologies was sound distortion. In the previous chambers, automotive type round speakers are used beneath a thick foam pad where the client lies flat during sessions.  There is cubic air space under the speakers, but I don’t believe it’s the proper cubic air space for the rating of the speakers. I always felt there was a lot of distortion from the music having to come through a foam pad. Our nervous systems tend to take distortion and make up “data” to fill in gaps to process information. My experience and research led me to realize that I wanted to get the purest sound and little to no distortion, hence another reason for the Harmonic Egg.

Let me mention here that lying flat for some clients is not comfortable nor relaxing. Clients have neck and back issues and want pillows and bolsters as props for comfort. In addition, some clients have a hard time rolling up from a flat position to exit the chamber. The Harmonic Egg uses a reclining chair and has been much more comfortable for clients.

There is also the issue of the music that is being played. Over the years, I have studied sound and how different instruments effect / affect the body (physically and emotionally so I am using both spellings of the word). I have worked with sound and lighting experts gathering lots of information to create the Harmonic Egg. When you compress a CD into an MP3 format you lose much of the quality, frequencies, musical information, etc.  Compression changes the original intent of how the music was intended to be enjoyed. MP3s are for convenience so you can fit 1,000 songs on your MP3 player. It’s quite complicated, but easy to understand once you hear the difference. Based on my experience, the previous two technologies both use compressed music. The Harmonic Egg uses the higher quality CD resolution giving the body and nervous system a purer listening experience. There is a difference!!!!  Then there was the investigation for the right speakers, subwoofer, amplifier and player for the music. Sound systems are not all created equal; the components have to all play nicely together. For example, there are surround amplifiers and integrative amplifiers and subwoofers that have speakers on the side and the bottom versus just the bottom or just the side. Speakers have different elements that make them relevant for different applications. The sound system was the second most important consideration after designing the structure and shape of the Harmonic Egg.

Oh, not to mention the search for the right kind of music to use and the right tones and instruments and frequencies. This is something I have been studying for six years. It’s important to consider:  Who is the artist? What is their intention of the music? I learned so much about selecting music…testing and seeing how clients respond to the music and paying attention to the sound quality and frequencies. These are important details that effect / affect the clients’ response in the Harmonic Egg.

Next there is the light therapy. I think in the future we will get more and more sophisticated technologies, but for now we do know that different light frequencies are effective / affective for healing. For example, if you are a woman with a lot of yeast infections this can be due to an imbalance in the body (specifically the sacral chakra), and using orange light and the instrument of the flute can help bring that back into balance. This is the type of training I never received with the two previous technologies, but after studying for the past ten years I can offer this type of training with the Harmonic Egg. Many lighting systems don’t give you the full color spectrum of lights. It took me about eight months of research to choose the lights and the right type of remote to control the lights and light settings.

We can’t forget about the chair for the client while they are in a session. I searched the world over for a chair that reclines at the right angle for the best results in the Harmonic Egg. It also had to meet the criteria for size and comfort for so many shapes and sizes of clients. It was a matter of thinking about how the client would feel and how the technician putting them in for a session would be able to comfortably and easily support the client.

Every thought and idea for the Harmonic Egg was well thought out for both the client and the center owner or technician from the complexity of the technologies used, effectiveness, to the ease of setup and use, cost and comfort.

How long does a client need to stay in the chamber, the protocol? We are using 40 minutes and then the POWERFUL 10 minutes of silence in the chamber to integrate the session. It’s truly an amazing experience! I read a white paper in 2016 that came out of Feiburg, Germany. It described the use of deep relaxing music to help patients heal and they discovered a period of 6.5 minutes of silence helped integrate the healing, so I adopted that discovery and added a few extra minutes because I feel the silence is important and more was needed. If you have read anything about chiropractic care and its beginnings, there are accounts where the doctor was trained to ensure the patient rests at the office for a short time to help the adjustment integrate and set into the body. Integration of all these modalities that people do these days is so very important.  I give the analogy of digesting food. You don’t eat a salad and then when you are full go eat a sandwich and then pile another salad on top of that… do you? No! You let the first salad digest and “integrate” with your body before moving on to a sandwich later in the day or the next day.  Energy work is the same…you must let one modality digest before you “feed” it more.

The previous chambers had single sessions and sets of sessions depending on the condition of the client. For chronic conditions sets of sessions were recommended. That hits the body more consistently with the energy to help the body heal faster. A client can choose to go slow or accelerate the healing process. A single session takes about four (4) days to integrate before you would be able to schedule another session (there are exceptions to all rules). A set of sessions consists of a client coming every 4 days for approximately four to eight (4-8) sessions. That means a client would do a session and four (4) days later do another and four (4) days later another for four to eight times total. After a set, a client would take a break from any and all other energy work for three to four weeks. We supply you with a protocol for integrating sessions where we suggest dietary changes as well.

Finally, I did think about and tried aromatherapy in the room for the clients. The determination thus far is that it’s a bit of sensory overload for many clients. It might be something to use on a case-by-case basis, but as of now I am not using it. There are so many clients with neurological issues and chemical sensitivities I just don’t think it’s needed nor will it make the sessions more effective.

So, that’s the story of the Harmonic Egg and why I created it! If you have any questions or would like to learn more you contact me.

In gratitude,

Gail Lynn

By |2021-04-26T09:07:06+00:00December 10, 2019|SOUND + LIGHT|Comments Off on What is the Harmonic Egg?

What is the Harmonic Egg helping to do?

The evidence so far suggests the following is taking place with sessions in the Harmonic Egg.

The Harmonic Egg (HE) data is supporting that it is delivering energy 40% more effectively to the body than the previous units.

We feel that due to the HE using a chair and not a pad that covers the music we are able to get more accurate “data” delivered to the body.  Also, the fact we are using CD quality music files and NOT compressed MP3 music files, we feel we are able to more effectively deliver energy to the body.

Q) Does the Harmonic Egg reduce stress on the body?

A) YES! It can reduce the stress hormone and provide deep relaxation down to a cellular level.

Q) Can the HE reduce free radicals which damage and age us?

A) Yes.

Q) Can HE reduce inflammatory markers in the blood?

A) Yes, over time.

Q) Will the HE assist in detoxing the body from toxins and heavy metals?

A) Yes, but individual needs to take liquids to flush out. The HE will help trigger the flow of the heavy metals and then the body needs some physical fluids to flush out of the body. Ex. Plain water, organic juices diluted in plain water, the Life Center electrolytes, water with fresh lemon, herbal tea, etc. Too much at one time can have negative effect. Having just come out of the egg, they are in touch with their body and their body will let them know what is best for them. This is very important to understand and to listen to your body.

“I noticed after my first session in the HE I could smell myself…the smell of metals.  It was the first time I have even smelled myself after any energy work/sessions.”  It makes sense because anytime the body is put in a state of deep relaxation it can heal (emotionally, physically AND environmentally).

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Q) Does the HE detox mold from the body?

A) The HE can trigger the human defense mechanism to help and support any complementary medicine or foods they need to address the mold. However, once the mold is gone, HE sessions can help the individual from getting mold again.

“I was exposed to BLACK mold for 3 years (unknowingly) and it did take about that long (3 years) to detox all of it.  I finally got it all out and do not get sensitive to slight mold exposure any longer.”

Q) Can HE help heal from physical injuries?

A) Yes. Although it cannot physically heal a broken bone, the HE helps accelerate the body’s healing system as well as decrease inflammation with support from other treatments (ie treatment for a broken bone from a doctor or hospital). As far as healing from other injuries, the HE will support / enhance complementary treatments.

Q) Will the HE create more endurance for athletes?

A) Yes. It strengthens the soul/body relationship so that they are more connected. Therefore, any type of positive thinking, visualizing will be recognized by the whole-body mechanism and the body and spirit/soul will reinforce each other. We had one client tell of exercising for 9 hours outside in the heat without tire. Others that know him at the “club” asked what he was on…he told them he wasn’t on anything, he had been IN the Harmonic Egg.  He passed out a lot of cards that day.

Q) How effective is HE with chronic pain?

A) It has been reported from others that it can relieve chronic pain up to 7.5 out of 10 (on its own without any other outside treatments). Note that this is a general answer. Some individuals could be relieved totally and others less than a 7.5.

Q) How effective can HE be for deep emotional healing?

A) There are several types of emotional healing and also depths of emotional healing. For example, Healing on a psychological/mind levelHealing on the heart levelHealing on the soul spirit level, etc.

The HE appears to be most effective for the psychological mind – which may not be so surprising because the psychological can consist mainly of false ideas, false assumptions about oneself, as well as just superficial triggers that cause anger, restlessness, etc…  In addition, it’s all connected!

In terms of the heart, many times one has to treat the more superficial psychological mindsets before the heart can begin to heal. If the psychological emotions are managed then the heart can heal.

Some modalities will cause the mind to “forget” and ignore the trauma in the heart but that does not mean it is gone. We work on all the levels of trauma to heal the body as a whole and not just the parts.

Q) Will the HE work to balance the chakras?

A) The HE will entrain the entire mind/body into a soothing place. Once the client is in that space, their Chakras will operate where they should, based on the individual’s present state of health. Therefore, the HE will offer an environment whereby the individual’s chakras will operate at their optimal while they are in the HE. It will take a few sessions for the chakras to reset permanently (everyone is different so we say 4-10 sessions is where you should start). Since the operation of the chakras are also dependent upon the mind/soul/heart/body state of the individual, the HE offers a holistic approach. It is important to remember that chakras run differently in different people – the HE is very useful on this level because it sort of synchronizes the entire human system to function at an optimal level in a holistic way.

Q) What are the differences between the previous units and the HE? Here are some metaphors written by a client.

1) It’s like the difference between middle school and a master’s degree program.  Both are education but one is much more focused and rewarding once it’s completed.
2) The old is like a large winding river while the egg has the strength of the ocean with the focus and determination of a high alpine stream.
3) The old makes suggestions on how to heal while the egg is that catalyst.

4) The old was a navigator using maps but no experience. The egg is a guide with loads of experience but no maps. (3D=map; 5D=experience)

Q) Can HE help with PTSD?

A) Yes, but if the individual is receiving outside psychological help, then the HE can have an even more powerful effect as they complement each other.

Q) Can the HE be safely used by babies and children?

A) Yes. A parent should go in so that the parent is also treated by the same sound/light and the baby can recognize it in the parent. Very good for bonding.

If the children are old enough let them intuitively want to go in. If they don’t feel like it, then it could produce negative effects.  There is a difference between them not wanting to because they would rather do something else or them not wanting to go in because it’s not the right time or energy for them.

We have children as young as 8 weeks use the chamber.

 For adolescents, the egg can be very powerful in aligning their energetic flow as they transition into adulthood.

 Q) Can pregnant women use the HE?

A) Yes.

Q) Will the HE work on the vagus nerve?

A) The Harmonic Egg will first work to “soothe” the vagus nerve. It will assist the vagus nerve to reset itself to be in synchronicity with the person’s other systems. The Harmonic Egg will help the vagus nerve “search” around for the best “frequency” or “energetic beat” that will help support the functions attributed to the vagus nerve. To be noted: as the person heals in the different areas it needs to heal, the vagus nerve will adjust its function to support its part. Therefore, it is important to note that there is no “right” way for the vagus nerve to function, or any correct type of measurement, as it will adjust to the person’s entire state of health. Example: if a person receives Harmonic Egg sessions for conditionX, the vagus nerve will also respond to the Harmonic Egg’s healing.

*Stimulating the vagus nerve and increasing vagal tone has been shown to help treat a wide variety of brain and mental health conditions, including:

  • Depression 
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Migraines 
  • Fibromyalgia 
  • Tinnitus 
  • Alcohol addiction 
  • Autism 
  • Bulimia nervosa
  • Personality disorders 
  • Heroin seeking behavior
  • Poor memory 
  • Mood disorders in the elderly 
  • Multiple sclerosis 
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder 
  • Severe mental diseases 
  • Traumatic brain injury 
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome


Q) Can the HE work to molecularly restructure the body?

A) Sound is vibrating matter with a frequency, so the emanating waves from a given source do force molecular movement within the source (the molecules in the strings on a guitar, for example, move when plucked). The HE is emanating waves from a given source.

Using a designed supramolecular nanofiber placed in a solution, a research team led by A. Tsuda at Kobe University demonstrated that the nanofiber aligned and moved in response to a harmony when exposed to frequencies up to 1000 Hz. This is the first time a molecular happening like this has been reported.


Q) Can HE help heal unhealthy cells?

A) In theory, yes, cells are fed and communicate through cellular ion channels. If cells are not healthy, channels may close or be obstructed.

Theory: Music / Sound vibrations can open up the channels and the cell gets fed and can communicate once again!

Q) What can we say about HE and Cancer?

A) Of course, no claims can be made in any modality or technology. Consider this…Cancer cells are more rigid and not flexible which is why they self-destroy because they cannot tolerate the disruption made by pure sound.

The HE is using pure sound to relax and soothe the client in the chamber.

Q) Does the HE support the Glia cells?

A) Yes, but it doesn’t appear to be able to regenerate them. They don’t seem to be very responsive to external type of energy.

It appears that Glial Cells are focused on internal neural communications versus anything external. Which is surprising because Glial cells are thought to consist 90% of the brain and astrocytes show an electrical potential like the neurons. Perhaps Glial cells are meant to regulate or interact within the internal network while neurons might react to external energies/frequencies. So, although the Harmonic Egg cannot regenerate the Glial cells, it can support the other functions that are implicated in the regeneration of Glial cells.

Q) Can the HE help the mitochondria?

A) Yes, it can affect the mitochondria. Genetically induced malfunctions of mitochondria will be more difficult. When working with non-genetic malfunctions the HE will be most effective.

Q) How effective is the HE at helping the body heal itself?

A) Very effective. In a healthy client, it’s more effective at helping and keeping it healthy. Which makes sense that an unhealthy client will need more time and assistance to get healthy, but then it can stay healthy.

Can we back this up?   Well, we have had clients indicate that they have had injuries / bruises and other wounds they feel have healed faster than normal after using HE. One person smashed their thumb nail quite badly and thought they would love the nail.  It ended up being a slight bruise under the nail after 4 weeks and 4 HE sessions.

Q) Does the HE work on a cellular level?

A) Yes.


“Using a Kirlian camera, Maman was able to document what happens to the energy fields of healthy human cells when exposed to a chromatic scale of sound frequencies. To his amazement he discovered that the color and shape of each cell and its subtle energy fields changed according to the pitch and timbre of each musical note. He also discovered that when the cell felt a ‘vibratory affinity’ with a certain note, the cell’s aura would transform into a mandala shape with vibrant colors of pinks and blues. Maman concluded this was the cell’s ‘fundamental note’, and if the person ‘tuned’ with it, harmony could be achieved within the cells, the energy field of the person and the outside world.” – http://tama-do.com/roothtmls/article-visions.html

Q) How many sessions does one need in the HE?

A) Loaded question. Everyone is different, but you need more than 1. I am suggesting to people with any condition, whether it be allergies, Parkinson’s or other, be prepared to do 4-10 sessions in a short period of time.  Highly recommended is 1 session every 4 days for 4-10 sessions.  We are offering a package of 10 sessions of $1,080 (expires in 6 months) for those that want to commit to their evolution and healing.  Single sessions are $125.  The best way to do it would be to do 1 session every 4 days for a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 10 session and then give your body several weeks (probably 4 weeks) of rest to see where things level out.   That means to watch your diet during the sessions and during the rest period.  Listen to your body about doing other healing work.  Drink plenty of clean, pure water and replenish your vitamins and minerals with fruits, veggies and electrolytes.  We sell a great product at Life Center for $13.99 (15 packets) or $28.99 (70 serving canister).  Easy!

Q) How does HE work on anti-aging?

A) It aids in detoxing, increasing circulation and vibrationally harmonizing the body which then leads the body to begin rejuvenation at cellular level. The HE assists in increasing the circulation of any fluids and energy inside the human body, thus working in harmony with the detox/cleansing process. The increase of blood circulation appears to be positive for supporting the rejuvenation process at the cellular level. The actual “flow” energizes the cells to function at a higher level, calibrating more closely to the rate at a younger age.

Q) Will the HE reduce free radicals which damage and age us?

A) Yes, the HE expulses some free radicals and neutralizes others. The HE also makes the body/spirit healthier and therefore help the body repel toxins by itself. We want to empower the body to work naturally as effectively as it can.

Q) Does the HE help to get rid of viruses, bacteria and fungi in the body?

A) Indirectly. The HE does not superficially heal the immune system, but it goes deeper and treats what supports the immune system. The immune system is very complex and the HE goes to that complex depth. That’s why it is powerful. Some other types of healing machines/instruments might treat the surface and make the person feel better immediately but the effect does not last. With the HE, it might take longer only because it is going to the source of the issue. The egg can change a human’s vibrational frequency to a healthier level so the body can work more effectively and the person’s body will be better equipped to fight it off the next time it comes around. The stronger the entire human system is, the lower the risk of a virus being able to attack it.

Q) Does the Harmonic Egg effect the craniosacral rhythm?

A) The internal geometry of the egg effects the natural production and absorption of spinal fluid called the craniosacral rhythm.  The geometry creates a still point which is a temporary shutdown of this rhythm in the body.  The still point allows for the vibrations from the technology to profoundly affect the individual on a deeper level than would be accessible if the individual were to simply listen to the music being played.  Once the individual steps out of the technology, the craniosacral rhythm resumes its normal cycle with the new pattern being interlaced within it thus promoting healing.

By |2021-04-30T09:10:33+00:00December 10, 2019|HEALTH|Comments Off on What is the Harmonic Egg helping to do?

Why did I create the Harmonic Egg?

Why the Harmonic Egg?

It’s been the question of the day since I announced the creation in July, 2017.

I have been studying sound and light therapies and healing for eight years. I have owned and operated my own healing center during this time and observed the effects of several therapies on clients’ health and well-being. I have owned and operated two technologies of sound and light chambers. I created the Harmonic Egg as a new and innovative, next generation healing chamber based on my observations of clients before and after sessions, research on the modality, reading books from experts in the industry, white paper studies and collaboration with the medical community.  The Harmonic Egg is a large ellipse (egg shape) where the client reclines inside the “egg” or chamber in a chair. We are getting great feedback thus far and continue to do research.

It was not easy to build this unit. The materials used are natural. It was a challenge to find materials that could bend in the shape of an ellipse to form an egg. Plus, we had to create a chamber that resonated the sound in a holographic-like micro-environment. Instead of hearing the sound from a speaker, you hear it in what I think is its natural broadcast. It’s super fun! Sometimes I hear the sound above my head and I know there are not any speakers above my head. The angles, the ratios and all the other concepts we use in this Harmonic Egg is proprietary information, but it was well thought out and evolved from ancient teaching and texts. The best room size for the Harmonic Egg is 14×14. It took about almost a year from start to finish to create the first prototype that is now operational at Life Center in Westminster, Colorado.

One of the issues I observed with the previous technologies was sound distortion. In the previous chambers, automotive type round speakers are used beneath a thick foam pad where the client lies flat during sessions.  There is cubic air space under the speakers, but I don’t believe it’s the proper cubic air space for the rating of the speakers. I always felt there was a lot of distortion from the music having to come through a foam pad. Our nervous systems tend to take distortion and make up “data” to fill in gaps to process information. My experience and research led me to realize that I wanted to get the purest sound and little to no distortion, hence another reason for the Harmonic Egg.

Let me mention here that lying flat for some clients is not comfortable nor relaxing. Clients have neck and back issues and want pillows and bolsters as props for comfort. In addition, some clients have a hard time rolling up from a flat position to exit the chamber. The Harmonic Egg uses a reclining chair and has been much more comfortable for clients.

There is also the issue of the music that is being played. Over the years, I have studied sound and how different instruments effect / affect the body (physically and emotionally so I am using both spellings of the word). I have worked with sound and lighting experts gathering lots of information to create the Harmonic Egg. When you compress a CD into an MP3 format you lose much of the quality, frequencies, musical information, etc.  Compression changes the original intent of how the music was intended to be enjoyed. MP3s are for convenience so you can fit 1,000 songs on your MP3 player. It’s quite complicated, but easy to understand once you hear the difference. Based on my experience, two previous technologies both use compressed music. The Harmonic Egg uses the higher quality CD resolution giving the body and nervous system a purer listening experience. There is a difference!!!!  Then there was the investigation for the right speakers, subwoofer, amplifier and player for the music. Sound systems are not all created equal; the components have to all play nicely together. For example, there are surround amplifiers and integrative amplifiers and subwoofers that have speakers on the side and the bottom versus just the bottom or just the side. Speakers have different elements that make them relevant for different applications. The sound system was the second most important consideration after designing the structure and shape of the Harmonic Egg.

Oh, not to mention the search for the right kind of music to use and the right tones and instruments and frequencies. This is something I have been studying for six years. It’s important to consider:  Who is the artist? What is their intention of the music? I learned so much about selecting music…testing and seeing how clients respond to the music and paying attention to the sound quality and frequencies. These are important details that effect / affect the clients’ response in the Harmonic Egg.

You can purchase Harmonic Egg music here.

Next there is the light therapy. I think in the future we will get more and more sophisticated technologies, but for now we do know that different light frequencies are effective / affective for healing. For example, if you are a woman with a lot of yeast infections this can be due to an imbalance in the body (specifically the sacral chakra), and using orange light and the instrument of the flute can help bring that back into balance. This is the type of training I never received with the two previous technologies, but after studying for the past ten years I can offer this type of training with the Harmonic Egg. Many lighting systems don’t give you the full color spectrum of lights. It took me about eight months of research to choose the lights and the right type of remote to control the lights and light settings.

We can’t forget about the chair for the client while they are in a session. I searched the world over for a chair that reclines at the right angle for the best results in the Harmonic Egg. It also had to meet the criteria for size and comfort for so many shapes and sizes of clients. It was a matter of thinking about how the client would feel and how the technician putting them in for a session would be able to comfortably and easily support the client.

Every thought and idea for the Harmonic Egg was well thought out for both the client and the center owner or technician from the complexity of the technologies used, effectiveness, to the ease of setup and use, cost and comfort.

learn more about frequency medicine imageHow long does a client need to stay in the chamber, the protocol? We are using 40 minutes and then the POWERFUL 10 minutes of silence in the chamber to integrate the session. It’s truly an amazing experience! I read a white paper in 2016 that came out of Feiburg, Germany. It described the use of deep relaxing music to help patients heal and they discovered a period of 6.5 minutes of silence helped integrate the healing, so I adopted that discovery and added a few extra minutes because I feel the silence is important and more was needed. If you have read anything about chiropractic care and its beginnings, there are accounts where the doctor was trained to ensure the patient rests at the office for a short time to help the adjustment integrate and set into the body. Integration of all these modalities that people do these days is so very important.  I give the analogy of digesting food. You don’t eat a salad and then when you are full go eat a sandwich and then pile another salad on top of that… do you? No! You let the first salad digest and “integrate” with your body before moving on to a sandwich later in the day or the next day.  Energy work is the same…you must let one modality digest before you “feed” it more.

We recommend, for chronic conditions, doing 3-10 sessions in a short period of time.  Say once a week to reset / retrain the old patterns and conditions.  After that we reevaluate for future use.  You might then join the membership as a once a month maintenance to keep up with the energy.  Everyone is different and we talk to you about your unique situation ad desired health goals.  I do phone consults, for an additional charge, to help you navigate diet and other factors.

Finally, I did think about and tried aromatherapy in the room for the clients. The determination thus far is that it’s a bit of sensory overload for many clients. It might be something to use on a case-by-case basis, but as of now I am not using it. There are so many clients with neurological issues and chemical sensitivities I just don’t think it’s needed nor will it make the sessions more effective.

So, that’s the story of the Harmonic Egg and why I created it! If you have any questions or would like to learn more you can contact me.

In gratitude,

Gail Lynn

By |2021-04-26T06:45:38+00:00December 10, 2019|HEALTH|Comments Off on Why did I create the Harmonic Egg?

Painting: Egg Experience

Egg Experience

I spent a few weeks meditating before starting on this painting. What do I say about this healing modality that has helped me and others in ways that is incomprehensible. The process of going within and waiting for images to appear in the order in which I should paint them was a beautiful process all its own. I was also surprised how loosely the paint laid on and that I kept getting the message that that was part of the message to be relayed. That our own creativity and how we each individually show up in the world is the creation of living life. As I painted this I had the knowing feeling that I was just the vessel and much more love and healing is infused in the painting from workers outside of myself.

The image at the bottom is our subconsciousness, dark blue water with the image of the egg rising up through it. The egg itself is made up of the Flower of Life sacred geometry, unity of ALL. There are the two triangles that represent both the Devine female and Devine male aspects of each of us. Those two cross each other in the center of the egg, the nucleus.

We are the egg, the sun shapes are images of letting light in. The small uneven shapes that are subtly around the white part of the egg, is our energy coming off the egg going out sharing our aura and energy with those around us. The aura colors are lighter in intensity than what we are used to seeing. I had the explicit thought that we are becoming lighter beings and our auras are less intense. Many of us are allowing more light into our immediate auras becoming healed beings.

The top of the painting is the expanse of the night sky, representing the ethers. The Harmonic Egg can assist you to go to places that seem so far away, either in our physical body or outside of it. There were originally 2 more stars and as I painted, two of them were painted over, I tried to paint them back in but was stopped by intuition, and then I counted, 13 stars! There are many wonderful meanings for the number 13.

The circle at the top of the egg is our crown chakra, bright and glowing. The concentric circles going down the sides are representing the 3 dimensionality of the Flower of Life. Think of the Flower of Life as 3d light bubbles, the design intersecting within itself, ALL inclusive.

The sound and light are working on our DNA at a molecular level. The round red shapes that cross over the painting represents our cells and our physical healing as we allow the Harmonic Egg to heal us. They are denser and closer together towards the bottom and have more room and freedom after we pass through the egg going up as a rising diagonal.”  ~Jody Rigsby

Let it FLOW!
By |2021-04-26T09:22:58+00:00November 10, 2019|SOUND + LIGHT|Comments Off on Painting: Egg Experience

Healing with Foresting Bathing

The Benefits of Forest Bathing

can forest bathing heal you

Most people these days who live urban, fast-paced lives have no time to stop and breathe. Going around like a clock all the time builds up stress in the mind and the body resulting in various chronic illnesses. Spending time amid nature is, unsurprisingly, a scientifically proven remedy. Unfortunately, city life leaves people with little time to venture out into the greenery. Thankfully, forest bathing has emerged as a healing therapy through which you could rejuvenate your mind and body simply by taking a walk down a thick, wooded area, with ample greenery, soaked in all the goodness of nature.

How to Experiences Forest Baths?

Forest bathing is not a new concept. It originated in Japan back in the 1980s and was locally called ‘Shinrin-Yoku’. With time and more research on its benefits, the therapy has extended to the rest of the world. If you plan on taking a forest bath, here are a few ways to go about it.

Forest Therapy Walks

In Japan, forest therapy walks are predominantly held in thick, coniferous forests; in other regions of the world, the wilderness can vary. For optimum benefits, contact a certified forest therapist who can organize a walk through your area’s best forest regions. The idea is to take slow walks through the thick woods and engage in the sounds and the smells of the surrounding environment. This is not the same as going for a hike but is more of a meditative approach than a vigorous exercise.

foresting walks bathing and healingLocal Gardens and Parks

For those who do not have access to certified forest therapy tours, you could still organize a forest bath to suit yourself. Any time spent within nature and in the company of trees is known to be beneficial to your overall health. If you have a local garden or a park in your area, go and take advantage of it. Be sure to include earthing techniques in the experience, which means walking barefoot on mud or grass. If your local park is more concrete than natural walkways, however, earthing may not work.

Simulate with Essential Oils

What if you do not have access to either natural forests or local parks? Could you still experience forest bathing from the comforts of your home? Well, it may not be ideal, but incorporating certain essential oils such as rosemary and frankincense in your environment could help simulate the experience. To enhance the feeling of being there in an actual forest, you could fill a room with lively pictures of dense woods and breathe in the essential oils while your eyes soak in the pleasure of the images of the lavish verdure. As an add-on, you could go for a deep tissue massage with sounds from the forest while being engulfed in the woody fragrance of the essential oils.

Simulate with Harmonic Egg

Another way of obtaining similar benefits to forest bathing without stepping into an actual forest is to use a harmonic egg. A harmonic egg is an egg-shaped chamber, as large as a room, where you could recline in a zero-gravity chair while experiencing the harmonious, soothing effects of light, sound, and vibration. The inside of the egg is made with wood, and the shape of the chamber utilizes sacred geometry; used together, both can potentially mimic the feeling of being present within a forest. The use of tonal healing techniques could be applied to modulate the internal atmosphere to sound as close to a natural forest as possible. The use of frequency medicine, which forms an integral part of the harmonic egg, is a well-researched method of healing.

You can learn more about the Harmonic Egg here.

Benefits of Forest Bathing

Let us now look at some of the great things forest bathing could do to your mind and body.

  • Stress Reduction

Forest bathing has been seen to significantly reduce cortisol, the hormone that otherwise remains elevated for those who deal with chronic stress.

  • Improved Immune System

Japanese research has shown that spending time in the woods enhances the natural killer cells in the human body. This effectively arms the immune system to fight against various illnesses.

  • Improved Heart Health

Taking a walk among the dense foliage could significantly lower your blood pressure, thus improving your overall heart health. If you are dealing with hypertension, this is nature’s gift for you.

  • Boosting of Mood and Creativity

Spending time with nature and away from digital distractions could help release hormones that pertain to happiness. Being one with nature might also nurture the creative portion of the brain.

  • The Woods Are Calling

Being surrounded by nature is beneficial to both physical and emotional health. Take some time out of your busy lives to immerse yourself in the arms of Mother Nature and benefit by her abundant gifts of diverse flora. ‘A walk in the park’ is often the simplest way to heal yourself and give yourself the much-needed energy boost.

Find the closest Harmonic Egg nearest you!
Click here.

Got questions or concerns, drop us a line here
or send us a message on Facebook.

By |2021-04-29T08:05:53+00:00October 30, 2019|SOUND + LIGHT|Comments Off on Healing with Foresting Bathing

Sound Baths – Methods and Benefits

The Power of Sound Baths

learn more about sound baths

If there is one thing that is common to all those who live the modern lifestyle is that life is full of stress and no matter what you do you keep finding yourself in anxious situations over and over again. Among various ways to reduce stress, one of the well-researched ones is meditation. While there are many different ways to meditate, an upcoming method is to go for sound baths. If you are wondering whether sound baths are good for you, read on to find more about this new technology. In many ways sound bath could be just right for you given that music has been used for healing even in ancient times. So let us delve into what sound bath is, how you can do it, and what the benefits are.

What is a Sound Bath?

A sound bath is nothing but a way to relax your mind while ambient music plays in the background. To benefit from this technology you must visit a licensed sound therapist. In a sound bath class, a sound therapist plays music at different frequencies while you are either lying down comfortably on your back or are sitting on a chair. In other words, sound baths help you reach a meditative state by playing relaxing, soothing, and engaging sounds. Many different ways are used by sound therapists to ensure you reach that meditative state. Here are a few ways in which sound therapy works.

learn more about frequency medicine imageFrequency Medicine

The most popular method that sound therapists use to initiate a sound bath is by playing repetitive notes on small instruments such as gemstone bowls, crystal bowls, and gongs. Different frequencies played harmoniously result in getting your troubling thoughts away from your mind so that you can enter a meditative state. The state of mind is divided into the alpha, beta, and delta stages. The beta stage is your alert state of mind and it is this state that you need to come out of. When different frequencies are played on different instruments, it leads to a change of stage from beta to alpha, where you are conscious of your surroundings but your mind is more relaxed. The way this works is that the different frequencies cause different vibrations in your body and change the pattern in which your mind thinks. With prolonged exposure, you could reach the delta stage where your mind goes to sleep, relaxes, and rejuvenates.

Harmonic Egg

A Harmonic Egg is a large, egg-shaped chamber about the size of a room. It is designed with sacred geometry and living wood on the inside, which boasts of effective acoustics. Once inside the chamber, you could recline in a zero-gravity chair while you embrace the soothing sensation of light, sound, and vibration. This combination can produce a relaxing and calming effect on the mind so that you let go of your stressful thoughts. Please note that this is a nascent technology and studies to back it up are rare, but other research suggests positive effects of light and sound therapy on various illnesses.

You can learn more about the Harmonic Egg here.

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Combination with Massage

A third way to relax and rejuvenate is to combine a deep tissue massage with sound. In such a scenario, rhythmic frequencies are played while you lie on the massage table soaked in the goodness of essential oils and the healing touch of your therapist. Deep tissue massage continues to alleviate your pain and relax your muscles, while the sound therapy ensures your mind is relaxed and you reached a state of total calmness. Frequencies from different instruments are applied to your energy points to ensure you experience the maximum benefits of the deep tissue massage as well as the sound healing process.

Why Do You Need It?

Now that you know what sound baths are, let us talk about some of the benefits of this new technology.

Reduce Stress

It has been already established that a sound bath is beneficial for reducing anxiety and stress. So, how does it do that? It is more to do with different notes being played at different frequencies from different instruments in a harmonious way that changes your brain waves. When your brain reaches a relaxing state, it induces a reduction in heart rate, palpitations, and other anxiety-related symptoms.

Normalize Blood Pressure

The power of sound therapy is also known to reduce blood pressure. If you are suffering from hypertension you might want to give this a try. When your mind is exposed to different sounds and vibrations, there is a positive effect on your heart health and your respiratory system. This effectively normalizes your blood pressure levels.

Improve Mindful Meditation

While the therapy itself can be considered as a meditation method, it is also beneficial if you want to use sound in addition to other ways to meditate. For example, if you happen to use a yoga pose for meditating, using soothing sounds in the background helps your mind get out of bothering thoughts to focus on the sounds instead. This process helps you reach a state of mindfulness.

Heal Yourself With Sound

Sound baths are a painless way to heal your mind, but if you are new to this, ensure you find a licensed sound therapist in your area. Once you attend a few classes by a qualified instructor, you will begin to notice changes in your body and your mind. Use the power of sound today to bring about a healthy you.

Find the closest Harmonic Egg nearest you!
Click here.

Got questions or concerns, drop us a line here
or send us a message on Facebook.

By |2021-04-26T04:49:17+00:00October 30, 2019|SOUND + LIGHT|Comments Off on Sound Baths – Methods and Benefits
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