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Gaia TV Interview – 24 hours FREE access, expires 1:15 pm MST on April 18, 2021


Gaia is a subscription TV service…if the link is expired and you are from the Media or Press we can get you another “share” link.  Please email info@harmonicegg.com

Purchase Gail’s book.  https://www.harmonicegg.com


By |2021-04-29T07:00:16+00:00April 28, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Gaia TV Interview – 24 hours FREE access, expires 1:15 pm MST on April 18, 2021

Has technology taken over using our brain to tell us what is wrong with us?

As a society we have lost the ability and skill to think for ourselves.  The media tells us how to think, schools and colleges tell us how to think, Facebook tells us how to think, advertisements tell us how to think and our technology (FitBits, Healy, Motiv ring, Apple Watch, Owlet, Health apps, etc) tell us what they think is wrong with us…THESE ARE TOOLS, they are not to be used as the golden rule.  LISTEN TO YOUR BODY, you don’t need technology to tell you your back hurts.

Information and knowledge are very different.  Humans CANNOT acquire knowledge from books, media, technology.  They can acquire information, but information is not knowledge!

“Information is not knowledge until it is recognized by the spiritual consciousness of man.” ~Walter Russell

Just like food is not nourishment for the body until it becomes a part of the blood stream, and some food we are putting into our bodies are not even nourishing.  Every bite of food you take you are sending a message to the body on how much or little you respect yourself.  I digress…back to the topic.

Why does most of society expect a doctor, a health practitioner or a smart phone to tell them what to do to feel good?  We have lost touch with our bodies and the ability to think for ourselves.  These people and devices should be tools for us to discern and gather information.

I am against any wearable “technology” monitoring your every step, heart beat, event in your life.  We have given away our power to “authorities” and technology.

Wearing a technology (or the term now is “wearables”) is not the future we want.  I think those transmissions are negative to the body. They may have “science” that proves otherwise but I don’t believe it. They are constantly putting electronic transmissions / EMFs into your body to get second by second “readings” on your every move and body function.  Some claim you must wear a grounding bracelet to be safe from the EMFs, but I don’t believe that just having the grounding bracelet on is harmonizing all the EMFs that are possibly going into the body.  Is this making sense?  The constant monitoring is electronic energy pulsing through the body.
I have helped clients with their stress levels by asking them to NOT wear the “wearables” and they admitted their stress levels went down after putting them in the drawer.  One reason could be the stress of constantly being told how you are doing, or not doing, and the other could be the electronic transmissions caused the stress on the body.  I encourage clients to tap into their own potential of feeling their own body.  Do not depend on a computer to tell you how you’re doing.  I think that is very unhealthy for the mind and body.
I think we need less electronics and less technology, NOT more technology. I think we need to tune into our own bodies and feel into how we’re feeling, not how an electronic device is telling us how we’re feeling. There are so many medical devices now “reading” our health…some might be accurate and some could be sending you down a path that is destructive to the body.  Norm Shealy, MD states in his book on Energy Medicine that 90% of these machines are not accurate.  Clients have told me that they are accurate as they have stated they had been exposed to mold and they were…well, who hasn’t been exposed to mold?  You see, just like the psychics can scan a room and say, “someone in the room has a grandmother named Mary”.  Well, chances are a room full of people will have someone with a grandmother named Mary.  Then the whole audience is in awe over the psychic.  Ok, digressing again.
Then you have the machines that say you have parasites.  We all have parasites.  Are they causing an issue or not is the question.  Clients have done strong parasite cleanses based on this information and they killed more than parasites and messed up their bodies.  So, you see this information is for you to gain knowledge and discern what your body needs.
I hope this makes sense and I touch at least one person who will not hurt themselves from the possible mis-information and dangerous transmissions from some of these “wearables”.
Here is some information about the health risks of “wearables” – https://www.vesttech.com/what-you-dont-know-about-wearable-tech-radiation-exposure/
To learn more about healthy frequencies and calming music: https://www.harmonicegg.com/store
By |2021-04-30T08:24:18+00:00April 23, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Has technology taken over using our brain to tell us what is wrong with us?

Covid-19, Harmonic Egg and Distance Healing…oh my!

I have 2 stories to share and will let you draw your own conclusion.

1) I had a client with a friend on a respirator with Covid-19.  He contacted me about doing a distance healing session for him in the Harmonic Egg.  I believe there are some occasions where you don’t need permission to work on someone.  My client called this one “life or death”.  I think that’s one of the occasions.  🙂   I put his photo and name in the Harmonic Egg and ran the Frequency of Love music on him.  A few hours later my client said that his friend was off the respirator and doing really well.  Coincidence?  Maybe?  I don’t know.  The man was young and healthy prior to the diagnosis.  He did make a full recovery.

2) An elderly lady with kidney disease and diabetes contracted Covid-19 when picking up her prescriptions at the pharmacy.  She said the pharmacist alerted her to her exposure when a man was there coughing and picking up his scripts.  I put her in the Harmonic Egg a few days after her symptoms arose and she was with 103+ temps and many other symptoms.  We did a distance healing session on 4/17/20.  The fever broke and she was very pleased. The fever came back the following day so we did another distance healing session for her on 4/18/20.  Here are her words after the 50-minute session on 4/18/20.

“I was coughing deeply and saw blue and magenta colors in my sleep.  My headache is gone.  I’ve had it non-stop since this started.  My fever is down to 101. (from 103.6)  The heaviness in my chest is lessened.  Coughs are productive.  I have felt some anxiety.  This is scary stuff.  But now I feel calm and relaxed.  I’m grateful you were able to do this for me.  I love the egg. I love you too!  Thank you so much!”

Today’s update from her (4/19/20): “I’m pretty weak but temp is 99. Headache still gone. Coughing, but productive.  Definitely an improvement.”

Having read this we could say that it means nothing or we could have hope that sound therapies and frequency medicine is where we should be headed as the future of medicine.  I work with sound and light daily and see so many “miracles”, but to the skeptic mind you might be so certain this is real.
I say, don’t knock it until you try it.
To learn more visit – https://www.harmonicegg.com or http://www.lifecenter.us (in Westminster, CO)
By |2021-04-27T07:00:42+00:00April 19, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Covid-19, Harmonic Egg and Distance Healing…oh my!

Visit our YouTube Channel – Harmonic Egg Videos and Info

Harmonic Egg / Life Center YouTube Channel

Lots of videos to explore and learn about health, sound and light healing, Harmonic Egg and more…some are just silly ones.


By |2021-04-30T10:15:51+00:00April 8, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Visit our YouTube Channel – Harmonic Egg Videos and Info

Regina Meredith interviews Gail Lynn, Harmonic Egg Inventor on Gaia.com

This was recorded 7 months ago, but it’s finally being aired.

https://www.gaia.com/video/frequencies-healing-gail-lynn?fullplayer=feature – it’s a subscription service but they do have a free trial and it’s easy to cancel.  🙂

By |2021-04-30T09:47:03+00:00April 6, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Regina Meredith interviews Gail Lynn, Harmonic Egg Inventor on Gaia.com

Can you Catch a VIRUS?! NO!

This is a great video…we are working on new music selections for the Egg to bring more LIGHT to the clients, more health…we already know the Harmonic Egg detoxes the body (we can smell heavy metals, fungus, fatty liver disease and more after sessions with clients that are toxic).  We want to focus on raising your immune system above the common cold / disease.  We WILL NOT be focusing on killing anything, we will focus on rising above the level of disease.  Does this make sense?

By |2021-04-30T08:00:41+00:00April 3, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES|Comments Off on Can you Catch a VIRUS?! NO!

We have added more items to the Harmonic Egg Store…

Check it out…healing music, great read on sound and light therapies to help boost immunity and heal naturally.


I really enjoyed your book. The “read” flowed effortlessly and I loved how I could feel your energy and hear your voice in each sentence. I finished it in 2 days, which is UNHEARD of for me. I didn’t fall asleep reading once!  ~Jane Fisher

Wow… just wow Gail!! First of all, I am so in awe of your intelligence. All of the experiences that you’ve been through and the knowledge that you gained from it all. I just love how it all came down to healing for yourself and others. This was a great read! I enjoyed every bit of it. I have wanted to understand the “Harmonic Egg” better because of my experience in my sessions. I experienced such joy during and after my sessions. I came away with more clarity but also a lot of questions. I am now just plain inspired and really want to have a health center of my own. Thank you for staying the course and doing all the work and bringing this amazing technology to the world. I am grateful for your brilliance and for all the people that have been helped by you! I can’t wait to see what else you learn and discover.  ~Nancy Vickery

Long before antibiotics and other prescription drugs became the norm, there were amazing healing modalities used in olden times. In her new book, “Unlocking The Ancient Secrets To Healing”, Gail Lynn gives an overview of what these are. A gifted healer in her own right, Gail details her journey from dysfunction and disease to restoration and vibrancy. After many turns in the road, her brilliant mind and intuitive insights led her to create the “Harmonic Egg Chamber” which uses science, frequency, sound, light and vibration to change our cells and our emotions. This Spirit-led invitation is not accidental — it’s an opportunity to explore your possibilities for repairing and renewing at a deep energetic level. This book is a compelling read — a game-changer. Accept it, pursue it, be transformed by it! ~Jean Allord

Gail, I am having a hard time putting your book down. I want it to last. I am very impressed. I did not know you had went through all those life experiences. Learning about the egg now. ~Sandy Drews

By |2021-04-30T05:22:57+00:00April 3, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES|Comments Off on We have added more items to the Harmonic Egg Store…
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