• 2319 Hall Johnson Rd Ste. I COLLEYVILLE TX 76034


Remote sessions and an Autistic boy, a very touching testimonial.

Here’s a quick summary of the progress of one Autistic child.

This initial session was held in person. At this time the child could say individual words, but did not speak in compete sentences. In general, he would not respond to questions. Although he had always been loving, he seemed to be very much in his own world. He showed limited interest in interacting with others outside his family.

At his first visit he was very rambunctious, and ran up and down the halls of the office building. While inside my office his parents had to physically restrain him at times, as he wanted to explore and pick up any object he could. During the session in the Harmonic Egg he sat on his mother’s lap. (He is a very tall, big 5 year old.)

We saw progress by the next morning when the child spoke his first sentence to his Dad. “It’s about time and space,” he said after his Harmonic Egg session.

We determined that it might be easiest to schedule his future sessions remotely due to him being very full of energy inside the space of the center. Since then, he has had a total of 14 sessions. His mom doesn’t tell him when a session is scheduled, but she makes sure he is always well-hydrated. Here are a few of the highlights and the approximate timing:

Session 3: The mother reported a dramatic improvement is his joy and happiness.

Session 5: The boy began to explore his surroundings and seemed interested in his home in a new way, as though he had emerged from a cocoon. He also began to show signs of empathy for others.

Session 7: He began to tell others his name. He would also address his teachers and peers by their names.

Session 10: He begin to bite himself and once bit a teacher quite hard. The parents asked me to work on this issue. During this next session I set the intention for the frustration to be lifted from him. He never bit a teacher again and over the next two weeks he stopped biting himself. He continued to progress with language skills.

Session 13: During playtime with Dad, the child said, “ Powerful egg,” five times.

Session 14: Prior to this session his father asked me to address the issue of the child becoming frustrated when having his diaper changed. At school the teachers would put him on a changing table, and although he was still friendly following the bathroom break, he would not speak for the rest of the day. He would respond similarly when frustrated by other issues as well.

Based upon Suzy Miller’s work, we are aware that the client is telepathic. During the remote sessions we spoke to him more deliberately, telling him that he could tell his Mom and Dad when he wanted to go potty and they would show him how to use the toilet. We also told him he could say “No” when he didn’t want to do something. We explained that he could say, “No, I don’t want that. I want this.” Following our conversation we set the same intention with the Harmonic Egg.

We received a text message from his mother about a week later saying that following a rough start to the week, by the end of the week there was great progress with her son talking almost non-stop throughout the day. She said the school reported what seemed to be a major “break though”. When we spoke with the Mom by phone and we explained what we had done during the session, she was astounded as it correlated directly with his behavior. He had been saying “No,” repeatedly, and even told her, “I don’t want potato chips, I want pretzels.”

We are hopeful that in a few more weeks the child will make progress with potty training as well!

November, 2020

One particular music selection for autism and relaxation is Kid’s Sanctuary in the link below on the Wellness Tracks package!


By |2021-04-30T04:59:24+00:00December 2, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Remote sessions and an Autistic boy, a very touching testimonial.

Gail’s Top Ten Books That Changed Her Life

I have always loved books and reading.  I love the smell of books, being surrounded by books, feeling the knowledge each and every book has to offer the reader, and the accomplishment of having published my own book.  For me, books are resources and I mark them up and dog ear pages and make them my own.  Once you read a book they are part of your soul.  I use them for reference, I give them away, I buy more than I can read.  I might have the largest library of unread books. I do not own a kindle or book reader, I like the tangible book in my hands.

When I was asked to choose my Top 10, I procrastinated because my Top 10 romance books are different than my Top 10 educational books. I have a Top 10 list of reference books, horse training books, and even coloring books.  Since this Top 10 was for The No BS Spiritual Book Club, I went with books that found me!  You know what I mean, some books fall off the shelf in your path, are given to you in serendipitous ways, or by teachers in our lives.

I hope you enjoy this list and the stories of how the books found me!


Finding Flow
by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Somewhere around 2009 or 2010, I walked into a Sina’s office in Boulder, CO and he had 20-foot ceilings with all four walls lined in books… he also had a spot with two feet of books on a table across the room. Pointing to the few books across the room, he said to me, “I have read all these books, but those  are the ones that changed my life.” I immediately wanted to run over and look at the books that were life-changing for him, but he stopped me and gave me just one of the titles. Finding Flow was that book.

Flow is so important to me that I use the phrase “Let it Flow!” in my email signature, and have for many years. Staying in the flow and letting the Universe guide me is what helped me invent the most influential sound and light health manifesting device on the planet today, the Harmonic Egg!



The Alchemist
by Paul Coelho

This was a fun story for me to read on my journey. It gives you hope that you can achieve anything no matter who you are or where you come from. Follow your heart and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do your dream.

When I met Elvis Presley’s stepbrother, David Stanley, I asked him what his dream was… seven years later, we produced a feature film called “Protecting the King.” It’s about a 16-year-old boy who goes to work for his world-famous step-brother and protects him from everything, except ultimately himself. It was David’s dream to direct a feature film and everyone said we could not do it. We did!

Dreams do come true, follow your heart, and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t!



Many Lives, Many Masters
by Dr. Brian Weiss

I was on a date in my late 20s with an older gentleman who professed to have a high government security clearance. As we said good-night, he gave me the book, Many Lives, Many Masters to read. I never saw him again. I believe people come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. He came to me for a reason… this book and our conversation opened my mind to many possibilities and helped me to think in a different way.

In our lifetime we will meet many influential people and we get to choose how we use and filter the information we receive. There is no doubt in my mind that we have experienced many lives and will experience many more.




Sounding the Inner Landscape
by Kay Gardner

Before I read this book, I had read about 100 others to research how sound can heal. This was the most comprehensive and really dug deep into how the sound wave of a piano is different than that of a flute, and how each instrument influences the body and organs in different ways. I am a fan of listening to real instruments being played and not synthesized or computer-generated music. I am not a fan of MP3 compressed music. I like the full quality and large file sizes that portray the intention of the artist. Compressing music makes it cold and clinical. The integrity of the music is lost in many ways. I also believe that both the intention of the musician and their ego play a role in the healing a piece of music can provide.

Kay was a brilliant musician and had so much knowledge of how music can heal. I love this book and will be forever grateful to her. I wish I could have been met her, but she has passed.



Power Versus Force
by David Hawkins

This book was given to me by a mentor of mine sometime around 2004. I was intrigued by it and it was the material that got me started on the belief that raising our consciousness and vibration can keep us healthy. Fear, anger, lust, greed, and many other emotions are lower vibrations where disease and illness live.

When I opened my Wellness Center in 2010, I eventually met a doctor that did pre- and post-testing on the David Hawkins’ scale, and we proved that the therapies I was offering were in fact raising vibrations above fear and lower vibrational emotions.

The research I have done on raising vibrations and healing frequencies started with this book. I have helped thousands of clients raise their vibrations above the vibration of illness and disease. Then we created the Frequency of LOVE music CD/USB.  Love is the highest vibration, love heals all … if we only knew love, healing would be easy.


Color Medicine
by Charles Klotsche

This is a great reference book that I have used to create training material.

Dinshah Ghadiali is another pioneer in the field of color medicine. I have read so many different schools of thought on which colors heal certain ailments. I give many examples in my book, Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing for using color at home for healing. The clothes you wear, the foods you eat, and how you shape your environment with color can all have a healing effect.

In the Harmonic Egg, we use color and sound for manifesting health. The client has an intention for their session and the technician chooses the instruments and color to manifest health for them. It’s really powerful.



Manifest your Destiny
by Wayne Dyer

My first exposure to alternative healing and metaphysical or spiritual practices was in 1997 with Wayne’s Manifest your Destiny. I had it on cassette tape and listened to it in the car driving from Michigan to Texas for a new job and a new life. I said good-bye to everything I knew and said yes to an adventure to leave the automotive industry and go build an International Telecommunications consulting firm.

The words of Wayne Dyer were like music to my ears. One statement he made that never left me (not sure what book it was in because I read so many of his books over the years)… “If you change the way you see things, the things you see with change.”

Such a life-changing statement for me!

People tend to focus on the negative and “poor me” syndrome and it paralyzes them. I also see people lose focus on the dream/destiny. They get so many ideas going at once or they have too many balls to juggle and nothing gets done. Focus is critical to doing your dream. Focus on one thing at a time.

Just like Jack Palance said in the movie “Blazing Saddles” about the ‘Secret of Life,’ ”One thing, just one thing, you stick to that and everything else don’t mean shit.” You got to figure out that one thing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4CvFWCULuI


Atlas Shrugged
by Ayn Rand

My ex-husband introduced me to Ayn Rand. I fell in love with this story and I have read and listened to it on tape and CD at least a dozen times since 1997.

I grew up in the Detroit area in a blue-collar, low-income family where success was defined as working on an assembly line, getting paid hourly for 30 years, and then retiring. I knew in my teens that it was not the life I wanted to pursue. I had dreams of more.

This story is about the government trying to take from those that have worked hard to build a business. The government starts taking money from hard-working businesses, creating more and more rules, making it close to impossible to be successful no matter how hard you work. Finally, the influential people in society start disappearing, and no one knows where they are going. Are they dead? Where are the bodies? Society starts falling apart without their businesses operating. Some owners keep fighting back against the government and more rules are put on them for being “difficult.” Jail and fines are threatened and, finally, on the verge of insanity, the business-owners leave society. Now, the whole world is in chaos and can’t even function without these brilliant and hard-working business owners. The government panics and tries to negotiate to get them back. They soften the rules and offer deals in an effort to get them to run their businesses again.

There was a man that, years prior, built an invention that could help the world, but when he saw how it might be used he disassembled it and locked it up with a sign above the door. He made anyone that wanted to use it take an oath. This was the oath, “I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.” If you said these words and it was true in your heart you could enter … if it was not true in your heart the door would not unlock. Pretty cool.


The Biology of Belief
by Bruce Lipton

When I read Bruce’s book in 2005 or 2006, all my limiting beliefs about the body not being able to heal went away. Our lifestyle and our environment are more critical to disease than genetics. It’s epigenetics…my best example is when my Mom told us we were predisposed to diabetes due to my Grandma having it. Well, Grandma worked in a factory eating bakery goods off an assembly line and that’s why she had diabetes. That’s the simple explanation. We grew up with sugar as a main ingredient in everything we ate. Those lifestyle choices caused my mom to be diagnosed with diabetes. When we changed her lifestyle, her issues with diabetes disappeared. Emotions, limiting beliefs, and toxins passed from generations are the cause of disease in many families and can be reversed. The body does not know disease by name… it’s an imbalance, dysfunction, or something other than genetics.




Sound Medicine
by Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary, MD

I recently came across this book in 2020. She has a great story for one. The passion for me about this book is that a medical doctor is finally writing about sound medicine. I have been told by medical professionals that they won’t buy into sound therapies until books are written by their peers.. I feel this is the future of medicine and I have written about it, but the letters that DON’T appear after my name negate my work and research in the minds of many professionals who have letters after their name. I am hoping results and hundreds of testimonials will be proof in the future for these individuals more than letters after a name.





Of course Gail’s book is a culmination of all her learning!  See link below.


By |2021-04-27T06:07:51+00:00November 19, 2020|HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Gail’s Top Ten Books That Changed Her Life

Are Your Thoughts Making You Sick? How Your Brain Creates Your Health

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I invented the Harmonic Egg. The Harmonic Egg is a powerful modality/technology designed to assist the body into finding a healthy balance between its sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous responses. To summarize this quickly, let me just say that your body’s Autonomic Nervous System (ANS, the part of your nervous system that works below your conscious knowledge), has two main parts: a Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) that controls your “fight or fight” response, and your Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) that controls your “rest and digest” response.  Ideally, your body is in a PNS response most of the time, and your body is focused on tasks such as digestion, rebuilding and healing as its main duty. Only in times of danger…or, to a lesser degree, when being competitive and challenged…does the SNS kick in, giving you the energy and power needed to fight, flee, or compete in a situation that, hopefully, allows you to survive your momentary challenge and walk away, unharmed.

So, the SNS is, basically, your stress response. It gives you adrenaline, epinephrine, and cortisol for energy and to relieve pain until you are in a space to address whatever wounds you might have received. That’s great in a time of crisis, but its not meant to be a long-term solution. In cases of prolonged stress or trauma, the SNS can become your default mode, pushing your PNS into the background. Over time, your body isn’t taking care of the housekeeping as well as it should; digestion is problematic, Human Growth Hormone and DHEA can no longer repair your body easily when you become sick or have an accident, and your adrenals burn out, leading to chronic fatigue, depression, poor concentration and sleep issues. I can not overstate how critical it is to keep your SNS and PNS in a healthy ratio of balance, because chronic stress can lead to anything from exhaustion, to a compromised immune system, to addictions, mystery illnesses (autoimmune), and more.

This year, for many reasons, has been what most would call a stressful year, and now we are quickly sliding into the holiday season. For many people, the holidays are also filled with anxiety, and this year proves to make it ultra-challenging. This is why I want to jump into a lesser-talked-about topic in the realm of stress: the HPA Axis. In a nutshell, your perception of the stress you undergo determines whether that stress will motivate you into a healthier life, or derail you into chronic patterns that will lead to health issues down the road.  In many ways, you get to choose what happens to your body below the surface, just by how you think.

The HPA Axis is a trio of glands that work together to regulate your stress response and hormonal communications within your body. In “HPA”, the H stands for Hypothalamus, a tiny gland in your brain that sits slightly above the Pituitary gland, the P in “HPA”. The hypothalamus is your Command Center, and acts as a filter to your thoughts. Your perception of your world informs it on how to act, and on what decisions to make. Once it has made a decision, the hypothalamus tells the pituitary, your Master Gland, what type of hormones to release and how to instruct your body to respond. If the hypothalamus deems that everything in your world is fine, the pituitary gets the direction to continue to instruct your endocrine system to keep rebuilding and acting normally. However, if your world is seen, by you, as a scary place, the hypothalamus instructs the pituitary to “release the hounds” and prep for danger.

This danger message goes to the A in “HPA”…you guessed it, the Adrenals. Now your body is flooded with adrenaline, cortisol, epinephrine…chemicals that, long term, will rip your body apart. High cortisol levels mean low DHEA levels, so your body isn’t repairing like it needs to. And all this is being signaled by your brain, which might only be stressed weeks ahead of a holiday gathering where you have to see your crazy uncle or your overbearing parent. Your perception of a situation that hasn’t happened yet is damaging your body before you even booked your plane ticket.

I think you can see why I wanted to talk about this, especially for the holidays and for this year, in general! Your perception of your reality runs the show, and is your hack to getting access to the ANS, the system that operates below your conscious mind. This is where your power to heal, and manifest, resides. So, how can we hack our hypothalamus over the holidays?

Its important to understand that your ANS and HPA Axis respond to patterns of thought, both conscious and unconscious. This means you need to develop a habit, which will take conscious awareness and persistent work. This is not a quick fix, but a lifestyle change that, in the beginning, will be like any new workout routine…boring, frustrating, and possibly exhausting. However, it takes time, and declared intention, to make a change. Here are some suggestions:

Practice Mindfulness – when you are completely in the present, your thoughts are not in the painful past, nor in your imagined frightening future. You can do a lot of great manifesting work by imagining the future, but if you have a habit of being a pessimist, stay in the present until you can dream about more positive outcomes.

Begin a Habit of Gratitude – Many beautiful things in our lives get taken for granted. Write a list, EVERY DAY, of what you are grateful for…your loved ones, your horse, your home, your kids, the sunrise, a stranger’s smile. Get into a habit of noticing and recording it all.

Feelings of Love and Safety – This is a BIG deal. When you have experienced chronic stress or trauma, feeling safe can be a hard emotion to cultivate. However, this perception is running your hypothalamus, and you have to convince it, and you, that you are in a safe place. Feel that sense of safety deep within, and feel the love you have for who you are and who you were. To know you are safe and cherished is the best way to hack your system.

Meditation – going inward and allowing your heart and soul to speak to you will be the BEST conversation you could ever have. And, if you’re near a Harmonic Egg, let it help you slip into the zone faster while being surrounded by frequencies designed to reset your ANS at the same time. As you come to see that you are bigger than any challenge you could possibly face in this lifetime, you can let go of the fear that keeps you running from the holiday chaos. Embrace your life, love who you are, and your HPA Axis will follow your lead.

The Harmonic Egg website gives you many tools you can use to scare away the holiday anxiety. A location near you can provide in-person sessions, and if we aren’t in your neighborhood yet, contact one of our centers and sign up for remote sessions. Gift certificates for others are also available. My book, Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing, provides suggestions for sound and color therapy you can do at home. You can also find the calming music we use in the Egg, specifically designed to soothe your mind, body and spirit. You can find all that here: https://harmonicegg.com/energy-healing-tools-store/

By |2021-04-27T06:09:46+00:00October 28, 2020|HEALTH, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Are Your Thoughts Making You Sick? How Your Brain Creates Your Health

Crystal Bed and Harmonic Egg Compared

Very recently I had a client ask me about Crystal Bed Therapy and how it stacks up as compared to the Harmonic Egg. Since I have never used a crystal bed…either on myself or on a client…I couldn’t really give them a fair comparison. However, based on my belief on how the body heals, I can clearly say where I see possible trouble spots.

For those of you who had never heard of crystal beds before, I’ll give you a quick overview. Crystal Bed Therapy was created by João Teixeira de Faria, also known as the talented, yet deeply flawed Brazilian healer, ‘John of God’. Before his fall from grace, de Faria channeled the crystal bed, a massage table with amethyst crystals in the bed, and a moveable arm of seven Vogel crystals hanging above the table. Each crystal, meant to hang over a specific chakra, is cut to the “perfect” frequency of that chakra, and light with the corresponding color for that chakra is amplified through the crystal to “rebalance” the chakra on the bed below it. In a nutshell, you lie on a table as a rainbow of seven lights, almost like lasers, beam down into your chakras as you relax. You are also fitted with headphones and listen to music with binaural beats or Hemi-Sync technology throughout your session.

When I created the Harmonic Egg, I had done enough reading and research to decide that I did not want an open room, binaural beats, and music solely through headphones for a reason. Nor did I want to use crystals. My reasoning is as follows, but for a slightly longer explanation, see my blog post: https://harmonicegg.com/why-did-i-create-the-harmonic-egg/

Open Rooms – For a full account of what went in to creating the Egg, I refer you to my book, Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing. In this short article, all I’ll say is that an enclosed chamber, built with sacred geometry in mind and with natural materials, cradles every one of your cells in a resonant frequency designed to support mind, body and spirit in a safe environment that allows one to gently return to balance at their own pace. Where headphones work on the brain and nervous system, a resonant chamber reaches every cell with the goal of systemic wholeness in mind. Open rooms with massage tables lose that resonance, and energies become trapped and muted in the far-off corners.

Binaural Beats and Crystals – Crystals are powerful amplifiers. They also collect the information of all who touch them. Most crystals are not cleaned and purified properly, so I always wonder what information they have in memory, and if that other person’s energy is now about to flow into me. Without knowledge of how crystals are cleaned and by who, I’m not a fan of lying on a massage table surrounded by them.

Vogel crystals are supposed to be cut in the highest of frequencies, which is fine…if you’re the Dali Lama. But most of us are every-day folks, and I believe that a frequency TOO high may yank the client so far out of their ordinary balance that an emotional/spiritual/physical healing crisis is highly likely to occur over the next few days. The other probability is that the frequency will be so high that the body won’t even register your session at all. I feel that way about binaural beats, as well…and I have a deep respect for Robert Monroe and the Monroe Institute. However, forcing the brain into a specific pattern when the nervous system is unwilling or confused about the information being downloaded will, again, either create a healing crisis, or not be felt at all. Forcing the brain and body into healing is never, in my experience, a good idea.

The Harmonic Egg holds the body in a safe environment where mind, body and soul can detoxify and heal at its own pace. Nothing is forced, and there are no elements telling your energy that it is less than perfect and must conform to a specific paradigm. The Egg holds you in sacred geometry as you are…a perfect you…and allows your cells to realign at their own pace. It certainly isn’t the only modality out there, and I encourage you to find the one that is right for you. As long as you find a competent practitioner who knows their technology well, I applaud your journey toward healing!


By |2021-04-30T08:19:03+00:00October 14, 2020|HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Crystal Bed and Harmonic Egg Compared

Reasons to read: Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing!

If you have taken an interest in a natural approach to self-healing & discovery, this is a book that needs to join your reading library!

Discover how you can use sound, light, and color therapy at home to help you on your healing journey. Discover the benefits of different instruments, colors, and foods and how you can empower yourself to move from a place of struggling and being stuck in chronic illness, pain, doubt and depression to a place of being empowered, having knowledge and taking the reins on your healing journey and road to inner peace.
Be inspired by Gail’s personal life journey that she took to get to the place of creating the Harmonic Egg. Enjoy testimonials from doctors, musicians, and clients that have experienced the life-changing experience of the Harmonic Egg. Find out what other books Gail Lynn recommends to further expand your education on your path of self-healing.
Take your health back into your own hands.
By |2021-04-30T09:15:32+00:00August 1, 2020|HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Reasons to read: Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing!

Video Explanation of Distance / Remote Sessions in the Harmonic Egg!

Here is a link to the written protocol with testimonials.  Video below.

Now offering Distance Healing (Testimonials inside!)

By |2021-04-27T06:32:03+00:00July 3, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Video Explanation of Distance / Remote Sessions in the Harmonic Egg!

Testimonials from Egg Owners! Do you have a desire to help others?

Many locations are already open, or are opening soon in cities around the world.  The Harmonic Egg is a sacred geometric chamber used to manifest health and wellness.  It’s non-invasive, no-touch and it uses sound and light in a consistent and repeatable technology.  To read more you can purchase the book, Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing here.

To learn more about purchasing a Harmonic Egg please send your city, state, or country information for pricing and details. https://harmonicegg.com/contact/

Below are a few testimonials from current center owners.

“The Harmonic Egg is a true gift! Every day I watch my clients experience powerful shifts and transformations. This satisfying business adds purpose and passion to my life. As the developer of this wonderful modality, Gail offers great support and is always wiling and able to answer any of the Center owner’s questions.”

“The Harmonic Egg was recommended to me by a friend who told me to try it for grief and depression over my divorce.  After experiencing the life altering changes it made in my life, I knew instantly I wanted to open my own center and gift this modality to the St Charles/St Louis Community. ”

“First let me say, Gail Lynn is the best! Her calm confidence is astounding and her sixth sense even better! She is dialed-in to what you are thinking, what you need, and how to help or guide you into that realm, without astutely telling you, and sometimes without you even knowing! I am proud owner of the #13 Harmonic Egg, Lucky 13! The first time I saw the Harmonic Egg, 2019, I knew I had to have one! It was a pull to go get it, and the first time I experienced it only confirmed what I already knew, I had to have it! The peace that comes over when you have a session is indescribable! Within a few sessions I was relieved of inflammation and anxiety around driving. After adding Silver 500 to my sessions, and continuing in my own Harmonic Egg with sessions, I was able to balance my hormones and alleviate almost all of my ‘autoimmune’ issues and concerns. In addition, the Harmonic Egg has given my son, with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a great deal of help, support and healing in the right direction!

I would have to say that I am a very proud Harmonic Egg owner, as I wish I could just sleep in the Harmonic Egg every night! I faithfully attend my own session every 5-7 days and believe in the therapeutic aspects and beyond….I am also proud to be part of Gail’s ‘Egg Family’ and I thoroughly enjoy the owner meetings she conducts. The support and guidance that we give and get from both, other owners and Gail is amazing. Gail trains us, is there for us most hours of the day and is willing to help, guide, give advice, etc as much as she possibly can. Gail is very open and honest and easy to talk to and with! Gail is like a sister you can look up to and feel confident in walking along side of her. Gail is also a great inventor who is down to Earth enough to just say things how they are and allow you to do the same, in small groups and one-on-one calls! I am thrilled I contacted Gail, over one year ago and even more thrilled to have been able to get lucky Harmonic Egg #13.

Thank you Gail for being so open, so kind, so generous and for just being you! You’re the BEST!!!! Let if flow….

Proud Harmonic Egg Owner, #13 (Central Valley, CA.)”  ~Brooke Atwood, PhD, All About Me Healing and Wellness Center


By |2021-04-27T06:41:47+00:00May 31, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT|Comments Off on Testimonials from Egg Owners! Do you have a desire to help others?



by Adrianne L. Fahey, first published in ARCB News Journal, Summer 2020, Volume 30

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” said President Franklin D. Roosevelt during his 1933 inaugural address to the nation. There was never a better time to revisit the meaning of these words than right now during this coronavirus pandemic, when fear is running rampant.  People are in lockdown, families are separated and unable to see each other in person, nonessential businesses have been shuttered, thousands are dying in hospitals, people are starving and facing foreclosures, etc.  It’s a real mess out there.  Or is it?  Maybe the real mess resides within ourselves.

According to quantum physics, everything physical is actually comprised of energy, and energy controls life.  At the most basic level, we are all energy waves interacting with each other. When these energy waves intersect, the wave interference can be either positive (constructive) or negative (destructive) in nature.  All waves together are called a field.  Everything is connected through the field, because waves can’t be separated from each other.

A field shapes matter.  According to Albert Einstein, “the field is the sole governing agency of the particle (matter).”  Different atoms (matter) vibrate at different frequencies.  All animals and plants (and therefore, humans) communicate with vibration based upon differing frequencies.  Proteins within our bodies respond to these vibrations as well in a positive or negative way.  Any disease, therefore, is caused by bad proteins or bad signals.  There are three ways to “mess up” the signal:  trauma, toxins, and thought (the mind).  A person can literally change his/her biology by changing his/her mind.

According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief, the function of receptors and effectors (the switch mechanism) on a cell membrane is awareness of the environment through a physical sensation; in other words, perception.  Perception is the switch which controls our biology.  Basically, only two forces drive perception: love or fear, and it is the mind that makes the decision for either love or fear in every circumstance.  We make that decision.  We are the interpreters of the signals from our environment.  That’s why people can – and do – disagree on just about everything in this world, because we all have different perceptions based upon our past conditioning and the stories we make up so that everything that happens to us fits in or lines up with our preconceived notions about life.

One of the things that Dr. Lipton discovered in his research was that a cell cannot move in two directions at the same time.  It can either move toward a signal or away from a signal, depending on whether it is positive or negative.  Cells can be in either growth (positive) or protection (negative) mode.  This principle applies not only to cells but to us as individuals.  We can either be in growth mode or protection mode but not both at the same time.  It’s an either/or proposition.  Protection mode is driven by fear – the whole “fight or flight” mechanism.  An individual “perceives” a situation as threatening and makes a determination to either stand his ground and fight or decides to run for his life.  Obviously, then, an individual in growth mode feels no fear, but instead feels happy, safe, cared-for, stress-free, and loved.

Fear can manifest in many forms: anger, depression, anxiety, jealousy, intolerance, hatred, defensiveness, insecurity, pride, greed, etc.  Each of these emotions has a different vibratory rate.  According to The Sedona Method, the emotion with the lowest vibration is apathy, followed by greed, fear, lust, anger, and pride, with courageousness, acceptance, and peace having the highest vibratory rates.  Love has the highest vibration of all.  Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work with water crystals bears this out.  He found that the words “love and gratitude” formed the most perfect water crystals while hateful words produced deformed or nonexistent water crystals.

According to Dr. Edward Bach (1886-1936), developer of the Bach Flower Remedies, it is our fears, worries and anxieties that cause illness and disease.  He believed that the mind is in absolute control of the mental and physical conditions of every human being.  Dr. Bach discovered that the personality of an individual was of more importance than the body in the treatment of disease.  The answer to treating disease was to find a way to treat the negative moods and emotions that were responsible for disease in the first place.

He stated that life is harmony – a state of being in tune – and disease is discord or a condition when a part of the whole is not vibrating in unison.

One of the most important uses of energy in the body is the immune system.  Stress hormones, produced when a threat is perceived by the mind, shut off the immune system.  Dr. Lipton states that our bodies contain every known disease/illness, but a strong immune system can suppress their expression in our bodies.  If this is true, then why are so many people afraid of the coronavirus?  If we accept Dr. Lipton’s assertion that our bodies already contain every known disease/illness, we have nothing to fear.  Our bodies know how to fight off this virus as long as our immune systems are strong, and some of the ways to keep them strong include eating healthy, exercising, and managing our emotions by choosing love over fear.

If we fall victim to all of the hype in the mainstream media surrounding this virus, aren’t we doing our bodies a disservice by choosing fear instead of love?  Aren’t we just shutting down our own immune systems?  And what type of energy waves will we be transmitting to our clients when we show them how fearful we are by wearing masks and gloves, forgoing hugs or handshakes, minimizing conversation, social distancing, or are constantly wiping down surfaces?  How effective are we going to be as reflexologists if we’re coming from a place of fear?  These questions are not meant to minimize the suffering experienced by some of the populace throughout all of this, but are we really helping the situation by buying into fear?  I think not.  Let’s reject fear and choose love instead, and let our actions reflect that love, for our own sake and for the sake of the world.


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