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So far slickdev has created 104 blog entries.

Interview with Les Jensen, New Human Living Radio Show


Interview with Regina Meredith from Gaia TV and ReginaMeredith.com – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmdiG4TilzQ&t=54s

Here what clients are saying – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkIN2131_gQ

By |2021-04-30T10:00:40+00:00February 20, 2020|HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Interview with Les Jensen, New Human Living Radio Show

Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing BOOK NOW AVAILABLE!

Downloadable .pdf available too…https://www.harmonicegg.com/store

What People Are Saying About the Harmonic Egg

“My experience in the Egg was extraordinary. I felt happy in my heart as soon as I saw it, but then the experience of being in it and taking the healing journey it offers was profound. I didn’t want to speak afterward and needed 20 minutes or so to feel ready to leave the building and engage with the outside world. I felt peaceful, rearranged and reconnected. Gail Lynn is a beautiful soul who has created a brilliant device for the world—and I am immensely grateful.”

— LEE HARRIS, Spiritual Teacher and Speaker, Channel, Energy Guide, and author of Energy Speaks. leeharrisenergy.com

“An aspect of my work over the last 40 years has been researching the effects of sacred geometry on our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Just seeing the geometric shape, before even entering the Harmonic Egg, I could immediately feel the uplifting energy in the room. I also perceived how my body felt an immediate calmness upon seeing it.”

— STEVEN A. ROSS, Ph.D., President, World Research Foundation.

“I came to the Life Center because, for the last 20-plus years, I have been supporting the integration of children diagnosed with autism, and others who experience heightened sensory sensitivities. In January 2019, I started to receive information from this population that there was a ‘pod’ that could help with their integration. I met Gail through a mutual friend and immediately knew that this is what the children had been talking about. I flew to Denver from LA and had two back-to-back sessions.

During my first session in the Harmonic Egg (HE), I entered with the intention to determine if this was the ‘pod’ the children were talking about. During this session, something was immediately cleared from my third eye and a symbol of balance was placed in my heart! I then heard children laughing and saw a giant tree of life with Harmonic Eggs hanging below the leaf line and above the ground. The Harmonic Eggs slowly descended and children walked out onto the earth! I took this as a sign that the HE could help this population be here.

The second session, I did for myself and especially for the integration of the child and the parent within me! My own integration of past trauma and disconnection is what led me to finding means for integration in the first place. In this session, I saw my biological parents as well as myself at various ages during my childhood. I fell asleep in the session, which, for me, tells me I am ‘going deep.’ On returning home, I found myself very tired for at least a couple days. I took that as a sign of integration!

The real magic occurred a week later.

Prior to meeting Gail, I had scheduled a trip to go see my mother. I was open to the experience, but nervous about it, because there has been a distance in our relationship for decades. However, this experience was completely different! My mother and I laughed and enjoyed each other’s company. My defenses seemed to drop naturally. I could feel her love for me, and mine was genuine toward her. The child in both of us acknowledged how much we missed each other. The reason for the distancing just seemed non-existent.

Given my experience in the Harmonic Egg, and my request, I know that it was this experience that helped heal this dynamic. After just two sessions, it brought the parent and child within me closer together. It did the same for my mother and me. If this level of connection can be made for me, I have no doubt that beautiful connections can be made for those on the spectrum through the Harmonic Egg!”

— SUZY MILLER, Visionary Speaker, Teacher, Energy Guide and Founder and author of Awesomism: A New Way to Understand the Diagnosis of Autism. Suzymiller.com

Watch the Interview with Suzy Miller – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BptyiK7J5_k&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR2nEciae4U9gDrQsl2aG3mYGG8AUf5mePzPl2YURqsCnJ9v5QSjqlJAoPk

Hear what clients are saying – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSP64pLIgKM

By |2021-04-30T04:43:34+00:00February 17, 2020|HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing BOOK NOW AVAILABLE!

Do you have pain? It could be your posture.

Many of us go throughout our day with poor posture and if you’re lucky you’ll remember to correct it every once in a while. What we don’t realize is just how much this has an effect on the different pains that we experience. When we have perfect posture, the weight of the is balanced and that reduces stress on the neck. When we develop forward head posture, it strains the neck and increases the weight of the head due to the effects of gravity. For every one inch your head moves forward, the weight of the head over the body doubles. Forward head posture also increases stress on the cervical spine, causes muscle overload, a hunched upper back, hyperflexion, and hyperextension. Over time, this causes more pain, greater risk for spinal degeneration, reduced mobility, and muscle imbalances.

This is a such a common issue because these days we are constantly hunched over texting, typing on computers, driving, cooking, and eating. When you tilt your head, you are also moving your shoulders into a rounded position which creates wear and tear and on the spine, neck, and back. This stress manifests into pain and discomfort, and not just to the upper half of your body. Other common conditions that are a result of bad posture include headaches/migraines, TMJ, asthma, allergies,  fibromyalgia, insomnia, sore chest muscles, numbness or tingling of the hands and arms, disc degeneration, trigeminal neuralgia, hip, knee, and foot pain. This is just a short list of known physical side effects, not even touching on how it can affect your energetic body. When we have poor posture, it is because we are disembodied and unaware of the way we are holding/supporting ourselves.

It is vital to your long-term health that you address forward head posture and the first step is developing awareness. Being mindful of correct posture or neutral alignment and sitting up straight is a good place to start. You should also avoid any prolonged posture and try to get in various positions throughout the day or take breaks from staring at your screen to do chin and neck stretches. Here is a link for 3 exercises to do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6C-wfv27bzI. Good posture is not only good for the health of your spine, but it is also good for your mood. Researchers have found that standing up straight elevates serotonin levels and it decreases your cortisol levels, which is a hormone that affects your mood. Fortunately, most of the pain caused by poor posture can be eliminated by using simple measures.

Another important resource for alleviating pain and correcting this learned behavior is doing regular Harmonic Egg sessions. Harmonic Egg is a resonant light and sound-chamber that assists reducing pain and inflammation, encourage bodily awareness, stimulating the destruction of virus and bacteria, regenerating tissue and tendons, promote cellular homeostasis, stimulates accelerated healing of wounds and bones, and improves circulation and heart health. Who doesn’t need at least one of those things?

Hear what clients are reporting about pain:


By |2021-04-26T08:16:43+00:00February 14, 2020|HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Do you have pain? It could be your posture.

Find a Harmonic Egg location!

Our Brand is about Love, Integrity, Reliability and Community.


We believe that love heals all. By setting love as our intention, we strive to spread that intention to anyone we are in contact with. Our loving and caring nature is why we bring our non-invasive healing method to the world. We are passionate about helping others. We bring a message of hope in helping people manifest the quality of life they desire.


Trust is earned through providing a high level of service, guidance and support. By listening to clients and giving them our knowledge and honest input, we show we care. We operate with fairness and decency, both for our customers as well as our co-workers. We hold our approved Harmonic Egg centers to a high standard to protect our brand.


We are approachable, hard working, cooperative, truthful, and readily available to talk to our Harmonic Egg owners and address their concerns. We have an overwhelming desire to share our knowledge and help our clients achieve success. We offer a consistent and repeatable modality to help others achieve the wellness they desire.


We know that our success depends on consistently providing support and we genuinely give our best effort for the benefit of every Harmonic Egg owner and end-user. We assist our approved centers by providing marketing and training and by conducting virtual meetings for center owners to connect, share and support each other as an extended family.

Click here for locations near you – https://yourdivinecenter.com/locations/

By |2021-04-30T10:13:28+00:00January 27, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH|Comments Off on Find a Harmonic Egg location!

Outcome Mastery Podcast (Interview) – Maddie Mackey

The links to iTunes and Spotify are below!
By |2021-04-30T09:17:45+00:00January 19, 2020|HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT|Comments Off on Outcome Mastery Podcast (Interview) – Maddie Mackey

Is there a one-size fits all frequency for everyone? It is why there is no drug that works for everyone.

“In my view, there is no set frequency for each and every person, these are only general industry “guesses.” I believe the higher the person vibrates, the more “off” these general industry guesses will be for them.” ~Gail Lynn, Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing
The world is looking at frequencies now…we are vibrational beings of light.  Why not heal with sound and light?  I was reading an article about how drugs are made and they said they actually look at the frequencies of the illness and try to neutralize it with a drug of a frequency known to neutralize it.  Really?!  Why not just use frequencies?!  Oh, right, that isn’t what made them BILLIONS of dollars…it had to be a product.  Part of the reason some drugs work for some and not for others is that we don’t all resonate with the general frequencies.  We are all unique and there is no one size fits all.  Make sense?
What we need to be using and studying is how to use frequencies for healing.  There are no side effects like the prescription drugs.  It’s safer, but there is no money in it for BIG PHARMA at this time.
We want to save people, let’s save the half million people that die each year from medical errors, many of which are wrong drug interactions.
By |2021-04-29T09:32:23+00:00January 17, 2020|HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Is there a one-size fits all frequency for everyone? It is why there is no drug that works for everyone.

Got Tinnitus or Diabetes?! Read more…

diabetes and tinnitus help blog picture

This is how my mind works and I try to train the other Harmonic Egg center owners to think like me.  Maybe that’s a mistake…ha ha!  No one really wants to be in my head.  There is a squirrel in there that never stops running around on a wheel.  Okay, you should have smiled at that.

I was in San Diego for a wedding and someone there solicited my help with Type 2 diabetes.  In my studies of 11 years I have learned that in order to help diabetes (Type 1 seems to be more about the Pancreas and Type 2 more about the Liver) you need to make some diet changes.  This gentleman’s diagnosis was Type 2 so that is what I will mostly write about here, but feel free to reach out if you want more information on Type 1 Diabetes.   I will get to Tinnitus in a minute.

Type 2 Diabetes being about the liver being fatty and unable to break down fats and cause an insulin resistance, or the body not able to work like it should because the liver is not pulling its weight.  I have clients reduce fatty foods (lower their intake of animal proteins, no fried foods, no dairy, etc.).  I have clients increase their fruits and vegetable intake. Yes, fruits.  We have been hoodwinked to believe that fruits are dangerous for diabetics, but in fact there are essential minerals in fruits that help the liver and the body work efficiently.   Listen to this podcast, as it makes the most sense to me on how to explain what I just stated.  https://soundcloud.com/medicalmedium/fruit-fear

The liver needs support, not detoxing.  The liver needs hydration, mineral salts, glucose and oxygen.  Learn how in this webinar I created for people wanting to support their liver.  https://lifecenter.us/liver-health-and-weight-issues-webinar (or watch below). Be sure to take notes on the things to do to support the liver.  Your liver is supporting you on a daily basis, even when you are sleeping so be good to your liver.

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Almost to the Tinnitus part.  This gentleman, from San Diego, has Type 2 diabetes so bad he’s on several medicines (meds) and he’s now seeing double vision in one eye and having to wear an eye patch.  He is to the point of being desperate for help.  I wish people would not get to that point before helping themselves, but in our fast-paced world with quick fix mentalities we just take meds and hope that quick fix will be enough to keep us going.  The problem is, it’s not!  It’s masking symptoms that keep getting worse because we are not resolving the root cause of the problem.

While having dinner one night, this gentleman mentioned that when he drinks coffee his ears ring really bad.  These are things I pay attention to and store in my mind for that squirrel to run around and then find the pieces of my knowledge that fit into a more clear puzzle.  I have read that Type 2 Diabetes can also be heavy metals or a viral load attacking the liver.  Hmmmm….this gentleman was in the Navy and retired as a Master Chief (that’s about 30+ years), and I know many military guys have a high load of heavy metals in their bodies.  I suggested he ask his doctor to order a heavy metal urine challenge for him.  When I got home I went online and researched heavy metals and coffee. It turns out, coffee is made of chemical components that are really good at trapping heavy metals like mercury and lead….another.  Hmmmm….more work for that squirrel to churn information in my brain.  Poor squirrel.

Everything I have read over the years about Tinnitus had led to the following causes:  1) Inflammation, 2) Heavy Metals, 3) A virus attacking the body (an autoimmune condition), 4) kidney issues, 5) liver issues.  Yes, not so exciting to know if you have Tinnitus.  However, I have helped people with this condition if they are patient and work with me on all the points listed above.

Oh, I have also read Tinnitus can be a B12 deficiency.  “B12 deficiency may cause the demyelination of neurons in the cochlear nerve, resulting in hearing loss and tinnitus.”  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4918681/

If you didn’t know already I am the inventor of the Harmonic Egg (a sound and light egg-shaped chamber).  Learn more at https://www.harmonicegg.com.  During the first session for someone using the Harmonic Egg to resolve Tinnitus, we work on inflammation.  That’s the easiest one to rule out if it’s the cause of Tinnitus.  Truly, clients have done one session and the ringing was gone.  In the next sessions we work on settings to detox heavy metals, anti-viral settings, kidney and liver support settings and we coach the client on diet changes as well as other protocols we have documented at the centers.  It’s not a quick fix for most clients.  We recommend purchasing a 10 pack of sessions and doing those over a short period of time.  Weekly is best.  That’s a good amount of support for the body to reset / reboot and remind it that dis-ease is not NORMAL.  Our bodies are amazing machines and know how to heal on their own, but over the years we beat them up, eat crappy foods, don’t get enough rest, have traumas that come up (like the loss of a parent or a car accident), stress of all kinds…the body gets out of sync and forgets the NORMAL of its perfection.  The Harmonic Egg reboots the body and shifts it back to the perfection it was innately born with.  Am I making any sense?

Again, not a quick fix and why would you expect it to be when you beat your body up for 5, 20, 40 years and then you want it to be fixed with a pill or a MAGIC EGG.   Okay, laughing is appropriate here.

When seeing clients with Type 2 diabetes we use similar settings in the Harmonic Egg (anti-viral, nervous system reboot, liver support, heavy metal detox).  The settings used in the Harmonic Egg are carefully selected when you visit a center (all centers are trained to do a proper intake to find out what the client want to focus on, and then have them set their intention while in the Harmonic Egg).

Check out my book, Unlocking the Ancient Secrets of Healing, for references: why sound and light therapies work for dis-ease, interviews from doctors, musicians and clients and more on the workings of the Harmonic Egg.  https://www.harmonicegg.com/store

I hope I have helped some of you to engage that squirrel in your head to start thinking how you can help yourself find a better quality of life from things that ail you whether it be Tinnitus, Diabetes, PTSD, STRESS, sleep disorders or other.  I, myself, was able to rid my body of migraines, asthma, liver and thyroid issues, cystic acne, hair loss and more using sound and light.

Gail Lynn

http://www.harmomicegg.com or http://www.lifecenter.us

You might also like this video on Research and Patent /FDA Clearance Information on the Harmonic Egg

By |2021-04-30T09:20:56+00:00January 10, 2020|HEALTH|Comments Off on Got Tinnitus or Diabetes?! Read more…

Integration: How To Be Gentle With Yourself

Be Gentle with YourselfIntegrating is an essential key in receiving energy work, and as the body releases old unhealthy energetic patterns it is also integrating new ones. We could all use a little guidance on how to move through it more gracefully and how to maximize the healing that took place. Many times we are told “drink lots of water and remember to be gentle with yourself.” Drinking 60-80 ounces of water daily is an important place to start, but what does being gentle with yourself really mean? How does one carry this into their everyday life? This can look many ways, so here are some suggestions..

    1. Commit to a daily practice. Start off with a one week commitment and create time for this. It tends to be easier to start or end your day with this practice, and waking up ten minutes early or replacing screen time with an intentional activity can be a wonderful way to integrate this into your weekly schedule. Some ideas for a practice could include journaling, stretching, breathwork, recording your dreams, exercise, reading, or going on a walk. I encourage you to note any changes in your thoughts, feelings, physical wellbeing, emotional state, relationships, and perspective after commiting to a practice for one week. Record this in a journal. Tell someone you trust that you’d like support in your practice, this can help with accountability.
    2. Sitting with your thoughts and emotions. You will likely be processing a variety of emotions as toxins come up and old feelings resurface. This is a great opportunity for you to be present with them. Witness every emotion or thought that comes up for you throughout the day and simply be with it. You don’t need to pick it apart, analyze it, or try and change it. Allow yourself to to witness it and feel into if it is of service to your highest truth. There’s no need to attach yourself to the thought/feeling, just give it love and release it. If it is of service to your highest truth, sit with it and feel how good it is to honor that.
    3. Affirmations. You can look up many types of affirmations or create your own. Read this aloud to yourself when you wake up, any time you feel stress or worry arise, and before going to bed. Say it with confidence, and affirm this to yourself as your truth. Here is one that I’ve found to be powerful. “Every day is a new point of vibrational attraction and I allow myself to be in the receptive mode of everything that I’ve intended and asked for. I am in full alignment with all that I have become. This is a good day and a new beginning. I am in touch with my emotions.”
    4. Set boundaries. Check in with yourself before making decisions. Is this something you truly want to do or do you feel an obligation in order to make someone else happy? Ask yourself what your thoughts, feelings, and needs are, and how you can meet these needs. Prioritize getting a full night’s rest; this is associated with improved emotional, psychological, and physical health. Radical honesty in your relationships is a good place to start when communicating a boundary. Be sure of where you stand, be direct, and practice self awareness. It’s important to ask if the person is able to hold space to have a conversation about setting healthy boundaries before doing so. 

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It’s important to be aware that energy work isn’t always an instant fix and that your individual healing process can look totally different from another persons. It’s helpful to set an intention to support your healing process, without feeling the need to “fix” anything. The beautiful thing about integration is that you are in charge. You and only you know what’s most nourishing for you on your journey. Make time for what’s important and prioritize your healing. You deserve this.

In service to you,

Gracie, Life Center (Jan, 2020)

You might also like this video about the Harmonic Egg – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUGAIxDNnno

By |2021-04-30T09:21:52+00:00January 8, 2020|SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Integration: How To Be Gentle With Yourself

Ascension Tech – Birthing the Harmonic Egg

Warning: The F word is used in this podcast, but it’s great information and an engaging interview.


Ascension Tech –  Birthing the Harmonic Egg

Gail is my boo… since the first session in her light box in 2014, I recognized this technology to be an ascension chamber. These were the modalities the galactic were talking about and I was lucky enough to have one here in Colorado!

I could have spent an hour just geeking out on the Harmonic Egg, but we had so much more to cover. From remembering her past lives to bring through a new Atlantean technology, Gail has committed to doing her part to facilitate wellness and optimal healing.

She has worked tirelessly to bridge medical and woo woo to validate the veracity of healing using light, color, and sound.

We explore why the liver is in such need of our love and 4 things you can do to support it. I had to ask about Tesla tech and how it influenced the design and of course we go way starry about the galactic beings who have been guardians since the beginning.

Yeah, it’s a lot and I hope you have as much fun as we did.

Resources mentioned inside:

– Harmonic Egg

– Gail’s book, Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing

– Regina Meredith on Gaia.

– Norm Shealy

– Leslie Zehr – Egyptian teacher and guide

A couple of notes on this episode… we refer to an episode I recorded but did not release. It’s too heavy right now and my provocative title proved to be a little too predictive. Maybe sometime I’ll redo it but ugh…

If you hear some blips, names were mentioned that I’d rather not. We protect our kids and others in this space, cause free will baby.

More of the voice … that’s me….

Upcoming classes and what the heck ever else at RocknRollShaman.com

By |2021-04-30T10:14:43+00:00January 8, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Ascension Tech – Birthing the Harmonic Egg

Want to Learn From Soul-Centered Entrepreneurs As They Reveal Their Secrets To Building an Authentic Business and Making Money

As a soul-centered entrepreneur, I get how hard it can be to grow a business without sacrificing who you authentically are.

I remember hearing speakers like Wayne Dyer, Marilyn Sherman, Roger Anthony and Suzy Orman who spoke to my heart.  They felt authentic and resonated at a soul level.  Over the years I have been blessed to communicate my message and learn from so many clients and mentors.  I have tried to be authentic and be a role model.  I have tried to spread love and encouragement.  I have tried not to judge and to lift up those to succeed as I have succeeded.

That’s why I was so thrilled when my friend (and soul-centered entrepreneur), Camille Miller, asked me to be featured in a new interview series all around this topic, which actually was born out of her own insight of what was happening around the world when people don’t align who they are with what they do.

It’s called Six-Figure Souls: Doing Good & Making Money. This FREE Online Summit highlights soul-centered entrepreneurs who crushed the six-figure ceiling and still feel they are in alignment with the Universe and their purpose. They are making money AND serving other!

This is a totally FREE online summit and I have a complimentary ticket for you. You can register using this link:  https://www.thenaturallife.org/sfs-gail-lynn.html

This is for any soul-centered, heart-based, holistic, conscious, natural entrepreneur or alternative medicine practitioner that wants to break through those money barriers and earn the living they deserve doing what they love.   

These interviews are REAL, AUTHENTIC, short to the point conversations with soul-centered entrepreneurs, like me, who’ve made a business around being authentic. You will not want to miss this!

Once you register you get the entire library of interviews. You will not be asked to purchase anything. PLUS, each speaker will offer a FREE gift as a thank you for watching!

I’m excited to be a part of this very unique event and hope you will join me in watching the interviews and continuing the conversation afterwards in our private Facebook group.

Register here for your FREE PASS.  https://www.thenaturallife.org/sfs-gail-lynn.html

Gail Lynn

PS. My interview is Monday, June 29, 2020 but register now so you don’t miss any of the other experts. I’m so proud to be a part of this launch series.

By |2021-04-30T10:18:32+00:00January 6, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH|Comments Off on Want to Learn From Soul-Centered Entrepreneurs As They Reveal Their Secrets To Building an Authentic Business and Making Money
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