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by Adrianne L. Fahey, first published in ARCB News Journal, Summer 2020, Volume 30

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” said President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his 1933 inaugural address to the nation. There was never a better time to revisit the meaning of these words than right now during this coronavirus pandemic, when fear is running rampant.  People are in lockdown, families are separated and unable to see each other in person, nonessential businesses have been shuttered, thousands are dying in hospitals, people are starving and facing foreclosures, etc.  It’s a real mess out there.  Or is it?  Maybe the real mess resides within ourselves.

According to quantum physics, everything physical is actually comprised of energy, and energy controls life.  At the most basic level, we are all energy waves interacting with each other. When these energy waves intersect, the wave interference can be either positive (constructive) or negative (destructive) in nature.  All waves together are called a field.  Everything is connected through the field, because waves can’t be separated from each other.

A field shapes matter.  According to Albert Einstein, “the field is the sole governing agency of the particle (matter).”  Different atoms (matter) vibrate at different frequencies.  All animals and plants (and therefore, humans) communicate with vibration based upon differing frequencies.  Proteins within our bodies respond to these vibrations as well in a positive or negative way.  Any disease, therefore, is caused by bad proteins or bad signals.  There are three ways to “mess up” the signal:  trauma, toxins, and thought (the mind).  A person can literally change his/her biology by changing his/her mind.

According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief, the function of receptors and effectors (the switch mechanism) on a cell membrane is awareness of the environment through a physical sensation; in other words, perception.  Perception is the switch which controls our biology.  Basically, only two forces drive perception: love or fear, and it is the mind that makes the decision for either love or fear in every circumstance.  We make that decision.  We are the interpreters of the signals from our environment.  That’s why people can – and do – disagree on just about everything in this world, because we all have different perceptions based upon our past conditioning and the stories we make up so that everything that happens to us fits in or lines up with our preconceived notions about life.

One of the things that Dr. Lipton discovered in his research was that a cell cannot move in two directions at the same time.  It can either move toward a signal or away from a signal, depending on whether it is positive or negative.  Cells can be in either growth (positive) or protection (negative) mode.  This principle applies not only to cells but to us as individuals.  We can either be in growth mode or protection mode but not both at the same time.  It’s an either/or proposition.  Protection mode is driven by fear – the whole “fight or flight” mechanism.  An individual “perceives” a situation as threatening and makes a determination to either stand his ground and fight or decides to run for his life.  Obviously, then, an individual in growth mode feels no fear, but instead feels happy, safe, cared-for, stress-free, and loved.

Fear can manifest in many forms: anger, depression, anxiety, jealousy, intolerance, hatred, defensiveness, insecurity, pride, greed, etc.  Each of these emotions has a different vibratory rate.  According to The Sedona Method, the emotion with the lowest vibration is apathy, followed by greed, fear, lust, anger, and pride, with courageousness, acceptance, and peace having the highest vibratory rates.  Love has the highest vibration of all.  Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work with water crystals bears this out.  He found that the words “love and gratitude” formed the most perfect water crystals while hateful words produced deformed or nonexistent water crystals.

According to Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936), developer of the Bach Flower Remedies, it is our fears, worries and anxieties that cause illness and disease.  He believed that the mind is in absolute control of the mental and physical conditions of every human being.  Dr. Bach discovered that the personality of an individual was of more importance than the body in the treatment of disease.  The answer to treating disease was to find a way to treat the negative moods and emotions that were responsible for disease in the first place.

He stated that life is harmony – a state of being in tune – and disease is discord or a condition when a part of the whole is not vibrating in unison.

One of the most important uses of energy in the body is the immune system.  Stress hormones, produced when a threat is perceived by the mind, shut off the immune system.  Dr. Lipton states that our bodies contain every known disease/illness, but a strong immune system can suppress their expression in our bodies.  If this is true, then why are so many people afraid of the coronavirus?  If we accept Dr. Lipton’s assertion that our bodies already contain every known disease/illness, we have nothing to fear.  Our bodies know how to fight off this virus as long as our immune systems are strong, and some of the ways to keep them strong include eating healthy, exercising, and managing our emotions by choosing love over fear.

If we fall victim to all of the hype in the mainstream media surrounding this virus, aren’t we doing our bodies a disservice by choosing fear instead of love?  Aren’t we just shutting down our own immune systems?  And what type of energy waves will we be transmitting to our clients when we show them how fearful we are by wearing masks and gloves, forgoing hugs or handshakes, minimizing conversation, social distancing, or are constantly wiping down surfaces?  How effective are we going to be as reflexologists if we’re coming from a place of fear?  These questions are not meant to minimize the suffering experienced by some of the populace throughout all of this, but are we really helping the situation by buying into fear?  I think not.  Let’s reject fear and choose love instead, and let our actions reflect that love, for our own sake and for the sake of the world.



Suzy Miller (Author of Awesomism) interviews Gail Lynn about the Harmonic Egg

Gail’s Book and Harmonic Egg Music (link to the store) – https://harmonicegg.com/

By |2021-04-30T08:20:37+00:00May 20, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTHYLLIFE.NET, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Suzy Miller (Author of Awesomism) interviews Gail Lynn about the Harmonic Egg

Got Migraines?!


23 years of agony and fear

By Gail Lynn (Written in 2010).  Life Center is going on 8 years old and we have evolved from the older technology light box to the next generation of sound and light chambers called The Harmonic Egg.  Check out the website for more details.   https://lifecenter.us

If you have ever been a migraine sufferer, then you know what it’s like to, at one moment, be enjoying life, and then suddenly-BAM!-it hits you out of the blue. A true migraine gives very little warning and, for most, no real reason.

My first migraine occurred at the age of 17.  I was getting ready to go to a friend’s graduation party and BAM!, there it was. I had optical migraines. It was as if I had looked at the sun and then looked away, leaving a negative of the image in my view. The spot would stay there and grow, reaching out towards the edges until it eliminated my peripheral vision completely. After about forty-five minutes the pain would start, pain like an ice pick scraping the inside of my skull for endless hours. Twelve to fifteen hours of this left me feeling as if a gun to the head might be a better option. The pain was so intense that if I entered into a lit area I would feel the need to vomit and have diarrhea at the same time. Most of the time I would just gag over the toilet and get nothing but drool. I couldn’t eat, sleep, drink, or relax. Over a twenty-three year period, I averaged eight migraines a year. I can’t imagine what I might have done had I experienced them more often than I did.

Migraines ran my life.  There was always a fear of the next one.  Sometimes I would look at the sun or at a bright light, and when I looked away my body would be tense, almost as if it was expecting to be filled with overwhelming pain in an instant. Migraine sufferers live with that fear daily and always have to be sure on how to cope when it hits.  I was lucky that I had forty-five minutes of compromised vision before the pain started. It was my warning. Many times I found myself racing home, nervously driving, so that I could get into bed where the shades were down and the lights were out.

For twenty-three years I searched for answers. The first place I looked was in traditional medicine, and after thousands of dollars and many wasted years I realized that I needed better options. I tried acupuncture, chiropractic, yoga, hypnosis, herbs, supplements and diets.  Sometimes I thought I received some relief, but it never seemed to last.

In January of 2007 I found a sound and light technology/modality.  The light box uses frequency, vibration, sound and light waves in a resonant frequency to detoxify, de-stress, reset and rebalance the body.  It takes the body to a level below the level of consciousness while still in an awakened state and works to balance the autonomic nervous system so the body can work to heal itself.

I traveled to Arizona to try it, and at first I really didn’t notice anything.  I was one of the biggest skeptics. After several months I noticed subtle changes; my eye doctor told me that my eyesight had improved, and I noticed that my asthma seemed to have disappeared.  I wondered if it could have been the light box.  I had not done anything else, and despite my stressful job and lifestyle, something was improving my wellness.

A year later I visited the center again and the next migraine I had only lasted for 10 hours and seemed to be less intense.  Another light box session and the next migraine lasted only about 6 hours.  One time I developed a migraine while I was at the center, and I entered the light box during the migraine.  A session lasts about one hour, and that hour was painful. However, the migraine was gone in about 15 minutes after the session, and I was able to eat and keep food down right away.

I was so amazed that I decided to open my own center in Colorado. To date, I have been migraine-free for one year.  I did about twenty sessions before the migraine pain was gone, but the pain is finally gone!  I have had a few silent migraines in the past year, but never with any pain.  What I mean by silent is that I had the compromised vision, but nothing more than that followed.

I am more than grateful to the older technology for all it has done for me and for what I have seen it do for others.  I am not only migraine-free, but also asthma-free and insomnia-free. I breathe better, I don’t have globs of hair coming out in the shower, I feel less stressed, I don’t need my glasses anymore, my cystic acne is gone, my blood work is pretty darn good for a 40 year old woman and I have also had several other improvements.

If you suffer from migraines don’t give up!  There are therapies that are out there that might be right for you.


By |2021-04-30T09:49:25+00:00May 12, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT|Comments Off on Got Migraines?!

Gaia TV Interview – 24 hours FREE access, expires 1:15 pm MST on April 18, 2021


Gaia is a subscription TV service…if the link is expired and you are from the Media or Press we can get you another “share” link.  Please email info@harmonicegg.com

Purchase Gail’s book.  https://www.harmonicegg.com


By |2021-04-29T07:00:16+00:00April 28, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Gaia TV Interview – 24 hours FREE access, expires 1:15 pm MST on April 18, 2021

Has technology taken over using our brain to tell us what is wrong with us?

As a society we have lost the ability and skill to think for ourselves.  The media tells us how to think, schools and colleges tell us how to think, Facebook tells us how to think, advertisements tell us how to think and our technology (FitBits, Healy, Motiv ring, Apple Watch, Owlet, Health apps, etc) tell us what they think is wrong with us…THESE ARE TOOLS, they are not to be used as the golden rule.  LISTEN TO YOUR BODY, you don’t need technology to tell you your back hurts.

Information and knowledge are very different.  Humans CANNOT acquire knowledge from books, media, technology.  They can acquire information, but information is not knowledge!

“Information is not knowledge until it is recognized by the spiritual consciousness of man.” ~Walter Russell

Just like food is not nourishment for the body until it becomes a part of the blood stream, and some food we are putting into our bodies are not even nourishing.  Every bite of food you take you are sending a message to the body on how much or little you respect yourself.  I digress…back to the topic.

Why does most of society expect a doctor, a health practitioner or a smart phone to tell them what to do to feel good?  We have lost touch with our bodies and the ability to think for ourselves.  These people and devices should be tools for us to discern and gather information.

I am against any wearable “technology” monitoring your every step, heart beat, event in your life.  We have given away our power to “authorities” and technology.

Wearing a technology (or the term now is “wearables”) is not the future we want.  I think those transmissions are negative to the body. They may have “science” that proves otherwise but I don’t believe it. They are constantly putting electronic transmissions / EMFs into your body to get second by second “readings” on your every move and body function.  Some claim you must wear a grounding bracelet to be safe from the EMFs, but I don’t believe that just having the grounding bracelet on is harmonizing all the EMFs that are possibly going into the body.  Is this making sense?  The constant monitoring is electronic energy pulsing through the body.
I have helped clients with their stress levels by asking them to NOT wear the “wearables” and they admitted their stress levels went down after putting them in the drawer.  One reason could be the stress of constantly being told how you are doing, or not doing, and the other could be the electronic transmissions caused the stress on the body.  I encourage clients to tap into their own potential of feeling their own body.  Do not depend on a computer to tell you how you’re doing.  I think that is very unhealthy for the mind and body.
I think we need less electronics and less technology, NOT more technology. I think we need to tune into our own bodies and feel into how we’re feeling, not how an electronic device is telling us how we’re feeling. There are so many medical devices now “reading” our health…some might be accurate and some could be sending you down a path that is destructive to the body.  Norm Shealy, MD states in his book on Energy Medicine that 90% of these machines are not accurate.  Clients have told me that they are accurate as they have stated they had been exposed to mold and they were…well, who hasn’t been exposed to mold?  You see, just like the psychics can scan a room and say, “someone in the room has a grandmother named Mary”.  Well, chances are a room full of people will have someone with a grandmother named Mary.  Then the whole audience is in awe over the psychic.  Ok, digressing again.
Then you have the machines that say you have parasites.  We all have parasites.  Are they causing an issue or not is the question.  Clients have done strong parasite cleanses based on this information and they killed more than parasites and messed up their bodies.  So, you see this information is for you to gain knowledge and discern what your body needs.
I hope this makes sense and I touch at least one person who will not hurt themselves from the possible mis-information and dangerous transmissions from some of these “wearables”.
Here is some information about the health risks of “wearables” – https://www.vesttech.com/what-you-dont-know-about-wearable-tech-radiation-exposure/
To learn more about healthy frequencies and calming music: https://www.harmonicegg.com/store
By |2021-04-30T08:24:18+00:00April 23, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Has technology taken over using our brain to tell us what is wrong with us?

Covid-19, Harmonic Egg and Distance Healing…oh my!

I have 2 stories to share and will let you draw your own conclusion.

1) I had a client with a friend on a respirator with Covid-19.  He contacted me about doing a distance healing session for him in the Harmonic Egg.  I believe there are some occasions where you don’t need permission to work on someone.  My client called this one “life or death”.  I think that’s one of the occasions.  🙂   I put his photo and name in the Harmonic Egg and ran the Frequency of Love music on him.  A few hours later my client said that his friend was off the respirator and doing really well.  Coincidence?  Maybe?  I don’t know.  The man was young and healthy prior to the diagnosis.  He did make a full recovery.

2) An elderly lady with kidney disease and diabetes contracted Covid-19 when picking up her prescriptions at the pharmacy.  She said the pharmacist alerted her to her exposure when a man was there coughing and picking up his scripts.  I put her in the Harmonic Egg a few days after her symptoms arose and she was with 103+ temps and many other symptoms.  We did a distance healing session on 4/17/20.  The fever broke and she was very pleased. The fever came back the following day so we did another distance healing session for her on 4/18/20.  Here are her words after the 50-minute session on 4/18/20.

“I was coughing deeply and saw blue and magenta colors in my sleep.  My headache is gone.  I’ve had it non-stop since this started.  My fever is down to 101. (from 103.6)  The heaviness in my chest is lessened.  Coughs are productive.  I have felt some anxiety.  This is scary stuff.  But now I feel calm and relaxed.  I’m grateful you were able to do this for me.  I love the egg. I love you too!  Thank you so much!”

Today’s update from her (4/19/20): “I’m pretty weak but temp is 99. Headache still gone. Coughing, but productive.  Definitely an improvement.”

Having read this we could say that it means nothing or we could have hope that sound therapies and frequency medicine is where we should be headed as the future of medicine.  I work with sound and light daily and see so many “miracles”, but to the skeptic mind you might be so certain this is real.
I say, don’t knock it until you try it.
To learn more visit – https://www.harmonicegg.com or http://www.lifecenter.us (in Westminster, CO)
By |2021-04-27T07:00:42+00:00April 19, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Covid-19, Harmonic Egg and Distance Healing…oh my!

Visit our YouTube Channel – Harmonic Egg Videos and Info

Harmonic Egg / Life Center YouTube Channel

Lots of videos to explore and learn about health, sound and light healing, Harmonic Egg and more…some are just silly ones.


By |2021-04-30T10:15:51+00:00April 8, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Visit our YouTube Channel – Harmonic Egg Videos and Info

Regina Meredith interviews Gail Lynn, Harmonic Egg Inventor on Gaia.com

This was recorded 7 months ago, but it’s finally being aired.

https://www.gaia.com/video/frequencies-healing-gail-lynn?fullplayer=feature – it’s a subscription service but they do have a free trial and it’s easy to cancel.  🙂

By |2021-04-30T09:47:03+00:00April 6, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Regina Meredith interviews Gail Lynn, Harmonic Egg Inventor on Gaia.com
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