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Dangers of Color Therapy

Caution and Contraindications

Color therapy is one of the most ancient healing therapies. When used wisely and respectfully, it can help harness the energy of the sun’s light to boost your body’s natural healing ability. However, it’s important to understand that while colors can heal, they can also harm.  Red light increases blood pressure and blue decreases it, even when the subject is blindfold. (Maybe that’s why we get so irritated waiting for a red light to turn green?!)

Other Uses of Color

    • Research shows that when gray industrial machines were painted orange, the morale of factory workers improved
    • Black bridges painted green reduced suicide jumpers significantly
    • In hospitals, oranges and yellows were proved to help patients get well faster
    • In sports, blue-painted dressing rooms are regarded as conducive for resting, while red-painted rooms are considered best for “fight” talks.

NOTE: Some organizations paint the opposing teams’ dressing rooms blue, to give the home team the advantage!

Fast food restaurants use stimulating colors such as reds and yellows, as these are known to speed up eating. Yellow also has a stimulating effect on the appetite, thereby encouraging people to eat more.

Using colored light bulbs for short periods of time, covering your body in colored silks, or wearing colored clothing are helpful when you need an emotional or psychological boost. But if you’re seeking treatment for specific physical symptoms, it is recommended you consult a certified color therapist or qualified practitioner.

Below is a fun chart, taken from the book The Ancient Art of Color Therapy by Linda Clark, which shows a sample of how color can replenish minerals for your body. It makes me wonder how many of us take supplements that are not easily absorbed, or properly utilized by our individual body types. In cases like these, we would either be wasting our money, or making our kidneys and liver work harder to process them. Wouldn‘t it be cool if choosing different colored clothes and accessories, or eating different colored foods could help to replenish our bodies of specific vitamin or mineral deficiencies?

One final point to note for those who choose to wear black a lot—it is not helping your body.  Black creates disease so consider switching up the colors of your wardrobe.

From the book, Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing – BUY NOW

By |2021-04-30T05:01:15+00:00March 5, 2020|HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT|Comments Off on Dangers of Color Therapy

Frequency of Love Music!

This is a one of a kind piece of music that was recorded with LOVE!   Literally…once you read how we made it, you will see why I am so excited and how powerful it is.  I have listened to it in the Harmonic Egg and it’s the most powerful session I have experienced to-date.

Frequency of Love –

Original music for promoting tenderness, loving-kindness, gratitude, relaxation, healing and wellbeing.

Music composed by Yuval Ron

Marcia Dickstein – Harp soloist

Heart Sutra String Ensemble

Whales and Dolphins calls recorded in Pacific Ocean

Whale and Dolphins sound editing: Sky Shin and Abigail Shelton

“I Love you” recordings transcribed by: Pei-Hua “Cynthia” Lin

Score and parts preparation: Yueh-Yun (Sandy) Chen

Assistant engineer: Abigail Shelton


Color Intentions: Pink and Yellow.  Could also use Turquoise or Green


“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


“That which is bright rises twice: The image of FIRE. Thus the great man, by perpetuating this brightness, illumines the four quarters of the world.”

Yi-jing, Hexagram 30  


“Love is that state of mind in which the consciousness of the lover is merged in that of the object of his love; it produces in the lover all the attributes of humanity, such as resignation, renunciation, humility, kindness, contentment, patience, virtue, calmness, gentleness, charity, faithfulness, bravery, by which the devotee becomes harmonized with the Absolute.”

Hazrat Inayat Khan


“If we only knew love, healing would be easy.”

Gail Lynn

Frequency of Love was created for the Harmonic Egg. https://harmonicegg.com/store

(c) Yuval Ron (ASCAP)

(p) Metta Mindfulness Music (ASCAP)

Original score was composed based on the sound vibrations of the words “I love you.”

People from around the world, recorded this expression of love, while they were meditating on and in dedication to a beloved being or place.   More than 30 people speaking in 18 different languages were included in the pre-production research, and in the recordings and transcription into musical notes. The languages used in the recordings were Cantonese, Mandarin, English, French, Indonesian, Korean, Portuguese, Thai, Turkish, Norwegian, Polish, Italian, Farsi, Finnish, Hebrew, Burmese, Mongolian, and Armenian. The final score includes the musical notes from the English, French, Korean, Thai, Farsi, and Armenian recordings. There are no voices or voice recording on this album, but the sound vibrations of the words “ I Love You” in all the beautiful languages.

Frequency of Love includes a sustained pedal tone of A (water element), 440Hz

From the work of Ani Williams: The Tone of A helps replenishes Iron and Manganese as its atomic weight correlates to the A tone. The A tone works with Eyes, Ears, Pituitary Gland, Endocrine system, joints and help the body utilize minerals. The A tone helps with people who lack motivation, have trust issues and have a creative block.

Mantra is Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhi

Fun fact from Yuval:

“Our harp and string ensemble for Frequency of Love are placed in the sacred space of famed Chartes Cathedral in France, and so you are hearing it as if you would have heard this music performed live at Chartes Cathedral
while you are seating in the first row!”

For more info: https://www.harmonicegg.com/frequencyoflove

By |2021-04-30T08:09:44+00:00March 5, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Frequency of Love Music!

Electronic Device Usage Linked to Thyroid Issues

These days most everyone is attached to some electronic device almost 24/7, even when they are sleeping. Yes, it is convenient in some ways but it is negatively affecting our health. This has to do with the EMF’s that are emitted from these pieces of technology and the way they interact with our being (tissues, organs, cells, DNA, etc). It’s almost impossible to walk into a room without being directly exposed to EMF’s. Some examples of items that emit electromagnetic fields are computers, refrigerators, cell phones, televisions, microwaves, etc. The list goes on and on. There are many studies that link cell phone radiation exposure to DNA damage. This is significant because one way that cancer and various diseases are believed to develop is when the DNA in a cell are damaged.

We are so distracted by technology and it’s so out of balance with nature and our brains. Nature has one rule and it wants symmetry. With the Age of Technology we have gotten out of symmetry with nature.  We are overstimulated by electronics and thus the body is compromised, not in a good way.

Increasing evidence shows that EMF exposure can damage the Thyroid. The point of this writing is the Thyroid, but all our organs are effected.  A 2004 human study found changes with thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in those who were exposed to over 33 hours per month of cell phone use. A 2005 animal study showed that exposure to EMF 30 minutes per day, five days per week, for four weeks showed suppressed TSH and T4 and T3 levels. Another 2005 animal study showed that extremely low frequency EMF exposure shortly after birth for 7 hours per day, five days per weeks for three months caused significant inflammatory changes to mast cells within the thyroid gland. Mast cells release histamine and are related to many health concerns including autoimmune disorders. Researchers have found a significant correlation between total radiation exposure and an increase in TSH levels regardless of family or personal history of thyroid dysfunction.

Because children and adolescents will experience more exposure throughout their lives, they are at a higher risk. But don’t worry, there are ways to reduce how much we are exposed. You can first start by not keeping your cell phone with you at all times and by turning it on airplane mode when you aren’t using it or leaving it in the other room. Choose to text instead of calling, use speakerphone when possible, unplug appliances at night, avoid having your bed on the same side of the wall as the television in the next room, and keep devices at least 8 feet away from your head when sleeping.

It has been proven that increased exposure to EMF has a direct and significant relation to increased stress, depression, and anxiety. At the Life Center we use a technology called the Harmonic Egg. The Harmonic Egg uses sound, light, vibration, and frequency for healing. The sacred geometric resonant chamber allows the person to reach the delta-theta brain waves to come into a state of deep relaxation, and assist the body’s natural healing abilities.  The Harmonic Egg is helping alleviate stress and bring balance back to the clients.  Once balance can be restored we believe the body can heal itself.  That’s the simple explanation.  To learn more, you can visit Life Center and Harmonic Egg website.



By |2021-04-30T08:28:57+00:00March 3, 2020|HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT|Comments Off on Electronic Device Usage Linked to Thyroid Issues

Wearing Sunglasses compromises your Immune System

This is something I have been studying for awhile now.  I don’t buy into all the conspiracy theories out there with the 5G and Corona virus and I am NOT living in fear or wasting much time feeding my soul with the media crap they are putting out there….however, I am doing things to support my immune system and one is not wearing sunglasses.  I have not worn my sunglasses for a few months now.  I didn’t think I could do it.  My story was my eyes are lighter in color (greenish blue) and I need sunglasses.  Guess what?  I got used to not wearing them after a few weeks.  It’s fantastic!  Now when I put them on it’s uncomfortable.  True story.

If you are into conspiracy theories, consider that the sunglasses craze and COOLNESS of sunglasses was a conspiracy to make us sick?  Read about all the benefits from NOT wearing sunglasses.  You be the judge.

Here are some articles to back up my findings.



I also wrote about the benefits of sunlight in my book, Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing.


By |2021-04-27T09:00:18+00:00March 3, 2020|HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT|Comments Off on Wearing Sunglasses compromises your Immune System

Alzheimer’s can be an imbalance in the Crown Chakra!

Alzheimer’s can be an imbalance in the Crown Chakra!

Violet is a “cooler” color, so it has a soothing and calming effect. It enhances our sense of self as a spiritual being with feelings of compassion and creativity. Like purple, and its related shades, lilac, and lavender, violet is connected with spirituality, and is therefore associated with perception, higher consciousness, intuition, and insight. It is also associated with creativity, beauty, inspiration, selflessness, generosity, and enhanced artistic ability.

Violet is specific to the crown chakra, so it is linked with the cerebral and nervous systems and mental functions. It is useful to help with imbalances in the pineal and the pituitary glands.

Imbalances in the crown chakra can manifest as depression, Alzheimer’s, mental illness, learning disabilities, epilepsy, poor sleep habits, ALS, AIDS and more.

Positive Benefits

  • Alleviates melancholy, hysteria, delusions and alcohol addiction
  • Slows down an over-active heart
  • Reduces eye inflammation
  • Stimulates the spleen and the white blood cells (immunity)
  • Soothes mental and emotional stress
  • Helps in detoxification
  • Induces sleep

Using Harmonic Egg can bring the chakras into balance.  https://www.harmonicegg.com

TO READ MORE, or learn about the other colors – ORDER NOW

By |2021-04-29T08:48:12+00:00March 1, 2020|HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Alzheimer’s can be an imbalance in the Crown Chakra!

Brain tumors can be an imbalance in the 3rd Eye Chakra!

Brain tumors can be an imbalance in the 3rd Eye Chakra!

Indigo is considered a “cold” color, and as a result, can be used in all conditions involving heat in the body. It enhances serenity, stillness, understanding, wisdom, devotion, imagination, awareness, intuition, accurate perception, courage, and higher intuition. Indigo has a relaxing effect on the mind and body.

Indigo is specific to the brow, or “third eye” chakra. Thus it is helpful with imbalances in the pineal and the pituitary glands, the sinuses, eyes, ears, and nose, and also with learning disabilities. The energetic qualities that indigo brings through the third eye chakra will help you develop your spiritual perception, gain trust in your intuition and insights, and enhance your clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient abilities.

Imbalances in the 3rd Eye Chakra can manifest as migraines, eye disorders, wandering eye, cross-eyed, mother issues, brain tumor and more.

Positive Benefits

  • Helps reduce a rapid heart rate
  • Is an excellent purifier of the bloodstream
  • Benefits mental problems
  • Acts as a sedative
  • Relieves pain
  • Reduces swelling

Using Harmonic Egg can bring the chakras into balance.  https://www.harmonicegg.com

TO READ MORE, or learn about the other colors – ORDER NOW

By |2021-04-30T10:19:52+00:00February 29, 2020|GENERAL UPDATES, HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Brain tumors can be an imbalance in the 3rd Eye Chakra!

Allergies can be an imbalance in the Heart Chakra!

Allergies can be an imbalance in the Heart Chakra!

Green is known as the master color, or balancing color, as it is associated with the pituitary, which is the master gland. The most common color in nature, green is connected with energy, vitality, growth and renewal, hope, youth, and an enthusiasm for life. It promotes feelings of relaxation, restfulness, trust, comfort, contentment, harmony, and equilibrium. It is particularly beneficial for the heart, lungs, and circulatory system.

Green governs the heart chakra, the center of unselfish and unconditional love. It is a color that is said to flow from nature and the universe through the heart chakra, and with the power of love helps one to heal on the emotional and physical level.

Imbalances in the Heart Chakra can manifest as allergies,high blood pressure, respiratory problems, heart and lung problems, feeling heartbroken, breast cancer, immune disorders, thymus issues, fear of intimacy, low vital energy, adrenal fatigue.

Positive Benefits:

  • Facilitates peace, love, and harmony (helps with forgiveness)
  • Enhances rest, relaxation, calmness, and stress reduction
  • Can assist in balancing the hormones
  • Increases immunity
  • Builds up muscles, bones, and tissues
  • Strengthens the nervous system
  • Helps to eliminate ulcers
  • Infertility

Green Should Be Avoided When:

  • Excessive use can cause headaches

Using Harmonic Egg can bring the chakras into balance.  https://www.harmonicegg.com

By |2021-04-29T08:46:55+00:00February 27, 2020|HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Allergies can be an imbalance in the Heart Chakra!

Sugar Cravings and Eating Disorders could be a Sacral Chakra Imbalance!

Sugar Cravings and Eating Disorders could be a Sacral Chakra Imbalance!

Orange is the color of sensuality, passion, and joy. It enhances mental and physical energy, stimulates creativity, and is used to help balance problems with the kidneys, large and small intestines, lower spine and sacroiliac joints. Orange is associated with resourcefulness, confidence, success, and sociability. And it is said to help remove inhibitions and encourage enjoyable relationships.

Orange governs the spleen chakra, which is also known as the sacral chakra. It is the seat of our creativity and allows us to enjoy the sensual pleasures in life.

Imbalances in the sacral chakra can manifest as constipation, sugar cravings, eating disorders, frustration, shame or guilt, low back pain, father issues

Positive Benefits

  • Alleviates depression
  • Eases chronic fear
  • Improves social confidence
  • Joyfulness
  • Builds and stimulates liver function
  • Stimulates creative thinking and enthusiasm
  • Relieves muscle cramps and spasms
  • Stimulates the thyroid and stomach
  • Helps heal bruises

Using Harmonic Egg can bring the chakras into balance.  https://www.harmonicegg.com

Read more in Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing.

By |2021-04-29T09:03:27+00:00February 25, 2020|HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Sugar Cravings and Eating Disorders could be a Sacral Chakra Imbalance!

Addiction can be an imbalance in the Root Chakra!

Addiction can be an imbalance in the Root Chakra!

The color red has the most extended length in the visible spectrum and the lowest rate of vibration. It is known as the “Great Energizer.”

Red can be dangerous…can excite a virus or cancer…beware when using red light therapy.

Red relates to the root chakra and sex organs. Its function is to connect us to our roots, to ground us, and provide a firm foundation to all other energy centers in our body.

Imbalances in the Root Chakra can manifest as physical and sexual abuse, pain, inflammation especially in the tailbone, abandonment, alcohol addiction.

Positive Benefits
• Increases circulation/energy
• Helps alleviate rheumatoid arthritis
• Stimulates sluggish intestines
• Generates body heat (increases blood pressure)
• Stimulates ovulation and menstruation
• Is excellent for anemia and blood-related conditions
• Heals cold burns (frost, x-rays, UV)

Red Should Be Avoided When:
• With any condition that should not be stimulated
• High blood pressure
• When experiencing anger or overly excited
• When fever is present
• Autism
• If you have red hair, use the color red with caution

Using Harmonic Egg can bring the chakras into balance.  https://www.harmonicegg.com

TO READ MORE, or learn about the other colors – ORDER NOW


By |2021-04-30T05:15:47+00:00February 25, 2020|HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Addiction can be an imbalance in the Root Chakra!

Study Says We Find Comfort in Listening to the Same Song Repeatedly

Study Says We Find Comfort in Listening to the Same Song Repeatedly

Clients actually request to be put on the same songs they experienced bliss or had a great result in the Harmonic Egg.  Each time you enter the Harmonic Egg you are different than the last.  It’s not a bad thing to keep listening to the same selection, especially if you are benefiting from the instruments and melody of that song.

In my book Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing, I discuss the use of different instruments and how each instrument can relieve different ailments.  I also provide a list of colors in the appendix so you can use color in your everyday life for healing ailments.

By |2021-04-30T04:34:50+00:00February 24, 2020|HEALTH, SOUND + LIGHT, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL|Comments Off on Study Says We Find Comfort in Listening to the Same Song Repeatedly
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