Intentionally Living and
the Harmonic Egg

As we say goodbye to 2020 and welcome in 2021, it’s time again to think about what we want for our lives and who we want to be. New Year’s Eve typically finds many of us journaling about our resolutions…we promise ourselves that we will lose that stubborn ten pounds, hit the weights at the gym, eat healthier, write a book, start a business or find better job so that we can make more money. It seems to me that resolutions often fail because, in writing them, we are anchoring into our subconscious the idea that we are broken or not enough.  Resolutions don’t work because, underneath it all, what we ask for only reinforces that we don’t have it because we are lacking in some way.

At the Harmonic Egg, we offer a different path. Rethink setting resolutions and rid yourself of limiting beliefs that you are not enough. Our invitation to you, on this horizon of a new decade, is to see yourself as perfect. Stop letting the media, advertisers, and judgmental individuals tell you who you are supposed to be.  Stop allowing others to override your boundaries with their own perceived imperfections and realize that your life has value, and your very consciousness is precious. You are alive, and you have the ability to express your uniqueness to the world in a beautiful way.

The way to unfold your life is through intention and presence. Intend to be present to your life, a loving witness who is excited to see how you decide to create your reality. Intention is the key…that quiet, powerful voice that speaks all that manifests into your reality. Intend to be the most perfect “you”, and playfully explore what is already there…you just need to intend to find it.

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We invite you to use the Harmonic Egg at Life Center in Westminster, CO as a lovely tool to help you focus and get clear on your intentions. Come soon, come often or come monthly as a member to set your intentions; integrate, re-evaluate and reset as you drive down the road of life.  Open the door to your soul’s journey into the next unfolding.  As you allow yourself to enter into deep relaxation in the Harmonic Egg, you anchor the message to yourself that you are valuable, precious, cared for and loved.  Your cells welcome this message and it encourages them to heal, while your energy field vibrates to a new reality.  Endless possibilities not previously seen by limiting beliefs and doubts can be revealed; all that is yours by divine right is within reach.  As fresh ideas enter your mind, it is important to act on them to allow them a chance to manifest. Show the Universe you really want it.  Take action toward your perfect life!  You build the bridge as you walk across it…speak, then step. The stones piece together as you speak your intention and hold your faith.

“If You Never Try You’ll Never Know” ~Coldplay song lyrics 

Make this year the year of your unfolding. Explore who you are by giving yourself permission to know unconditional love. Bring your intention, and presence, to the Harmonic Egg and let us be there for you. We are excited to see you, and who you will become.  We have watched so many clients and monthly members grow and change over the years, we hope you will join us in supporting your intention for 2021!