• 2319 Hall Johnson Rd Ste. I COLLEYVILLE TX 76034


Now offering Distance Healing (Testimonials inside!)

Protocol for Clients and Pets

Remote / Virtual Harmonic Egg sessions…I believe there is more power to being physically in the Harmonic Egg, but in a pinch or when you can’t access the Egg this is very powerful healing.

What we need from you after making your appointment for a Remote / Virtual Harmonic Egg session:

  • A photo of you. Should include the waist up.
  • Your birth date and full birth name.
  • A short phone call, or an email from you to find out what you want to focus on for your session.
  • Your commitment to follow guidelines and protocol to get the most of your remote / virtual session. See more below AFTER YOUR SESSION.
  • You can call or schedule online.  There is an option for a distance healing room – http://www.lifecenter.us.  There is a SCHEDULE NOW button at the top of the website header.  Or call 303-630-9218 if you have questions.

What we do for your session:

  • We hold the space for your intention / healing, based on our phone call/your email. We put your photo and information into the Egg during your scheduled appointment time.
  • YOU commit to being in a safe, quiet place during that time to lie or sit for 50 minutes holding the space for your own healing and intention that was set. You may also color, paint, garden or something you enjoy to be clear in your mind.
  • We follow up with you the following day to see if you have any questions. You are welcome to contact us to share any feedback about your session or ask questions prior to our follow up call / email.

What you can do outside of your Harmonic Egg sessions (this includes those that enter physically as well as remotely):

  • You can purchase Harmonic Egg music to help anchor in sessions. The music is very peaceful, calming, meditative and can be played for pets as well.  Children also are mediating with parents to this music.
  • We have electrolytes available for purchase as well. Electrolytes are a key supplement for the integration of sessions.  Healing sessions help the body detox emotionally, environmentally and more.   Electrolytes support the detoxing process; therefore, they are depleted when the body is healing and need to be replenished.
  • Purchase a copy of Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing to read more about sound and light therapies. The book also includes testimonials and interviews from doctors and musicians.   Plus, things you can do at home to work with color and sound.

Healing / Mediation Music and Gail’s book (Unlocking the Ancients Secrets to Healing) can be bought online here: https://www.harmonicegg.com/store.

For Pets:

  • We hold the space for your intention / healing for your pet, based on our phone call with you, while we put their photo and information into the Egg during your scheduled appointment time.
  • YOU commit to being with them in a safe, quiet place during that time to lie or sit for 50 minutes holding the space for their healing and intention that was set.
  • We follow up with you the following day to see if you have any questions. You are welcome to contact us to share any feedback about the session or ask questions prior to our follow up call.


  • Drink plenty of water to flush and help with detoxing and resetting the body.  People that have not done this have not integrated as well as others.
  • Be gentle with yourself for at least 48 hours. The best you can.
  • Eat a good diet for a few days…lighter portions and more fruits and veggies…avoid heavy meals and cream sauces, fried foods and too much refined sugar.
  • If you purchased the music, listen to one track per day and follow the same steps you did for your remote / virtual session.


  • Suggested to do distance healing / remote sessions every 4-7 days.  If you are under a lot of stress, or have a chronic conditions the sessions will not hold as long we recommended every 4-5 days to do a session.
  • If you are trying to increase your well-being from your current level of wellness we recommend sessions every 5-7 days.
  • If you are doing maintenance for your current level of wellness we recommend once a month.


“I found my breathing improved… like a cotton ball had been removed. And I felt much lighter in spirit and noticed different thought patterns leading to more of an open perspective. Maybe more like neutral and less judgement in my thoughts. Today I meditated. I can’t even tell you the last time I meditated. It was awesome…beautiful and it was a shift for me.

Major fear shift in relation to all the crap going on during a transformation (This is one for the books 🤓). Anyhoo.. all in all I would declare this a successful session!”  ~DM

“After many nights of not sleeping, I slept GREAT!”  ~SM

“As soon as the session started, I felt all vibrating and tingly. Madison (the pup) adjusted herself so I know she felt it too. We had a couple hours of increased energy following, gardened a little, then we succumbed to down time on the sofa. It was great Gail. I felt the healing move deeper and deeper, had a huge release in my hips that went way down through my feet and toes. Feeling very relaxed and mellow today. Slept in which is rare. TY so much! Will book another session soon. 🙏” ~DL

“I got the shivers 6 times and was not even cold, I saw a woman’s face and she was smiling, my toe cramped up and today, after weeks of having a sore throat, my throat is not bothering me at all.”  ~GK

“I had stomach pains, then filled up the toilet! Like my body was trying to purge some stuff. I find myself not craving bad foods for candida, like bread, and my general state, very calm. The day of the healing, I was emotionally sensitive and had a good cry.” ~CD

“I think the results were successful.  I felt as if someone had given me a sleeping pill after the session.  I was incredibly relaxed – in fact, sleepy.   I’ve been very relaxed since then, as well.” ~CC

“This healing “event” really shifted my energy & focus to wellness. I had a feeling that no matter what happens, I AM SAFE & cared about….and that I will be fine.” ~ZM

“I woke up this morning feeling really good.  Still not hungry but no pain and nausea.  I have no cravings. I have just an overall sense of well being.”  ~MS

See 2 clients that recovered from COVID-19 – https://harmonicegg.com/covid-19-harmonic-egg-and-distance-healing-oh-my/

Additional Information about remote healing and intention from Prof. Dominique Surel (PhD). Noetic scholar with background in Controlled Remote Viewing, Radiesthesia, and Alchemy. Specializes in the development of Intuitive Intelligence.

When sending an intention, we are working in the quantum, or nonlocal realm. This is the realm of alchemy and radiesthesia. The principles of these ancient sciences are mostly unknown or misunderstood by the modern world. The basic premise is that we use our unconscious mind to connect into the nonlocal realm. To clarify definitions: the conscious mind refers to our intelligence, and where analysis, assessment, etc. takes place. The subconscious mind is where hidden emotions, programs, etc. are stored. The unconscious mind is the key, and portal, into the nonlocal realm.

Our education system and cultural values usually do not train us on how to use the unconscious mind. On the contrary, we are mostly told to ignore it. When we do identify it, because of lack of knowledge, we assume it works like the conscious mind. It does not, for two reasons: 1) it works in another realm and 2) its function is to do something totally different than the conscious mind.

Let’s get back to the issue of sending an intention. Here is a proven protocol to follow:

1) Create your intention. It must be brief and very clear. To the point. Example: I want to heal my liver.

2) When sending the intention you must be totally present and not in any type of meditative or altered state. The more awake and present you are, the more powerful the intention.

3) To send it: State it three times in a row, without emotion and especially without any expectation. Emotions and expectations will only hinder its trajectory. Without getting into the complexity of how things work in the nonlocal realm, suffice it to say that the more neutral we are, the more faith we exude in the execution.

4) When you finish stating your intention three times, immediately stop thinking about it and engage in some sort of activity. Why? Because any thought process, analysis, or wanting to empower it more, will come from your conscious mind that has no power in the nonlocal realm. Any addition you provide to this protocol will be coming from your ego who thinks it knows how to improve the protocol. Our conscious mind is always trying to improve things.  The ego will try to interfere in any process or protocol that it did not create itself.  Engaging in an activity, with a process to follow such as washing a car, coloring, painting, playing music, gardening, reading, watching tv, etc… will ensure that the conscious mind is busy with that activity, and will not interfere with the trajectory of the intention. Although watching TV is not a process it occupies the conscious mind by having to pay attention and follow the story.

It is true that many secrets from ancient sciences are actually very simple and obvious concepts. This is one of them. You have probably also heard that working within the nonlocal realm demands humility. Humility is a huge component. Why? Because you have to ignore the ego, and the conscious mind that thinks it knows better. It will want to add a step, or believe that being in a meditative state is much better. If you give in to this, the protocol will be polluted and the intention will be significantly weakened. There are, of course, other protocols that you can use, but never mix or change directives of different protocols. Choose one and stick to it. Each one is proven to work as is and should be followed exactly the way it meant to be used for it to be effective and powerful.

The information above is from alchemical and radiesthesia knowledge as well as scientific research that was conducted by the US military to develop the powerful Controlled Remote Viewing protocol.

By |2021-04-29T08:32:28+00:00March 26, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Now offering Distance Healing (Testimonials inside!)

Less talk about the spleen and stress!


Traditional Chinese medicine holds that emotional stress wreaks havoc on our health by affecting the flow of chi (energy) and blood in the abdomen. Imbalances in the spleen, in particular, can occur as a result of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle exacerbated by sustained levels of stress.

“The majority of functional gastrointestinal disorders, such as poor appetite, dyspepsia, diarrhea and constipation result from a weak spleen organ system,” says Professor Bian Zhaoxiang, a Chinese medicine expert and director of the clinical division of Baptist University’s School of Chinese Medicine.

The spleen is considered by practitioners to be the main organ of digestion, responsible for transforming and extracting nutrients from the foods we eat into chi and blood. It is a yin (“cold”) organ system that prefers food and drink that are “warming” to the body temperature and temperament.

Think of the spleen as being powered by heat. Frozen food, icy drinks, cucumber, bitter or winter melon, lettuce and grapefruit deplete the spleen’s “fire”. Foods that are “damp” – such as dairy products, refined sugars and sweets – can also smother the digestive process.

In general, to nourish the spleen, foods must be cooked or brought to at least room temperature. Sesame, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, legumes, kidney beans, lightly cooked vegetables, small amounts of lean meats, figs, coconuts, grapes, cherries, dates, potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice, oats, rice, ginger, spring onions and pu’er tea are among the best foods for the organ.

If you come in for a session in the Harmonic Egg we can work on the spleen (sacral chakra connection, orange and purple light can help).

By |2021-04-30T10:00:01+00:00March 18, 2020|HEALTH, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Less talk about the spleen and stress!

Let’s talk about how to support the LUNGS!

What you eat on a daily basis impacts every system in your body, including your lungs. Citrus fruits, leafy greens, fatty fish, walnuts and other whole foods provide the nutrients needed for optimal lung health. Some may lower your risk of respiratory infections. Others improve your breathing and keep your airways clean. A balanced diet should include vitamins for the lungs, especially during the cold winter months.

Vitamin C Boosts Lung Function

Vitamin C is best known for its ability to boost immune function and promote collagen formation in the skin. According to a 2014 review in the journal Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology, this nutrient may also improve lung function and cut the incidence of respiratory symptoms by half during and after exercise. These health benefits are due to its antioxidant power.

Eat citrus fruits, chili peppers, guava, kiwi, broccoli, kale and berries to get more of this nutrient in your diet.

Load Up on Vitamin E

Another powerful antioxidant is vitamin E. According to a 2017 study published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, this fat-soluble nutrient reduces inflammation.

To reap its benefits, consume more nuts and seeds, wheat germ oil, olive oil, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, mango, butternut squash and spinach.

Get More Vitamin D

You’ve probably heard that vitamin D keeps your teeth and bones strong by regulating calcium levels. What you may not know is that this nutrient also protects against respiratory infection and may lower the risk of COPD flare-ups, according to a 2014 study published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine.

According to the Busselton Healthy Ageing Study, which involved over 5,000 subjects, low levels of vitamin D may increase the risk of wheezing, bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory problems. High levels of this nutrient were associated with improved lung function.

The human body produces this fat-soluble vitamin on its own when exposed to sunlight. Some foods, such as tuna, mackerel, salmon, sardines, herring, oysters and egg yolks are naturally high in vitamin D.

Improve Your Lung Function Naturally

Lung function is one of the most important yet overlooked aspects of health. Most people struggle to lose weight, to bring their cholesterol levels down or to keep their skin young, but they still smoke cigarettes or skip exercise.

Smoking, a sedentary lifestyle and air pollution can weaken your lungs in the long run. This may lead to respiratory diseases and even lung cancer, according to a 2014 article in the journal Frontiers in Medicine.

The good news is that you can improve lung function naturally through lifestyle changes. Regular exercise, diaphragmatic breathing, proper hydration and good nutrition can all lead to better lung health.


I prefer to let foods be your medicine and not just taking supplements that may or may not absorb for your body type.  Do the best you can with foods and take only 2-3 supplements a day.  Too many supplements a day can confuse the body, and be a waste of money if your body just uses energy to get them out as toxins and never uses them in a useful way.

Lung issues can be an imbalance in the heart chakra and harp music can be helpful as well as green light.  Orange light can also stimulate the lungs.

Lungs are associated with grief so unexpressed grief can cause lung issues.

By |2021-04-27T08:20:21+00:00March 18, 2020|HEALTH|Comments Off on Let’s talk about how to support the LUNGS!

ONLINE: Quantum Leap Table Discussion – Wednesday 3/18 at 6:30 pm (Mountain time)

I was asked to be a part of this panel discussion on Wednesday night.

Join us from the comfort of your home to talk about alternative and effective methods to deal with COVID-19.

Share with your friends and family!

Learn, get empowered and most of all let’s rise above!

Together we are strong!


By |2021-04-30T08:30:27+00:00March 16, 2020|HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on ONLINE: Quantum Leap Table Discussion – Wednesday 3/18 at 6:30 pm (Mountain time)


In an effort to contribute love and kindness to the world, we are offering, for FREE, the music of Stress Less and Kid’s Sanctuary for people wanting to put good vibes into the airwaves.

It’s only the MP3 low res files because the file sizes of the high quality, fuller, richer files are too large to upload. BUT, they are still super peaceful and relaxing. Much love! Enjoy!

Here is the FREE music.

If you enjoy it we have the higher quality with more rich tones for sale on USB and some on CD.  The MP3 files are compressed so they lose some of their quality and intention, but they are better than nothing.  Purchase more here


Oranges for Heart Burn?!

I discovered this when I was traveling and got heartburn (which I rarely get) from some pizza (which I rarely eat).  All I had in the hotel room was oranges.  It worked to get rid of the heart burn.  Try it out!

Fruits like limes and lemons are acidic, but they do alkaline the body and acid reflux and heart burn can tend to be too much acid so the citrus can neutralize it.


Buy the book Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing

By |2021-04-27T08:48:42+00:00March 14, 2020|HEALTH|Comments Off on Oranges for Heart Burn?!

Anti-Viral Tea you can make at home

Overall health tea.  I use this when I feel a cold coming on or have been exposed to sick clients.

Boil water, add 1 Tbls honey, 2 capsules of ginger root (open them up and dump them in the hot water), a dash of cayenne, 2 Tbls lemon juice (I used organic from a jar, but you can use fresh squeezed).  Sip and enjoy!

Buy the book Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing

By |2021-04-27T08:46:39+00:00March 14, 2020|HEALTH|Comments Off on Anti-Viral Tea you can make at home

THIS WILL MAKE YOU THINK! Are blood tests accurate?

Are blood tests accurate?  Can you pick up other energies in the results?

I feel compelled to write this because of my own experiences.  And they are plentiful.  I am not even going to get into the thousands of clients and their stories.  I am just going to tell you mine.

I used to go to the 9 News Health Fair in Denver, CO once a year for a blood workup.  I felt it was my responsibility to do this in order to obtain results about my health.  As the saying goes, “blood doesn’t lie”!  Or does it?  About 5 years ago I had a blood test and then I went for a massage.  My massage therapist asked me what Polynesian energy I was carrying in my left arm?  I said, what are you talking about?  He picked up some “crazy Polynesian energy” in the area of my blood draw.  I told him I just had blood drawn and the gorgeous fire fighter that took my blood was not Polynesian.  He made the observation that there must have been an energy transfer to me and he cleared it.  I didn’t’ think much more of it, but I did stop going to the 9 News Health Fairs to have blood drawn.

I preach that everything is energy. I invite you to think about a few things with this topic.

“Energy is contagious, positive and negative alike. I will forever be mindful of what and who I am allowing into my space.”  ~Alex Elle

  • Can you pick up other energies?
  • Can other energies be passed on to you?
  • Do other people effect your energy?
  • Is it possible that your blood results are skewed by the energy of handlers of your blood?
    1. The phlebotomist
    2. The one that transports the blood to the lab or airport to be flown to a lab
    3. The radiation on a plane as the blood is flown to a lab (if applicable)
    4. The florescent lights the blood sits under
    5. The technician(s) that test the blood

“Energy is contagious: either you affect people or you infect people.”

How many of you have had test results that did not seem accurate?  Are the reference ranges accurate for your body type?

I took a “how to read blood work” course online and the information was very different for clinical reference ranges versus healthy reference ranges.  I also have watched, over the years, clinical reference ranges change and be lowered so more people are flagged as HIGH and offered medications.  Clinical ranges for diabetes and for cholesterol have both changed over the years.  Good or bad thing?

One year I had my blood drawn and it looked as if I had Leukemia.  What the what?!  Me, Leukemia?!  Had I taken the Western medicine approach who knows where I would be right now.  I racked my brain as to why the blood results were askew.  I researched the Internet for reasons why my blood results could be off in the clinical ranges.  I found many factors to throw off the numbers.  Stress, diet and hydration are just a few things that make blood workup numbers inaccurate.  That’s enough for me to say results can be very wrong on any given day.  My findings…having a laptop on my lap!  Yes!  I wrote an article about it years ago (maybe 2012 or 2013 – see below)…Laptops are not for your LAP!  The radiation of electronics can give us inaccurate blood results.  I stopped using my laptop on my lap and within 4 months my blood results were “normal” again.  No Leukemia, but that would have been a Western diagnosis.  I hope you are stopping to really think about this…what if blood work isn’t accurate?


Here is my second story about blood work results.  I started following the Medical Medium, Anthony William 3-4 years ago and he does speak a lot of truth about health and healing.  However, it’s not all accurate and many people following his protocol are sicker than when they started, AND many have had miraculous healings!   I share a lot of articles and videos from him and I have learned a lot from him.  I just take a different approach in many areas of his teachings.

I had a Lyme diagnosis at one point in life and Anthony preaches no eggs, no dairy because they feed viruses and Lyme is a virus. He offers a lot of supplements for his followers to ingest for different ailments.  I tried to take all he suggested and felt like crap so I stopped.  I do not take more than 2-3 things at a time.  Most days I might take 1 supplement or just electrolytes.  I believe the body can get confused when you dump so many things into your system.  I love my body and do not want to over work it with supplements that it may not need.  Anthony also says lower your animal proteins because fatty livers are epidemic now and ALL animal proteins have fat in them, even lean ones.  Eggs and beef contain B12 and I was off eggs for a few years and didn’t eat much beef.

I was taking B12 in liquid form (there is a theory behind the right and wrong form of B12, but not enough time to write it up now – on a plane and my battery is 10%). My blood results indicated my B12 was HIGH so I stopped taking the B12, which you would think makes rational sense.  Fast forward a year or so and my parents both passed away a few months apart from each other, I was grieving, running a business, inventing the Harmonic Egg, and trying to have a life.  Stress was through the roof…stress depletes minerals and B12.  My nail beds started turning dark blue.  I showed them to about 14 doctors over a 2 year period and NO ONE had an answer.  Some had guesses and I search the Internet for answers.  Nothing!  One day I did find some information on B12 and blue nail beds.  A medical doctor in Michigan says that 90% of his patients have low B12 and that a high level in the blood should be ignored because those clinical ranges are not accurate.  I started eating eggs and beef again.  I started taking the liquid B12 again and the nail beds are now lightening up from the very dark blue / purple they were for about 2 years.

You see how there is no one size fits all healing plan, diet or supplement routine?   We are all our own best doctor.  We need to pay more attention to our bodies and the messages it sends us.  It’s a journey to find your own healing path and that journey is both frustrating and joyous.  Each and every day is a new chapter.  We change every day…we get older, we have more stress, we have less stress, there is trauma, vacations, holiday diets, time changes, we change seasons, the moon cycle, daily weather and more….all effect our bodies.  Every day is a new assessment of how we feel.

Currently, I am doing research with a dear friend and colleague.  She and I are searching white papers, medical databases and the Internet to find out what science and medicine really know about our blood.   What we are finding there isn’t a solid answer on what type of water are we made of.  It’s not H2O!  It’s some kind of structured water, but science and medicine are not quite sure what kind.  If we cut ourselves there is not a pool of H2O on the floor.  It’s a liquid, its got what they call plasma, it’s kind of gel like.  My question, how are blood results accurate if they don’t really know what the blood is made of?   There is Potassium in our cells and Sodium outside our cells.  What kind of Potassium?  What kind of Sodium?  What does the cell need?  What will it absorb as a supplement if we put it into our body?  So many unanswered questions.  Our bodies are culmination of complex systems with thousands of functions per organ.  Are we that arrogant to believe a human mind can figure out all that is going on in the amazing vessel called the human body?

Digress for a moment.  The research we are doing is to see if there might be a way to design frequencies and use different colors of light to replenish minerals to the body.  Or, is there a way that the Harmonic Egg could transmit “energy” of minerals to the clients as they are bathing in the pure sound and light during sessions.  In my book, Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing, I do share some thoughts on color therapy and how each color has a wavelength and healing property for the body.  Why do you think fruits and vegetable are different colors?  They all have different healing properties and contain different minerals.  I have not done the research but I wonder if all RED fruits / vegetables contain similar minerals / vitamins?  I wonder if purple fruits / vegetables contain similar minerals / vitamins?  There are no accidents in nature.  I believe nature is perfect and there is a reason for each food being a specific color and what it replenishes for our human body.  Yes, we have genetically engineered foods and I have not researched if they have the same or less vitamin / mineral content.

In closing, we need to tune into US.  We need to stop and honor our body for how it supports us day in and day out, year after year.  It supports us when we experience emotional trauma, physical trauma, we eat too much, we drink too much alcohol, we take drugs, we don’t give it breaks, we don’t sleep enough to give it time to heal, we exercise too much, we don’t hydrate, we dump it in chlorine, we over heat it, we freeze it…I can go on and on.  Our bodies deserve more respect and for us to pay more attention to the messages from it.  No?

I hope this opened your eyes a little more, and I hope at least one person who reads this will make some life style changes to honor the temple your soul is living in on planet Earth.

I would love to hear your thoughts or educate me if there is something you know that I haven’t discovered.

Buy the book now – Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing

By |2021-04-30T08:33:22+00:00March 8, 2020|HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on THIS WILL MAKE YOU THINK! Are blood tests accurate?
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