Check it out…healing music, great read on sound and light therapies to help boost immunity and heal naturally.


I really enjoyed your book. The “read” flowed effortlessly and I loved how I could feel your energy and hear your voice in each sentence. I finished it in 2 days, which is UNHEARD of for me. I didn’t fall asleep reading once!  ~Jane Fisher

Wow… just wow Gail!! First of all, I am so in awe of your intelligence. All of the experiences that you’ve been through and the knowledge that you gained from it all. I just love how it all came down to healing for yourself and others. This was a great read! I enjoyed every bit of it. I have wanted to understand the “Harmonic Egg” better because of my experience in my sessions. I experienced such joy during and after my sessions. I came away with more clarity but also a lot of questions. I am now just plain inspired and really want to have a health center of my own. Thank you for staying the course and doing all the work and bringing this amazing technology to the world. I am grateful for your brilliance and for all the people that have been helped by you! I can’t wait to see what else you learn and discover.  ~Nancy Vickery

Long before antibiotics and other prescription drugs became the norm, there were amazing healing modalities used in olden times. In her new book, “Unlocking The Ancient Secrets To Healing”, Gail Lynn gives an overview of what these are. A gifted healer in her own right, Gail details her journey from dysfunction and disease to restoration and vibrancy. After many turns in the road, her brilliant mind and intuitive insights led her to create the “Harmonic Egg Chamber” which uses science, frequency, sound, light and vibration to change our cells and our emotions. This Spirit-led invitation is not accidental — it’s an opportunity to explore your possibilities for repairing and renewing at a deep energetic level. This book is a compelling read — a game-changer. Accept it, pursue it, be transformed by it! ~Jean Allord

Gail, I am having a hard time putting your book down. I want it to last. I am very impressed. I did not know you had went through all those life experiences. Learning about the egg now. ~Sandy Drews