The evidence so far suggests the following is taking place with sessions in the Harmonic Egg.

The Harmonic Egg (HE) data is supporting that it is delivering energy 40% more effectively to the body than the previous units.

We feel that due to the HE using a chair and not a pad that covers the music we are able to get more accurate “data” delivered to the body.  Also, the fact we are using CD quality music files and NOT compressed MP3 music files, we feel we are able to more effectively deliver energy to the body.

Q) Does the Harmonic Egg reduce stress on the body?

A) YES! It can reduce the stress hormone and provide deep relaxation down to a cellular level.

Q) Can the HE reduce free radicals which damage and age us?

A) Yes.

Q) Can HE reduce inflammatory markers in the blood?

A) Yes, over time.

Q) Will the HE assist in detoxing the body from toxins and heavy metals?

A) Yes, but individual needs to take liquids to flush out. The HE will help trigger the flow of the heavy metals and then the body needs some physical fluids to flush out of the body. Ex. Plain water, organic juices diluted in plain water, the Life Center electrolytes, water with fresh lemon, herbal tea, etc. Too much at one time can have negative effect. Having just come out of the egg, they are in touch with their body and their body will let them know what is best for them. This is very important to understand and to listen to your body.

“I noticed after my first session in the HE I could smell myself…the smell of metals.  It was the first time I have even smelled myself after any energy work/sessions.”  It makes sense because anytime the body is put in a state of deep relaxation it can heal (emotionally, physically AND environmentally).

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Q) Does the HE detox mold from the body?

A) The HE can trigger the human defense mechanism to help and support any complementary medicine or foods they need to address the mold. However, once the mold is gone, HE sessions can help the individual from getting mold again.

“I was exposed to BLACK mold for 3 years (unknowingly) and it did take about that long (3 years) to detox all of it.  I finally got it all out and do not get sensitive to slight mold exposure any longer.”

Q) Can HE help heal from physical injuries?

A) Yes. Although it cannot physically heal a broken bone, the HE helps accelerate the body’s healing system as well as decrease inflammation with support from other treatments (ie treatment for a broken bone from a doctor or hospital). As far as healing from other injuries, the HE will support / enhance complementary treatments.

Q) Will the HE create more endurance for athletes?

A) Yes. It strengthens the soul/body relationship so that they are more connected. Therefore, any type of positive thinking, visualizing will be recognized by the whole-body mechanism and the body and spirit/soul will reinforce each other. We had one client tell of exercising for 9 hours outside in the heat without tire. Others that know him at the “club” asked what he was on…he told them he wasn’t on anything, he had been IN the Harmonic Egg.  He passed out a lot of cards that day.

Q) How effective is HE with chronic pain?

A) It has been reported from others that it can relieve chronic pain up to 7.5 out of 10 (on its own without any other outside treatments). Note that this is a general answer. Some individuals could be relieved totally and others less than a 7.5.

Q) How effective can HE be for deep emotional healing?

A) There are several types of emotional healing and also depths of emotional healing. For example, Healing on a psychological/mind levelHealing on the heart levelHealing on the soul spirit level, etc.

The HE appears to be most effective for the psychological mind – which may not be so surprising because the psychological can consist mainly of false ideas, false assumptions about oneself, as well as just superficial triggers that cause anger, restlessness, etc…  In addition, it’s all connected!

In terms of the heart, many times one has to treat the more superficial psychological mindsets before the heart can begin to heal. If the psychological emotions are managed then the heart can heal.

Some modalities will cause the mind to “forget” and ignore the trauma in the heart but that does not mean it is gone. We work on all the levels of trauma to heal the body as a whole and not just the parts.

Q) Will the HE work to balance the chakras?

A) The HE will entrain the entire mind/body into a soothing place. Once the client is in that space, their Chakras will operate where they should, based on the individual’s present state of health. Therefore, the HE will offer an environment whereby the individual’s chakras will operate at their optimal while they are in the HE. It will take a few sessions for the chakras to reset permanently (everyone is different so we say 4-10 sessions is where you should start). Since the operation of the chakras are also dependent upon the mind/soul/heart/body state of the individual, the HE offers a holistic approach. It is important to remember that chakras run differently in different people – the HE is very useful on this level because it sort of synchronizes the entire human system to function at an optimal level in a holistic way.

Q) What are the differences between the previous units and the HE? Here are some metaphors written by a client.

1) It’s like the difference between middle school and a master’s degree program.  Both are education but one is much more focused and rewarding once it’s completed.
2) The old is like a large winding river while the egg has the strength of the ocean with the focus and determination of a high alpine stream.
3) The old makes suggestions on how to heal while the egg is that catalyst.

4) The old was a navigator using maps but no experience. The egg is a guide with loads of experience but no maps. (3D=map; 5D=experience)

Q) Can HE help with PTSD?

A) Yes, but if the individual is receiving outside psychological help, then the HE can have an even more powerful effect as they complement each other.

Q) Can the HE be safely used by babies and children?

A) Yes. A parent should go in so that the parent is also treated by the same sound/light and the baby can recognize it in the parent. Very good for bonding.

If the children are old enough let them intuitively want to go in. If they don’t feel like it, then it could produce negative effects.  There is a difference between them not wanting to because they would rather do something else or them not wanting to go in because it’s not the right time or energy for them.

We have children as young as 8 weeks use the chamber.

 For adolescents, the egg can be very powerful in aligning their energetic flow as they transition into adulthood.

 Q) Can pregnant women use the HE?

A) Yes.

Q) Will the HE work on the vagus nerve?

A) The Harmonic Egg will first work to “soothe” the vagus nerve. It will assist the vagus nerve to reset itself to be in synchronicity with the person’s other systems. The Harmonic Egg will help the vagus nerve “search” around for the best “frequency” or “energetic beat” that will help support the functions attributed to the vagus nerve. To be noted: as the person heals in the different areas it needs to heal, the vagus nerve will adjust its function to support its part. Therefore, it is important to note that there is no “right” way for the vagus nerve to function, or any correct type of measurement, as it will adjust to the person’s entire state of health. Example: if a person receives Harmonic Egg sessions for conditionX, the vagus nerve will also respond to the Harmonic Egg’s healing.

*Stimulating the vagus nerve and increasing vagal tone has been shown to help treat a wide variety of brain and mental health conditions, including:

  • Depression 
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Migraines 
  • Fibromyalgia 
  • Tinnitus 
  • Alcohol addiction 
  • Autism 
  • Bulimia nervosa
  • Personality disorders 
  • Heroin seeking behavior
  • Poor memory 
  • Mood disorders in the elderly 
  • Multiple sclerosis 
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder 
  • Severe mental diseases 
  • Traumatic brain injury 
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome


Q) Can the HE work to molecularly restructure the body?

A) Sound is vibrating matter with a frequency, so the emanating waves from a given source do force molecular movement within the source (the molecules in the strings on a guitar, for example, move when plucked). The HE is emanating waves from a given source.

Using a designed supramolecular nanofiber placed in a solution, a research team led by A. Tsuda at Kobe University demonstrated that the nanofiber aligned and moved in response to a harmony when exposed to frequencies up to 1000 Hz. This is the first time a molecular happening like this has been reported.

Q) Can HE help heal unhealthy cells?

A) In theory, yes, cells are fed and communicate through cellular ion channels. If cells are not healthy, channels may close or be obstructed.

Theory: Music / Sound vibrations can open up the channels and the cell gets fed and can communicate once again!

Q) What can we say about HE and Cancer?

A) Of course, no claims can be made in any modality or technology. Consider this…Cancer cells are more rigid and not flexible which is why they self-destroy because they cannot tolerate the disruption made by pure sound.

The HE is using pure sound to relax and soothe the client in the chamber.

Q) Does the HE support the Glia cells?

A) Yes, but it doesn’t appear to be able to regenerate them. They don’t seem to be very responsive to external type of energy.

It appears that Glial Cells are focused on internal neural communications versus anything external. Which is surprising because Glial cells are thought to consist 90% of the brain and astrocytes show an electrical potential like the neurons. Perhaps Glial cells are meant to regulate or interact within the internal network while neurons might react to external energies/frequencies. So, although the Harmonic Egg cannot regenerate the Glial cells, it can support the other functions that are implicated in the regeneration of Glial cells.

Q) Can the HE help the mitochondria?

A) Yes, it can affect the mitochondria. Genetically induced malfunctions of mitochondria will be more difficult. When working with non-genetic malfunctions the HE will be most effective.

Q) How effective is the HE at helping the body heal itself?

A) Very effective. In a healthy client, it’s more effective at helping and keeping it healthy. Which makes sense that an unhealthy client will need more time and assistance to get healthy, but then it can stay healthy.

Can we back this up?   Well, we have had clients indicate that they have had injuries / bruises and other wounds they feel have healed faster than normal after using HE. One person smashed their thumb nail quite badly and thought they would love the nail.  It ended up being a slight bruise under the nail after 4 weeks and 4 HE sessions.

Q) Does the HE work on a cellular level?

A) Yes.

“Using a Kirlian camera, Maman was able to document what happens to the energy fields of healthy human cells when exposed to a chromatic scale of sound frequencies. To his amazement he discovered that the color and shape of each cell and its subtle energy fields changed according to the pitch and timbre of each musical note. He also discovered that when the cell felt a ‘vibratory affinity’ with a certain note, the cell’s aura would transform into a mandala shape with vibrant colors of pinks and blues. Maman concluded this was the cell’s ‘fundamental note’, and if the person ‘tuned’ with it, harmony could be achieved within the cells, the energy field of the person and the outside world.” –

Q) How many sessions does one need in the HE?

A) Loaded question. Everyone is different, but you need more than 1. I am suggesting to people with any condition, whether it be allergies, Parkinson’s or other, be prepared to do 4-10 sessions in a short period of time.  Highly recommended is 1 session every 4 days for 4-10 sessions.  We are offering a package of 10 sessions of $1,080 (expires in 6 months) for those that want to commit to their evolution and healing.  Single sessions are $125.  The best way to do it would be to do 1 session every 4 days for a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 10 session and then give your body several weeks (probably 4 weeks) of rest to see where things level out.   That means to watch your diet during the sessions and during the rest period.  Listen to your body about doing other healing work.  Drink plenty of clean, pure water and replenish your vitamins and minerals with fruits, veggies and electrolytes.  We sell a great product at Life Center for $13.99 (15 packets) or $28.99 (70 serving canister).  Easy!

Q) How does HE work on anti-aging?

A) It aids in detoxing, increasing circulation and vibrationally harmonizing the body which then leads the body to begin rejuvenation at cellular level. The HE assists in increasing the circulation of any fluids and energy inside the human body, thus working in harmony with the detox/cleansing process. The increase of blood circulation appears to be positive for supporting the rejuvenation process at the cellular level. The actual “flow” energizes the cells to function at a higher level, calibrating more closely to the rate at a younger age.

Q) Will the HE reduce free radicals which damage and age us?

A) Yes, the HE expulses some free radicals and neutralizes others. The HE also makes the body/spirit healthier and therefore help the body repel toxins by itself. We want to empower the body to work naturally as effectively as it can.

Q) Does the HE help to get rid of viruses, bacteria and fungi in the body?

A) Indirectly. The HE does not superficially heal the immune system, but it goes deeper and treats what supports the immune system. The immune system is very complex and the HE goes to that complex depth. That’s why it is powerful. Some other types of healing machines/instruments might treat the surface and make the person feel better immediately but the effect does not last. With the HE, it might take longer only because it is going to the source of the issue. The egg can change a human’s vibrational frequency to a healthier level so the body can work more effectively and the person’s body will be better equipped to fight it off the next time it comes around. The stronger the entire human system is, the lower the risk of a virus being able to attack it.

Q) Does the Harmonic Egg effect the craniosacral rhythm?

A) The internal geometry of the egg effects the natural production and absorption of spinal fluid called the craniosacral rhythm.  The geometry creates a still point which is a temporary shutdown of this rhythm in the body.  The still point allows for the vibrations from the technology to profoundly affect the individual on a deeper level than would be accessible if the individual were to simply listen to the music being played.  Once the individual steps out of the technology, the craniosacral rhythm resumes its normal cycle with the new pattern being interlaced within it thus promoting healing.