Many locations are already open, or are opening soon in cities around the world.  The Harmonic Egg is a sacred geometric chamber used to manifest health and wellness.  It’s non-invasive, no-touch and it uses sound and light in a consistent and repeatable technology.  To read more you can purchase the book, Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing here.

To learn more about purchasing a Harmonic Egg please send your city, state, or country information for pricing and details.

Below are a few testimonials from current center owners.

“The Harmonic Egg is a true gift! Every day I watch my clients experience powerful shifts and transformations. This satisfying business adds purpose and passion to my life. As the developer of this wonderful modality, Gail offers great support and is always wiling and able to answer any of the Center owner’s questions.”

“The Harmonic Egg was recommended to me by a friend who told me to try it for grief and depression over my divorce.  After experiencing the life altering changes it made in my life, I knew instantly I wanted to open my own center and gift this modality to the St Charles/St Louis Community. ”

“First let me say, Gail Lynn is the best! Her calm confidence is astounding and her sixth sense even better! She is dialed-in to what you are thinking, what you need, and how to help or guide you into that realm, without astutely telling you, and sometimes without you even knowing! I am proud owner of the #13 Harmonic Egg, Lucky 13! The first time I saw the Harmonic Egg, 2019, I knew I had to have one! It was a pull to go get it, and the first time I experienced it only confirmed what I already knew, I had to have it! The peace that comes over when you have a session is indescribable! Within a few sessions I was relieved of inflammation and anxiety around driving. After adding Silver 500 to my sessions, and continuing in my own Harmonic Egg with sessions, I was able to balance my hormones and alleviate almost all of my ‘autoimmune’ issues and concerns. In addition, the Harmonic Egg has given my son, with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a great deal of help, support and healing in the right direction!

I would have to say that I am a very proud Harmonic Egg owner, as I wish I could just sleep in the Harmonic Egg every night! I faithfully attend my own session every 5-7 days and believe in the therapeutic aspects and beyond….I am also proud to be part of Gail’s ‘Egg Family’ and I thoroughly enjoy the owner meetings she conducts. The support and guidance that we give and get from both, other owners and Gail is amazing. Gail trains us, is there for us most hours of the day and is willing to help, guide, give advice, etc as much as she possibly can. Gail is very open and honest and easy to talk to and with! Gail is like a sister you can look up to and feel confident in walking along side of her. Gail is also a great inventor who is down to Earth enough to just say things how they are and allow you to do the same, in small groups and one-on-one calls! I am thrilled I contacted Gail, over one year ago and even more thrilled to have been able to get lucky Harmonic Egg #13.

Thank you Gail for being so open, so kind, so generous and for just being you! You’re the BEST!!!! Let if flow….

Proud Harmonic Egg Owner, #13 (Central Valley, CA.)”  ~Brooke Atwood, PhD, All About Me Healing and Wellness Center