• 2319 Hall Johnson Rd Ste. I COLLEYVILLE TX 76034


Now offering Distance Healing (Testimonials inside!)

Protocol for Clients and Pets

Remote / Virtual Harmonic Egg sessions…I believe there is more power to being physically in the Harmonic Egg, but in a pinch or when you can’t access the Egg this is very powerful healing.

What we need from you after making your appointment for a Remote / Virtual Harmonic Egg session:

  • A photo of you. Should include the waist up.
  • Your birth date and full birth name.
  • A short phone call, or an email from you to find out what you want to focus on for your session.
  • Your commitment to follow guidelines and protocol to get the most of your remote / virtual session. See more below AFTER YOUR SESSION.
  • You can call or schedule online.  There is an option for a distance healing room – http://www.lifecenter.us.  There is a SCHEDULE NOW button at the top of the website header.  Or call 303-630-9218 if you have questions.

What we do for your session:

  • We hold the space for your intention / healing, based on our phone call/your email. We put your photo and information into the Egg during your scheduled appointment time.
  • YOU commit to being in a safe, quiet place during that time to lie or sit for 50 minutes holding the space for your own healing and intention that was set. You may also color, paint, garden or something you enjoy to be clear in your mind.
  • We follow up with you the following day to see if you have any questions. You are welcome to contact us to share any feedback about your session or ask questions prior to our follow up call / email.

What you can do outside of your Harmonic Egg sessions (this includes those that enter physically as well as remotely):

  • You can purchase Harmonic Egg music to help anchor in sessions. The music is very peaceful, calming, meditative and can be played for pets as well.  Children also are mediating with parents to this music.
  • We have electrolytes available for purchase as well. Electrolytes are a key supplement for the integration of sessions.  Healing sessions help the body detox emotionally, environmentally and more.   Electrolytes support the detoxing process; therefore, they are depleted when the body is healing and need to be replenished.
  • Purchase a copy of Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing to read more about sound and light therapies. The book also includes testimonials and interviews from doctors and musicians.   Plus, things you can do at home to work with color and sound.

Healing / Mediation Music and Gail’s book (Unlocking the Ancients Secrets to Healing) can be bought online here: https://www.harmonicegg.com/store.

For Pets:

  • We hold the space for your intention / healing for your pet, based on our phone call with you, while we put their photo and information into the Egg during your scheduled appointment time.
  • YOU commit to being with them in a safe, quiet place during that time to lie or sit for 50 minutes holding the space for their healing and intention that was set.
  • We follow up with you the following day to see if you have any questions. You are welcome to contact us to share any feedback about the session or ask questions prior to our follow up call.


  • Drink plenty of water to flush and help with detoxing and resetting the body.  People that have not done this have not integrated as well as others.
  • Be gentle with yourself for at least 48 hours. The best you can.
  • Eat a good diet for a few days…lighter portions and more fruits and veggies…avoid heavy meals and cream sauces, fried foods and too much refined sugar.
  • If you purchased the music, listen to one track per day and follow the same steps you did for your remote / virtual session.


  • Suggested to do distance healing / remote sessions every 4-7 days.  If you are under a lot of stress, or have a chronic conditions the sessions will not hold as long we recommended every 4-5 days to do a session.
  • If you are trying to increase your well-being from your current level of wellness we recommend sessions every 5-7 days.
  • If you are doing maintenance for your current level of wellness we recommend once a month.


“I found my breathing improved… like a cotton ball had been removed. And I felt much lighter in spirit and noticed different thought patterns leading to more of an open perspective. Maybe more like neutral and less judgement in my thoughts. Today I meditated. I can’t even tell you the last time I meditated. It was awesome…beautiful and it was a shift for me.

Major fear shift in relation to all the crap going on during a transformation (This is one for the books 🤓). Anyhoo.. all in all I would declare this a successful session!”  ~DM

“After many nights of not sleeping, I slept GREAT!”  ~SM

“As soon as the session started, I felt all vibrating and tingly. Madison (the pup) adjusted herself so I know she felt it too. We had a couple hours of increased energy following, gardened a little, then we succumbed to down time on the sofa. It was great Gail. I felt the healing move deeper and deeper, had a huge release in my hips that went way down through my feet and toes. Feeling very relaxed and mellow today. Slept in which is rare. TY so much! Will book another session soon. 🙏” ~DL

“I got the shivers 6 times and was not even cold, I saw a woman’s face and she was smiling, my toe cramped up and today, after weeks of having a sore throat, my throat is not bothering me at all.”  ~GK

“I had stomach pains, then filled up the toilet! Like my body was trying to purge some stuff. I find myself not craving bad foods for candida, like bread, and my general state, very calm. The day of the healing, I was emotionally sensitive and had a good cry.” ~CD

“I think the results were successful.  I felt as if someone had given me a sleeping pill after the session.  I was incredibly relaxed – in fact, sleepy.   I’ve been very relaxed since then, as well.” ~CC

“This healing “event” really shifted my energy & focus to wellness. I had a feeling that no matter what happens, I AM SAFE & cared about….and that I will be fine.” ~ZM

“I woke up this morning feeling really good.  Still not hungry but no pain and nausea.  I have no cravings. I have just an overall sense of well being.”  ~MS

See 2 clients that recovered from COVID-19 – https://harmonicegg.com/covid-19-harmonic-egg-and-distance-healing-oh-my/

Additional Information about remote healing and intention from Prof. Dominique Surel (PhD). Noetic scholar with background in Controlled Remote Viewing, Radiesthesia, and Alchemy. Specializes in the development of Intuitive Intelligence.

When sending an intention, we are working in the quantum, or nonlocal realm. This is the realm of alchemy and radiesthesia. The principles of these ancient sciences are mostly unknown or misunderstood by the modern world. The basic premise is that we use our unconscious mind to connect into the nonlocal realm. To clarify definitions: the conscious mind refers to our intelligence, and where analysis, assessment, etc. takes place. The subconscious mind is where hidden emotions, programs, etc. are stored. The unconscious mind is the key, and portal, into the nonlocal realm.

Our education system and cultural values usually do not train us on how to use the unconscious mind. On the contrary, we are mostly told to ignore it. When we do identify it, because of lack of knowledge, we assume it works like the conscious mind. It does not, for two reasons: 1) it works in another realm and 2) its function is to do something totally different than the conscious mind.

Let’s get back to the issue of sending an intention. Here is a proven protocol to follow:

1) Create your intention. It must be brief and very clear. To the point. Example: I want to heal my liver.

2) When sending the intention you must be totally present and not in any type of meditative or altered state. The more awake and present you are, the more powerful the intention.

3) To send it: State it three times in a row, without emotion and especially without any expectation. Emotions and expectations will only hinder its trajectory. Without getting into the complexity of how things work in the nonlocal realm, suffice it to say that the more neutral we are, the more faith we exude in the execution.

4) When you finish stating your intention three times, immediately stop thinking about it and engage in some sort of activity. Why? Because any thought process, analysis, or wanting to empower it more, will come from your conscious mind that has no power in the nonlocal realm. Any addition you provide to this protocol will be coming from your ego who thinks it knows how to improve the protocol. Our conscious mind is always trying to improve things.  The ego will try to interfere in any process or protocol that it did not create itself.  Engaging in an activity, with a process to follow such as washing a car, coloring, painting, playing music, gardening, reading, watching tv, etc… will ensure that the conscious mind is busy with that activity, and will not interfere with the trajectory of the intention. Although watching TV is not a process it occupies the conscious mind by having to pay attention and follow the story.

It is true that many secrets from ancient sciences are actually very simple and obvious concepts. This is one of them. You have probably also heard that working within the nonlocal realm demands humility. Humility is a huge component. Why? Because you have to ignore the ego, and the conscious mind that thinks it knows better. It will want to add a step, or believe that being in a meditative state is much better. If you give in to this, the protocol will be polluted and the intention will be significantly weakened. There are, of course, other protocols that you can use, but never mix or change directives of different protocols. Choose one and stick to it. Each one is proven to work as is and should be followed exactly the way it meant to be used for it to be effective and powerful.

The information above is from alchemical and radiesthesia knowledge as well as scientific research that was conducted by the US military to develop the powerful Controlled Remote Viewing protocol.

By |2021-04-29T08:32:28+00:00March 26, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Now offering Distance Healing (Testimonials inside!)

SHIPPING IN APRIL….Frequency of LOVE CD…and boy do we need these vibes!

I will put in in the store when it’s available for purchase. It will include how it was made, musicians and intention for the track.


Read the details on how this was made – https://www.harmonicegg.com/frequencyoflove


By |2021-04-30T08:22:51+00:00March 24, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES|Comments Off on SHIPPING IN APRIL….Frequency of LOVE CD…and boy do we need these vibes!

Let’s talk about ANGER and the LIVER!

Your liver is your body’s largest solid organ. On average, it weighs around 3 pounds, in adulthood and is roughly the size of a football. This organ is vital to the body’s metabolic, detoxification, and immune system functions. Without a functioning liver, a person cannot survive.

The liver’s major functions are in the metabolic processes of the body. These include:

  • breaking down or converting certain substances
  • balancing energy metabolism by converting glycogen to glucose and storing extra glucose by converting it to glycogen
  • making toxins less harmful to the body and removing them from the bloodstream

The liver does this by receiving blood with nutrients from the digestive organs via a vein known as the hepatic portal vein.

The many cells of the liver, known as hepatocytes, accept and filter this blood. They act as little sorting centers, determining:

  • which nutrients should be processed
  • what should be stored
  • what should be eliminated via the stool
  • what should go back to the blood

The liver stores fat-soluble vitamins as well as minerals such as copper and iron, releasing them if the body needs them. It also helps to break down fats in a person’s diet. It either metabolizes fats or releases them as energy.

Gail’s comment: However, there is a large amount of the population with fatty liver disease and it’s preventing some from losing weight.  It’s creating a toxic environment for the body and the people eating Keto diets are not helping their livers with the high fat foods.

The liver also produces an estimated 800 to 1,000 milliliters (ml) of bile each day. This bile is transported via bile ducts that eventually join and form the common bile duct that flows into the small intestine. The small intestine uses the bile to further help with break down and absorption of fats. Extra bile is stored in the gallbladder.

The liver produces and breaks down proteins as well. The byproduct of breaking down amino acid proteins is called ammonia, which can be toxic to the body in large amounts. The liver turns the toxic ammonia into a substance called urea. The liver releases this into the blood where the kidneys excrete it via the urine. The liver also removes alcohol from the blood, as well as affects many medications a person takes.

As if these functions weren’t enough, the liver also plays major roles in the following:

  • creating immune system factors that can fight against infection
  • creating proteins responsible for blood clotting
  • breaking down old and damaged red blood cells
  • storing extra blood sugar as glycogen

When taking all this into consideration, it’s easy to see how important the liver is to a person’s health.


Five Vitamins you need to support your Liver!

Anger is the emotion of the liver and the gallbladder, organs associated with the wood element. Emotions like rage, fury or aggravation can indicate that this energy is in excess, and when we experience these emotions consistently, our liver can get further damaged.


The liver is associated with the Solar Plexus chakra and when you come to use the Harmonic Egg for liver health we use flute music and orange lights for your session.  Other colors to support the Liver can be reds, yellows and greens.  Below is a webinar I did to teach clients how to support their liver.

By |2021-04-27T08:08:49+00:00March 20, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES|Comments Off on Let’s talk about ANGER and the LIVER!

Let’s talk FEAR and the Kidneys!

Most people have two kidneys. They are bean-shaped organs located on both sides of the spine, behind the stomach. Each one is about the size of an adult fist. Their main purpose is to keep the composition of blood in the body balanced to maintain good health.

Proper care can keep kidneys running properly well into old age. One of the most important things to remember is to stay hydrated. Kidneys need water to function properly and to carry away toxins.

“In the most serious cases, dehydration can eventually harm the body causing seizures, kidney failure and even death,” said Dr. Buck Parker, a trauma surgeon who also recently appeared on NBC’s reality TV show “The Island.” Parker suggested that the best ways to avoid dehydration included drinking water before you get thirsty, since thirst indicates dehydration; eating foods, like fruits and vegetables, with a high water content; avoiding soda or other caffeinated drinks; and limiting alcohol consumption.

Vitamins can be very important to the function and health of kidneys. “(Folic acid) helps to reduce levels of homocysteine, which has been linked to heart disease, stroke and kidney disease,” said Dr. Kristine Arthur, an internist at Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California. Vitamin A is also very important to healthy kidney function.

Taking too much vitamin C, though, may lead to kidney stones, according to Arthur.

Another supplement that may cause trouble is calcium. “Some older women who get their calcium from supplements rather than in their diet are more prone to kidney stones,” said Dr. Linda Girgis, a family practice doctor in South River, New Jersey. “Many people falsely assume that taking vitamins is healthy and safe, but this is not always the case. Sometimes people take too much. It is very hard to get too much when ingesting it is food,” said Girgis.

Keeping blood pressure in check may also contribute to long-term good kidney health. A study by the National Kidney Foundation found that moderately high blood pressure levels in midlife might contribute to late-life kidney disease and kidney failure.

The American Kidney Fund also suggests avoiding a diet high in fat and salt, limiting alcohol, avoiding tobacco and exercising most days as good ways to keep kidneys healthy.


Again, as I have stated in other posts, let food be your medicine.  Look up foods that have Vitamin C, Vitamin A, etc.  Don’t reply on supplements that may or may not be absorbing for your body type.  If you are deficient they are fine for a short term and then create your diet around what you need.  This can change over time…check in with your body and give it a variety diet.  Eat the Rainbow!    Have fun with foods and enjoy the different textures and tastes!   Eating is part of life…it should be enjoyed!

To continue…

Every organ corresponds to the energy of a certain emotion, and every disease stems from an imbalance in an organ or its meridians (energy channels). This is a fundamental idea in Chinese Medicine. Many times a physical disorder linked to a certain organ actually stems from an imbalance in the emotion associated with that organ. The reverse could be true: an imbalanced organ can heighten the specific emotion experienced by an individual. It can become a vicious cycle.  So, people with kidney issues could be living in more fear than the average person with healthy kidneys.  Fear is the emotion associated with Kidneys (water element).

It is a normal adaptive emotion, but can become chronic when we ignore it. Kidney issues often arise when we are dealing with fear, such as a change in life direction or unstable living conditions. When we experience extreme fright, our kidneys struggle to hold Qi and we can quite literally pee our pants. Involuntary urination like this is often seen in ‘stage fright’.

Reduce: cheese, salt, animal protein, sugars, excessively cooling foods.

We have helped many clients with kidney issues and no animal protein is the quickest way to turning around kidney issues.  You can go back to it when you have healthy kidneys…it’s not a life sentence.


Kidneys have ties to Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras.  I like the colors Yellow, Red, Magenta and Green for kidney health.  Instruments like drumming and flute are used in the Harmonic Egg to support the kidneys.

By |2021-04-27T08:12:51+00:00March 19, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES|Comments Off on Let’s talk FEAR and the Kidneys!

Frequency of Love Music!

This is a one of a kind piece of music that was recorded with LOVE!   Literally…once you read how we made it, you will see why I am so excited and how powerful it is.  I have listened to it in the Harmonic Egg and it’s the most powerful session I have experienced to-date.

Frequency of Love –

Original music for promoting tenderness, loving-kindness, gratitude, relaxation, healing and wellbeing.

Music composed by Yuval Ron

Marcia Dickstein – Harp soloist

Heart Sutra String Ensemble

Whales and Dolphins calls recorded in Pacific Ocean

Whale and Dolphins sound editing: Sky Shin and Abigail Shelton

“I Love you” recordings transcribed by: Pei-Hua “Cynthia” Lin

Score and parts preparation: Yueh-Yun (Sandy) Chen

Assistant engineer: Abigail Shelton


Color Intentions: Pink and Yellow.  Could also use Turquoise or Green


“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


“That which is bright rises twice: The image of FIRE. Thus the great man, by perpetuating this brightness, illumines the four quarters of the world.”

Yi-jing, Hexagram 30  


“Love is that state of mind in which the consciousness of the lover is merged in that of the object of his love; it produces in the lover all the attributes of humanity, such as resignation, renunciation, humility, kindness, contentment, patience, virtue, calmness, gentleness, charity, faithfulness, bravery, by which the devotee becomes harmonized with the Absolute.”

Hazrat Inayat Khan


“If we only knew love, healing would be easy.”

Gail Lynn

Frequency of Love was created for the Harmonic Egg. https://harmonicegg.com/store

(c) Yuval Ron (ASCAP)

(p) Metta Mindfulness Music (ASCAP)

Original score was composed based on the sound vibrations of the words “I love you.”

People from around the world, recorded this expression of love, while they were meditating on and in dedication to a beloved being or place.   More than 30 people speaking in 18 different languages were included in the pre-production research, and in the recordings and transcription into musical notes. The languages used in the recordings were Cantonese, Mandarin, English, French, Indonesian, Korean, Portuguese, Thai, Turkish, Norwegian, Polish, Italian, Farsi, Finnish, Hebrew, Burmese, Mongolian, and Armenian. The final score includes the musical notes from the English, French, Korean, Thai, Farsi, and Armenian recordings. There are no voices or voice recording on this album, but the sound vibrations of the words “ I Love You” in all the beautiful languages.

Frequency of Love includes a sustained pedal tone of A (water element), 440Hz

From the work of Ani Williams: The Tone of A helps replenishes Iron and Manganese as its atomic weight correlates to the A tone. The A tone works with Eyes, Ears, Pituitary Gland, Endocrine system, joints and help the body utilize minerals. The A tone helps with people who lack motivation, have trust issues and have a creative block.

Mantra is Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhi

Fun fact from Yuval:

“Our harp and string ensemble for Frequency of Love are placed in the sacred space of famed Chartes Cathedral in France, and so you are hearing it as if you would have heard this music performed live at Chartes Cathedral
while you are seating in the first row!”

For more info: https://www.harmonicegg.com/frequencyoflove

By |2021-04-30T08:09:44+00:00March 5, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Frequency of Love Music!

Brain tumors can be an imbalance in the 3rd Eye Chakra!

Brain tumors can be an imbalance in the 3rd Eye Chakra!

Indigo is considered a “cold” color, and as a result, can be used in all conditions involving heat in the body. It enhances serenity, stillness, understanding, wisdom, devotion, imagination, awareness, intuition, accurate perception, courage, and higher intuition. Indigo has a relaxing effect on the mind and body.

Indigo is specific to the brow, or “third eye” chakra. Thus it is helpful with imbalances in the pineal and the pituitary glands, the sinuses, eyes, ears, and nose, and also with learning disabilities. The energetic qualities that indigo brings through the third eye chakra will help you develop your spiritual perception, gain trust in your intuition and insights, and enhance your clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient abilities.

Imbalances in the 3rd Eye Chakra can manifest as migraines, eye disorders, wandering eye, cross-eyed, mother issues, brain tumor and more.

Positive Benefits

  • Helps reduce a rapid heart rate
  • Is an excellent purifier of the bloodstream
  • Benefits mental problems
  • Acts as a sedative
  • Relieves pain
  • Reduces swelling

Using Harmonic Egg can bring the chakras into balance.  https://www.harmonicegg.com

TO READ MORE, or learn about the other colors – ORDER NOW

By |2021-04-30T10:19:52+00:00February 29, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Brain tumors can be an imbalance in the 3rd Eye Chakra!

Neck pain / stiff neck can be an imbalance in the throat chakra!

Neck pain / stiff neck can be an imbalance in the throat chakra!

Blue is an essential healing color as it is linked with serenity, truth, and harmony, and has a relaxing effect on the mind and the body. Because it is considered a ‘cold’ color, blue can be used in all conditions that involve heat in the body. Hence it is suitable for cooling fevers, lowering blood pressure, inflammation, and rapid heart rates. It helps with sleep and is, therefore, an ideal color for calming hyperactive children.

Blue is specific to the throat chakra, which governs communication and self-expression. It helps you to express your thoughts and emotions verbally to bring your inner desires to material manifestation.

Imbalances in the throat chakra can manifest as sore throat, laryngitis, ear, stiff neck (pain in neck), pinched nerve, and more.

Positive Benefits

Light blue is considered more spiritual, dark blue more sociable
Facilitates clear communication
Eases chronic pain
Enhances confidence in speaking
Aids in calming the mind (mental relaxation)
Cools down inflammations (don’t forget rheumatic inflammations)
Reduces Fever
Reduces high blood pressure (Red increases blood pressure)
Stops bleeding
Relieves headaches
Calms strong emotions like anger, aggression or hysteria
Brings tranquility
Eases sore throats
Acts as an anti-irritant (for instance redness of the skin)
Stimulates the parasympathetic system
Blue can be used for any type of ailment associated with speech, communication, or the throat. It is excellent for laryngitis or inflammation of the larynx
Blue Should Be Avoided When:

There is mild or severe depression
Using Harmonic Egg can bring the chakras into balance. https://www.harmonicegg.com

TO READ MORE, or learn about the other colors – ORDER NOW

By |2021-04-30T05:44:41+00:00February 28, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES|Comments Off on Neck pain / stiff neck can be an imbalance in the throat chakra!

Find a Harmonic Egg location!

Our Brand is about Love, Integrity, Reliability and Community.


We believe that love heals all. By setting love as our intention, we strive to spread that intention to anyone we are in contact with. Our loving and caring nature is why we bring our non-invasive healing method to the world. We are passionate about helping others. We bring a message of hope in helping people manifest the quality of life they desire.


Trust is earned through providing a high level of service, guidance and support. By listening to clients and giving them our knowledge and honest input, we show we care. We operate with fairness and decency, both for our customers as well as our co-workers. We hold our approved Harmonic Egg centers to a high standard to protect our brand.


We are approachable, hard working, cooperative, truthful, and readily available to talk to our Harmonic Egg owners and address their concerns. We have an overwhelming desire to share our knowledge and help our clients achieve success. We offer a consistent and repeatable modality to help others achieve the wellness they desire.


We know that our success depends on consistently providing support and we genuinely give our best effort for the benefit of every Harmonic Egg owner and end-user. We assist our approved centers by providing marketing and training and by conducting virtual meetings for center owners to connect, share and support each other as an extended family.

Click here for locations near you – https://yourdivinecenter.com/locations/

By |2021-04-30T10:13:28+00:00January 27, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH|Comments Off on Find a Harmonic Egg location!

Ascension Tech – Birthing the Harmonic Egg

Warning: The F word is used in this podcast, but it’s great information and an engaging interview.


Ascension Tech –  Birthing the Harmonic Egg

Gail is my boo… since the first session in her light box in 2014, I recognized this technology to be an ascension chamber. These were the modalities the galactic were talking about and I was lucky enough to have one here in Colorado!

I could have spent an hour just geeking out on the Harmonic Egg, but we had so much more to cover. From remembering her past lives to bring through a new Atlantean technology, Gail has committed to doing her part to facilitate wellness and optimal healing.

She has worked tirelessly to bridge medical and woo woo to validate the veracity of healing using light, color, and sound.

We explore why the liver is in such need of our love and 4 things you can do to support it. I had to ask about Tesla tech and how it influenced the design and of course we go way starry about the galactic beings who have been guardians since the beginning.

Yeah, it’s a lot and I hope you have as much fun as we did.

Resources mentioned inside:

– Harmonic Egg

– Gail’s book, Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing

– Regina Meredith on Gaia.

– Norm Shealy

– Leslie Zehr – Egyptian teacher and guide

A couple of notes on this episode… we refer to an episode I recorded but did not release. It’s too heavy right now and my provocative title proved to be a little too predictive. Maybe sometime I’ll redo it but ugh…

If you hear some blips, names were mentioned that I’d rather not. We protect our kids and others in this space, cause free will baby.

More of the voice … that’s me….

Upcoming classes and what the heck ever else at RocknRollShaman.com

By |2021-04-30T10:14:43+00:00January 8, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Ascension Tech – Birthing the Harmonic Egg

Want to Learn From Soul-Centered Entrepreneurs As They Reveal Their Secrets To Building an Authentic Business and Making Money

As a soul-centered entrepreneur, I get how hard it can be to grow a business without sacrificing who you authentically are.

I remember hearing speakers like Wayne Dyer, Marilyn Sherman, Roger Anthony and Suzy Orman who spoke to my heart.  They felt authentic and resonated at a soul level.  Over the years I have been blessed to communicate my message and learn from so many clients and mentors.  I have tried to be authentic and be a role model.  I have tried to spread love and encouragement.  I have tried not to judge and to lift up those to succeed as I have succeeded.

That’s why I was so thrilled when my friend (and soul-centered entrepreneur), Camille Miller, asked me to be featured in a new interview series all around this topic, which actually was born out of her own insight of what was happening around the world when people don’t align who they are with what they do.

It’s called Six-Figure Souls: Doing Good & Making Money. This FREE Online Summit highlights soul-centered entrepreneurs who crushed the six-figure ceiling and still feel they are in alignment with the Universe and their purpose. They are making money AND serving other!

This is a totally FREE online summit and I have a complimentary ticket for you. You can register using this link:  https://www.thenaturallife.org/sfs-gail-lynn.html

This is for any soul-centered, heart-based, holistic, conscious, natural entrepreneur or alternative medicine practitioner that wants to break through those money barriers and earn the living they deserve doing what they love.   

These interviews are REAL, AUTHENTIC, short to the point conversations with soul-centered entrepreneurs, like me, who’ve made a business around being authentic. You will not want to miss this!

Once you register you get the entire library of interviews. You will not be asked to purchase anything. PLUS, each speaker will offer a FREE gift as a thank you for watching!

I’m excited to be a part of this very unique event and hope you will join me in watching the interviews and continuing the conversation afterwards in our private Facebook group.

Register here for your FREE PASS.  https://www.thenaturallife.org/sfs-gail-lynn.html

Gail Lynn

PS. My interview is Monday, June 29, 2020 but register now so you don’t miss any of the other experts. I’m so proud to be a part of this launch series.

By |2021-04-30T10:18:32+00:00January 6, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH|Comments Off on Want to Learn From Soul-Centered Entrepreneurs As They Reveal Their Secrets To Building an Authentic Business and Making Money
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