Alzheimer’s can be an imbalance in the Crown Chakra!

Violet is a “cooler” color, so it has a soothing and calming effect. It enhances our sense of self as a spiritual being with feelings of compassion and creativity. Like purple, and its related shades, lilac, and lavender, violet is connected with spirituality, and is therefore associated with perception, higher consciousness, intuition, and insight. It is also associated with creativity, beauty, inspiration, selflessness, generosity, and enhanced artistic ability.

Violet is specific to the crown chakra, so it is linked with the cerebral and nervous systems and mental functions. It is useful to help with imbalances in the pineal and the pituitary glands.

Imbalances in the crown chakra can manifest as depression, Alzheimer’s, mental illness, learning disabilities, epilepsy, poor sleep habits, ALS, AIDS and more.

Positive Benefits

  • Alleviates melancholy, hysteria, delusions and alcohol addiction
  • Slows down an over-active heart
  • Reduces eye inflammation
  • Stimulates the spleen and the white blood cells (immunity)
  • Soothes mental and emotional stress
  • Helps in detoxification
  • Induces sleep

Using Harmonic Egg can bring the chakras into balance.

TO READ MORE, or learn about the other colors – ORDER NOW