Light Box to Harmonic Egg

Many have asked what the light box / Harmonic Egg has done for me and how I came to open my own center.

I first saw the light box in October, 2001. Now that I am here and we have been open almost 9 years I can look back and see how the journey unfolded and why timing is everything and this moment in time is exactly perfect!

I started using the light box in January 2007. I really didn’t think I had any health problems and all the things I was dealing with were normal or I was just born with it.  I do not have asthma anymore (had it since birth), my eyesight has improved and I no longer need to wear glasses (started wearing glasses at age 19), my digestive system works better, my hair is not falling out, my TMJ is gone, my cystic acne has all but cleared (thank God since I am 48!), no more insomnia (and I can breathe through my nose now), my broken left ankle (from 2006) and the torn ligaments (from 1996) in the right ankle no longer cause me pain when the weather changes or when I kneel and sit and I have more flexibility in both of them, my migraines of 23 years have been gone now for 5 years AND maybe it’s in my genes but I do not look my age at all…some have claimed there is an anti-aging component to the technology. I continue to use the technology as often as needed.  Each time I emerge with more clarity of mind, more focus, heightened senses, better intuition and feeling in the FLOW…

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My Story:

In 1997 I left Michigan, where I was raised and worked in Automotive for almost 10 years.  I moved to Texas to build an International consulting firm with a man who was literally a rocket scientist and a genius. He left NASA and started to work as an independent consultant in Telecommunications. He asked me to come to Texas and help him grow the business. We grew it to 26 employees and over $1 million in sales for 3 consecutive years. The mistake: We got married and then divorced and I left him the business and started out on my own. The 5 years we spent together were great and I learned a lot from him. He was into wellness and healing and I took an interest and have been studying advanced wellness for all these years. It was a hobby and way of life for me. I used to think to myself, “how could I make this a J.O.B.”, but thought it was out of reach for me.

In 2001 I was in Los Angeles at a conference where I met the inventor of The Light Box. I was intrigued by what I heard from him and followed his progress for many years. I even had the privilege to meet little “David” who you may see in a video testimonial on the Internet.  He had a huge influence in why I am running a center today. When you meet a boy who was sent home from the Mayo Clinic never to walk or talk in his life…and he’s walking and talking, because of The Light Box, you start to wonder how life could be different for more people and how YOU can make a difference in this world with one technology. Admittedly, I was scared and comfy in my executive positions doing what I knew in Corporate America. I think we can all relate about fear of stepping into the unknown.

In 2003 I was asked by another business owner (David Stanley, step-brother to the late Elvis Presley) to help him grow his production company. Together he and I brought his story to the big screen. The DVD Protecting the King is available in most video outlets, Netflix, Amazon, etc. That was 7 years of my life!

Early January, 2007 was my first trip to Cottonwood, AZ to receive sessions in The Light Box. I was soooo excited after all I had heard and seen and I was going to actually be able to experience it myself. I went there with David Stanley. He and I stayed for 3 days to get the 4 sessions. This is what I actually sent to all my curious friends in January, 2007. Don’t ask me why I saved this…it’s truly was in my draft email folder for over 3 years!  What you are about to read was my understanding from a first timer using The Light Box. I read it and laugh at my terminology and how I explained it. Today, I am much more educated on why / how it works and was mentored by the light box inventor, for 7 years!  Plus, studying ancient technologies of healing via sound and light, how music influences our lives and body, studying the anatomy, sacred geometry, learning about Eastern medicine, working with doctors and other healers and having them as clients at the center.  I am blessed!

“Hi there everyone!

You all wanted to know about my experience in the light box. I just finished my sessions here in Cottonwood, AZ. It was fantastic. What they have told me is that healing happens for 4-6 weeks. The very hard part is drinking 128 oz. of water for the next 21 days. Apparently, the cells are healing and releasing toxins into the body and water is the only way to flush everything out. Normally you are supposed to drink about 64 oz per day. That’s easy, 128 is hard.

We had a total of 4, 1-hour sessions…

My first hour session in the light box  – entering a wood box on a pedestal with a mat / bed (somewhat like a coffin with more space – yikes!). There is a light overhead, rainbow painted in an insert the shape of a hexagon. There are six mirrors that reflect the bulb in each of them. They do not flash. The mattress seemed to have speakers underneath it and the music vibrated throughout your entire body.  You are lying on your back with your hands (palms down) by your side. The theory behind it was the stimulate the nerves in the spine, finger tips, etc.

My experience was my legs and arms kept twitching and jumping (involuntarily) and my back twitched and it felt like a wave of something down my spine. I was told it was energy blocks clearing. OK, cool !!! I am sure I needed that.

David was told he was in the top 10% of patients that detoxed the most. They can tell this by the smell in your room after 1-hour in the box. The technician came in and had to get the director because she could not believe how strong the metal smell was in the room. He smelled as if he was rolling around in coins the rest of the day. Yuck!! Apparently, he was toxic and the vessel allowed the metal toxicity to come out.

After the sessions we felt light-headed and both had slight headaches (which went away after downing a bunch of water). The rule is NO energy work, massages, etc. AND no working out for about 2 weeks. Supposedly to let your system settle into itself. As stated above, the cells will continue to heal for 4-6 weeks. They do suggest coming back in 3-4 weeks for another block of sessions.

Second day, morning visit was different music and I was restless and not ready to relax so early in the day. I had a slight headache and dizziness afterwards. Afternoon visit was interesting as I had some energy blocked in my left leg that twitched and jumped about every 5 minutes. It was strange. I do feel like I have lost weight from the sessions or all the water – not sure which one. Apparently, the body works pretty hard to heal the cells so weight loss is not uncommon.

David – well he was just plain worn out from the sessions on day 2.

Last day…the music was different again and seemed to concentrate on my lower body for the first 15-20 minutes. It worked up to the whole body after that. Not sure how / why that is. I asked a lot of questions, but I didn’t ask ALL my questions. 😉 We left for the airport in Phoenix right after the session.

Today is the morning after and I woke up feeling like I was hit by a MAC truck. Wow, this takes a lot out of you. I got up drank 25 oz of water and I felt great. The words to describe the difference in the way I feel are solid, clear, balanced and positive.

I am a bit of a skeptic, but it seems that the box really does something, or it could be the couple days of rest and ALL the water. All joking aside, there was something about it that was magical and it did something.

Well, those are my notes from the trip and experience. I plan to have more sessions in the near future (probably late March). AZ is WONDERFUL (and it’s where it all began), but the Phoenix airport is not very user friendly…those that have been there know what I am talking about.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Much love to everyone,


It’s absolutely hysterical to read this again. I remember it like it was yesterday. I don’t know why I saved this email for so many years. I guess I thought I might need it someday!

My friends that I sent this to asked me to send another follow up in a few weeks. This is what I sent out late January.

“So, since I have been home – there have been no cravings for sugar / chocolate and food seems to taste different. Colors are more vivid and I am more aware of my surroundings. I have an inner peace that is just incredible and I have even noticed people in stores are treating me different, friendlier. Don’t know how to explain it – maybe it’s the 128 oz. of water… I just seem to be more balanced and things that would have stressed me out are no big deal.”

As Paul Harvey would say, this is the “rest of the story”: In March of 2010 I was working a corporate job (consulting) and commuting back and forth to Dayton, OH every week. I hated it and so many things happened to show me I was not where I needed to be in life or in my career. I won’t go through the list, but the BIGGY was my dog ran away in February, 2010 from the place he was staying in / being babysat in Texas. This was pretty much the last straw. I flew back and forth AND drove back and forth to Texas to look for him for several weeks. I never found him.  It was one of the most devastating events in my life. I have no children and he was the closest thing I had to a child. I loved him so very much and my heart still hurts to think about what may have happened to him.  On the bright side, the Universe took away a 150 pound Great Pyrenees dog and gifted me with a 1,200 amazing horse!

In addition, I was fired from the job because I went to look for my dog and left the office.  I was unable to find another job for over a year and that ended with losing my home and having to file bankruptcy.  After a successful career of more than 20 years I was lost and didn’t know what to do.   The box was calling me back to Arizona so I decided to take a 2,500 mile road trip that included a trip to Cottonwood, AZ. I knew when I left the driveway my life would be different when I came back…I just didn’t know how. I have always been a supporter and in 2007 when I first moved to Denver there was a group trying to open a center but they were unable to get the funding so it did not happen. I was disappointed when it didn’t happen and had a desire to open one, but never believed I could actually do it. Upon coming home from the 2,500 mile road trip I ran into a woman I had not seen for a long time and started telling her about my trip to AZ. She said, “why don’t we have one here?” That statement changed my life! It was at that moment I knew what I had to do…this was around April, 2010. I opened Life Center on October 20, 2010.

Fast forward to late 2014, the inventor of the light box delivered another version of his technology to Life Center and I can’t exactly tell you all the changes that have taken place in my mind, body and spirit from this new and very different technology.  I can tell you that this technology incorporated a horizontal semi-360-degree resonant chamber that uses sound, light, vibrations and frequencies together in a way to more deeply reinforce the natural healing ability of the human body. This natural healing ability is enhanced because the cells in the body are reset, rebalanced and reprogrammed back to their pure (healthy) energy frequencies.

Clients who have now used both the light box and the other technology, have told us that the second version worked faster and increased their healing ability much more. The good news is that Life Center is not just for sick people, it is also for people who want to use it as a preventative maintenance tool in their own health care regime.

Since 2016 we are using the next generation of sound and light technology here at Life Center.  It’s called the Harmonic Egg and it’s a true 360-degree immersive healing experience (in the shape of an egg).  You are in a reclined position (chair) and the sound resonates in it’s holographic-like micro-environment. Instead of hearing the sound from a speaker, you hear it in what I think is its natural broadcast. However, there are speakers in there to give it the ability to do this.

In 2018, we brought in a new Harmonic Egg design to immerse animals / pets with their humans and this has been an amazing creation.  The animals / pets are having profound healing and holding the results.  You can read more on the website under testimonials (  One of the doctors we work with said this, “animals only know love and if we, as humans, only knew love we could heal as fast as they do.”

My life has changed more profoundly since the Harmonic Egg.  I am having more vivid dreams, I am more intuitive, things are flowing even more than they flowed with the box, I am happier, healthier and have noticed more peace and harmony in all aspects of my life. 

In 2019 we created 6 Harmonic Egg Wellness Tracks just for the architecture of the Harmonic Egg.  The Tracks are titled, Boost Immunity, Heavy Metal Detox, Liver Remedy, Reduce Inflammation, Stress Less and Kid’s Sanctuary.   The harmonic immersive programs resonate the body’s energetic system and together with the immersive experience in the egg, create a significant opportunity for transformation and deep healing to occur at the root causal level.  The Harmonic Egg Wellness Tracks are also available to the public for purchase and home use. (

These programs do not “cure” anything. They resonate and “tune” the body and the mind, open the energetic channels and release the body’s vital force, its natural healing energy, creating the opportunity for the body mind to heal itself.

Secondarily, the programs bring the energetic into alignment by resonating the body mind with specific key signatures and frequencies. When these are received by the client, their energy, their presence seriously enhances the body’s ability to heal.

Third, the immersive experience is a vibrational sound “bath.” This is facilitated through the conscious (intentional) composing and then mixing and mastering process. Our programs surround the client with beautiful harmony and sound, a multidimensional experience that facilitates the body’s natural healing process to the highest level. These notions of creating the conditions for the body mind to “heal itself” is the whole deal….this is the primary intention.

I am excited for all of you to experience the greatness of the Life Center and encourage you to browse the website ( to learn more about it. Feel free to contact me with any questions. I am available to serve you in your journey to a healthy YOU.  We are getting more and more interest from people and doctors to purchase the Harmonic Egg.   If you are interested in finding out how to purchase a Harmonic Egg, please contact us at 303-630-9218 or visit